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Posts posted by Canadianvisitor

  1. For every dead one you see at the Carrefour in Pattaya, one of his friends is gay.


    Sorry inside joke it was a vague attempt at humour that went horribly wrong,

    I must have been tired and can't believe I wrote that.

    Never mind.

  2. For every one rat you see there are usually ten.

    For every ten you see there are usually a hundred.

    For every dead one you see at the Carrefour in Pattaya, one of his friends is gay.

    Seriously, rats are not good, not a joke, bad rats, need a Pied Piper.

  3. 1) I would prefer a Thai bar to a British bar but I would also prefer a black eye to a bottle in the leg or that steel bar on the head.

    2) At first I thought the story might have come from Pattaya People until I saw the word "steal bar" - only crap papers or drunk bloggers make such mistakes.

    3) When Brits and Canadians get murdered the Bangkok Post and the Nation love to run the story - I wonder if they care so much about these Estonians!

    That being said, if a Canadian guy died from a cut from a bottle in a drunken bar brawl that HE started it sure wouldn't make the news here.

    And if it did, they would just say the fool got what he deserved being disrespectful in a foreign land Rest his Soul and all that.

    They guy died from being cut by a bottle in a bar brawl he started, I have seen worse here in Canada, I am sure everyone else has where they lived too. Death sells news, bar brawls don't sell much but more beer when the bottles all get broken.

  4. I am sorry the man died as I am if anyone dies.

    That being said, there are places where you don't pick fights,

    foreign countries being one of them.

    Foreign countries lined with strip clubs in seedy areas really being one of them.

    The strip clubs down the street from my house here in Canada also being one of them.

    It is also run by the mob pick a fight in there and you will end up in the Emergency room.

    The fact that people get away with murder in Thailand isn't really a secret.

    Doesn't make it right I know, but Thailand is not a first world country, if it was,

    there would be no go-go bars selling young girls.

    I learned very young not to pick fights on the wrong block,

    and I have learned that when I travel to abide by the laws of the land,

    not necessarily the written ones.

    Smile, nod your head, walk away, eat the dispair.

    I like to go to Pattaya, I have made good friends there.

    I like to go to walking street to the rock bar, I have never been interested

    in buying young women for sex.

    If some foreign guys came to my country just to screw and abuse the young women,

    I really wouldn't like them very much, and I sure as hel_l wouln't respect them.

    I do hope the death stops though, to me it paints the wrong picture of Thailand.

    I was a bit shaken by the shooting death of the Canadian guy in the north,

    this is quite a bit different in my opinion though.

    Never a dull moment though is there.

  5. Easy to find, just locate the tailor that makes the orange overalls and see where he delivered them.
    Well done Thailand - I'm sure the Yanks appreciate your support!!!! :o

    Well said! That you Muhammed?

    So after over 50 years of use, the polygraph is now discredited because game-show hosts in a couple of countries use it, then how about drugs ? Surely more humane than torture ?

    No, the polygraph is discredited because its often inconsistant, and easily cheatable. hel_l, you can go online and find instructions on how to pass one! Also, they are better suited to yes and no questions, not when trying to get detailed and truthful statements out of a suspect.

    CIA - "Tell us where Bin Laden is hiding!"

    Terrorist - "No"

    I think the use of non-lethal "torture" techniques to get life saving information is absolutly warranted in these situations. We aren't dealing with good people, so why treat them that way? If we locked them away, fed them gourmet food and gave them satellite TV's, it wouldn't change how they treat our captives (beatings, rapes, beheadings, etc...), so no point in trying to kill them with kindness. Beat the shit out out them until they crack.

    My goodness, some of the people here really are brainwashed by all the EU and US mainstream propaganda.

    Have no idea about the history of the CIA, history of the ME, no clue about so callled waterboarding and think all Muslims are (potential) terrorist and think all Christians are holier then the Pope.

    Anyway I am just wondering when those torture chambers in Thailand were build and who authorised that.

    Must be someone at a very high position but I am sure the dearly beloved would not have approved it.

