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Posts posted by Canadianvisitor

  1. The change in the weather patterns has everything to do with the ocean temperature.

    It is going to be a wild ride, I read an article just published that said that due to the retreat of Arctic

    ice in the Northwest passage, (north of the Canadian mainland) they have deduced the models of

    actual change could possibly now be thirty years too slow.

    So uh this 2050 turns into 2020 etcetera etcetera etcetera.

  2. Times must be tough for certain business interests. Sounds like someone is trying to round up all the competition and put them out of business. :o


    Darn right! All these upstarts going around acting like that 'God of War' chap. Getting rich while screwing up certain legitimate governments perceived right to control the market where these smaller insurrections take place so they can sell off their own surplus ordnance to finance the 'big game' where they roadtest all the newest toys.

    "Or was that a screenplay already?"

    Nah, it would never work!

  3. I am having a good laugh at the premise that global warming, climate change, etc. is actually being debated.

    It is very much like "The Earth is flat", the dummy who keeps trying to dispute it is probably some right wing

    freak with a computer and no political influence.

    It's kind of funny really, people are sort of saying "I vote right wing, therefore climate change is a lie"

    "Take me to your leader, you need tax cuts."

    "The Earth is flat"

    "Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and so does Iran."

    "The left all eat granola, and are all on welfare"

    The right wing must kill.

    There is no argument fool.

    The Earth is round, I've seen pictures!

  4. I just found this out now.

    Dossena delighted to seal Liverpool switch