    Do you know how to read? The rules on treatment of prisoners ONLY applies to soldiers who are part of a country's armed forces.

    Again: How convenient.

    Either way you can't possibly win this discussion, and I've read quite a bit of psycho extremist views here that make me think twice about quite a lot of posters who seemed reasonable people before.

    To spell it out: If they AREN'T part of a country's armed forces then this puts it in the realm of law enforcement. People who committed crimes should them be extradited and face trial.

    Where in the US constitution does it say that torture is sometimes okay in law enforcement?

    It DOESN'T. Anyone advocating this is an accomplice to undermining the US constitution and the very values they pretend to hold dear.

    If the terrorists capture US soldiers, they are killed. Got it?

    Interesting then that the US has supported and is supporting many groups they prefer to call 'freedom fighters'. But if they're on the other side then they're terrorists I guess.

    Mr. Bush belongs in The Hague, very clear and simple. Then he can pretend he 'didn't know'.

    Ahhh! I see we have another naive pinhead posting here:D Let me clue you in buckwheat, the U.S. Constitution ....allowed to freely practice their chosen religion.

    These postings I personally found quite entertaining in many ways.

    Torture doesn't work, the tortured will say anything to stop the pain, this is a proven fact.

    Iraq has nothing to do with Usama been Later,

    Remeber when George Senior and Bill Clinton were in Thailand,

    do you really think they were just popping in to chat about the Tsunami damage?

    Relate the Muslim fanatics in the south to the last sentence.

    There is a very close proximity between Thailand and Afghanistan/Pakistan.

    This is the real centre of all the trouble along with Saudi Arabia.

    Thailand will be compensated in some way for the real estate for the torture chambers,

    I just hope it is the US style of torture chamber not the Saddam Hussein type,

    because the Saddam Hussein type were really wrong!

    The US style of torture is much more light and refreshing!

    Sheesh! Well I am far too much a pacifist to be involved in this debate but it sure gives one

    reflection in what the world has come to in the last eight years.


  6. --/ BEGIN EMAIL---/


    From: Canadian Imm Office home (*********@doramail.com) No such thing as Canadian Immigration Office

    Add contact Add contact


    Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:03:13 PM NOBODY in the Canadian Government works after 4:30 pm let alone sending emails after 5:00 pm


    Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Government of Canada



    B] COPY OF YOUR AIR-TICKET BOOKING CONFIRMATION. There is no space after the B.


    Recently taken what and what is the timeline for "recently"?




    The word issued is spelled wrong and whole idea of this is ludicrous

    Passport booklet

    THIS IS A HOW YOU CAN SCAN IT, EXAMPLE----Identification page of the passport booklet

    There is no need for them to have ANY details of your passport, that is private confidential information and not required except when leaving or entering a country




    The is no colon : after Note:


    There is no such thing as an Immigration Bureau in Canada or a working permit



    No such thing as a ZONAL Coordinator not now or ever, no diplomat would ever fax personal information to a foreign country, and the word would be approval


    Best regards???????? Who???? a name , a title, anything???????, this is NOT real, period. If you are still not convinced I will get in touch with... hang on a second


    ----/END EMAIL----/

    I have asked the nursing home about the requirements and they said they will give it all to me and that I should not worry about the cost.

    Further, from the Canadian Government website...............................

    To apply for a work permit from outside Canada, you must submit the following documents:

    * a job offer from a Canadian employer

    * a completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and

    * written confirmation from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion.

    o In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.

    o In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.)

    You must also do the following:

    * Satisfy a visa officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.

    * Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.

    * Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Have a medical exam or criminal check done in the Quick Find section on the right-hand side of this page.)

    * Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.

    * Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)

    Some temporary foreign workers can have Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) start processing their work permit applications before a Canadian visa office has an approved labour market opinion. To find out more, see Concurrent processing:


  7. Hi and sorry someone has put you through this and used Canada as a target.

    Any website or email address connected with the Government of Canada ends in the suffix ".gov.ca ".

    Canadian Immigration does not work like that.

    The way it works is far far more complicated and the country is not looking for nursing home assistants

    so the job category does not warrant admission.

    Much like someone who would want to move to Thailand and get a landed immigrant status as a waiter, it just would not happen. We need doctors and certified trades here and even then their credentials are not recognised by the Government of Canada ntil they significantly upgrade their education.

    In Canada we have many Filipino nationals working in the health care industry in that capacity and they are required to jump through hoops and have Canadian sponsors here just to be able to apply.

    My cousin knows much more about this than as he married a Thai and it has been years and lots and lots of legal fees to

    get his marriage and living status to the point where his wife can get through the citizen process.

    The point being, if a Thai national moved into Canada why would they want to leave if they came here in the first place.

    Please, please, please don't dream this dream, it is not going to happen, I promise this is not the way it is done.

    And on top of that any communication from the Canadian government would not ever be done through a third party,

    and the short form "IMM" is not ever used let alone on any legal documentation, there is a standard to dictates that no acronyms or short forms are used in any way on a formal letter and there is NO Canadian Government letterhead that even looks like that.

    You are being taken advantage of and I for one will forward this to the RCMP if you like.

  8. On top of that you expect us to believe that in Canada there are no regional biases....

    Now we know you are from Ontario for sure eh? C'mon Jeff there are at least five Canadians contributing to this thread. What are you trying to defend?

    BTW, I think ThaiGene is one of them Canucks.

    An extraordinary thread which is beginning to tell us more about the range of prejudice among posters than perhaps anything else.

    I too was surprised by Drummond's correspondence to the newspaper. As far as I am aware he hasn't resorted to this tactic previously but then I suppose he hasn't encountered such poisonous drivel in the quantity that appears in this forum before and in penning his cri de coeur he was simply taking a swipe at the' expat resident ' redneck morons responsible.

    Also, I suspect the odd attack upon his integrity, as exampled by Battyman (sic) and his simpering acolytes, is motivated by a malice born out of inferiority that cannot be assuaged elsewhere.

    Just to emphasise the point, Drummond is a consummate professional riven with integrity and a compassion that raises him to a level many hacks can only aspire to. Anyone who knows him will attest to this and his reputation among his peers is deservedly high.

    The issue under debate now seems to have shifted from the obvious culpability of the wretched policeman to the character of the surviving victim in much the same way as a rape victim's morality is scrutinised in a feeble attempt to shift the focus of blame from the rapist and is just as unedyfying. I have not the appetite to counter this disgraceful argument since its proponents seem beyond any reason and can only tip my hat to messrs Arkady,Damian and Boo among others whose stamina in keeping the flag of commonsense flying is one of the few redeeming features of the thread.

  9. What kind of reporter would consider reporting the facts a mistake here in Thailand?

    A: An honest one


    As for the story about the Canadian guy's father and his lack of information from the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Ottawa, Canada, I'm hardly surprised. Probably none of them can speak English..they're all french aren't they - and they probably don't care what happend outside of Ontario and Quebec anyway - since it was just 'backpacker' from Alberta?

    Dear Friend,

    I am angered by your comments and would say nasty things about your character but what would that do?

    You should really only comment on the things you know about.

    You are a fool. And for that I feel sorry for you.

    A young man is dead, It sure sounds to me like a murder. Plain and simple.

    Please refrain from ignorant comments about something you know nothing about.

    I am from Ontario and there is NEVER a bad word spoken about anyone from ANY other province in this country,

    we are not like that.

    The fact that our government seems to have done nothing does not surprise me, I didn't vote for them.

    Other than that I would politely like to ask you to refrain from slandering anyone, Canadian or otherwise,

    from behind your computer screen.

    A young man is dead, his girl has been shot twice at point blank range and had a pretty mean punch to the face,

    one life is over, many other lives in their families have been ruined and changed forever.

    They were young people in love walking on a street in some far off land living their dreams, one shot dead,

    one shot twice by a drunk public official.

    Please do keep your political opinions to where they belong and have some respect for the dead

    and some decency in your comments.

    Enough said.



  10. It is all over the National News here in Canada, fodder for the morning rag papers I presume.

    Big maps of Thailand and google maps pinpointing Chiang Mai.

    The Thai people, (the real ones), influenced me and changed my life.

    And for that I am truly thankful.

    I am ashamed for the whole incident, it is a sad world and getting worse.

    I strangely enough somehow feel bad it was Canadians involved,

    even though it was an unprovoked attack.

    I am sure those 24 year old girls that dedicate themselves to caring for the

    mentally and physically handicapped get real violent all the time.

  11. By now the greater portion of Canadians are aware of this incident . If you listen closely you can hear the sound of thousands of hotel nights and airfares being canceled.

    Poppycock! All I hear are a bunch of hosers ordering up another round of "Blue", or up in BC the inhalation continues. As tragic as this story appears to be, it is a relatively isolated incident and will have little impact on tourism.

    I am sure thinking twice, it is a big big world.

  12. I have a three year diploma in Environmental Engineering from a very well respected Canadian College. The fields of study include Civil, Bio, Chem, Physics, Microbio, Ecology, etc.

    Personally, I consider myself a fantastic communicator, I am involved in teaching youth sports and have a knack for communicating with young people.

    I eventually wish to move to Thailand after my parents are gone but not until.

    I was hoping one could advise me on the best course of action.

    My dream is to teach however a career as TESL is not my goal.

    Please advise if you have any knowledge of the reality of the teaching market.


  13. I was in Pattaya for about three months.

    Got stung in the water, by a sea urchin they said.

    Was up to Chaing Rai and went into the hills to visit the

    people there.

    They made me a nice new bamboo hut to sleep in.

    Went for an afternoon nap and was woken up by a feeding frenzy of the little red ants.

    Swelled up pretty good.

    They were gracious hosts about it and fogged the hut immediately.

    Here is a tip from a Canuck who has battled the bugs in the forests of Ontario in the spring, they can drive moose to drown they get so bad, especially blackfly!.

    Two weeks black fly

    Four weeks mosquito

    two weeks deer fly

    and then one week Horse fly,

    in order one after the other bigger as they go.

    Get yourself some 99.9% DEET.

    Muskol if you can find it.

    Soak a cotton longsleeve shirt in about 2 to 3 ounces

    of the stuff and put it in a medium sized Ziplock back and zip it up.

    Do the same with a pair of socks with the toe end cut out.

    Put in the same ziplock bag.

    When the bugs come out, mosquito hour and the like.

    Usually when the sun drops from the sky.

    Remove from bag and wear the shirt, put the socks on

    above the ankle of your shoes.

    You could be in a halo of blackfly, nothing will bother you,

    especially the mosquito. Hope it helps for some. :o

  14. Go just go General. lock and load.

    I must admit I am a casual reader Thai Visa.

    I must also admit the hatred I feel toward the cowards who hide

    little bombs and kill innocent non combatants because they cannot

    get thier way.

    I hate George Bush and everything he stands for and Thailand taught me the true meaning of peace and acceptance and gentle voices.

    But if this General needs a mercinary I am all in.

    I'de just like to kill the criminals back, bastards.

    No doubt if it were an eye for an eye the whole world would be blind,

    but it seems quiet diplomacy and apology and gentle persuasion failed.

    As I said, these cowards are nothing more than low life murdering scum.

    They are not at war, they have no courage, they kill women and children and school teachers.

    Enough is enough.

    Sorry if I offended anyone there is something about bombing innocent

    people because you want your own country that doesn't cut the mustard with me.

    The Quebecois want the same thing here in Canada,

    but they just try to do it through the rules.

  15. I am getting really really angry at these Goons.

    Go pray to whoever the hel_l you like.

    These radical islamists need to be taken out.

    No offense to the Muslim population,

    They are the biggest threat to the World since Adolf Hitler.

    And they complain about the Yanks.

    And don't be quoting some book to justify murder.

    These cowards are the scum of the Earth.

    Either give them the land or wipe them out.

    Fence sitting is going to kill a lot of innocent people.

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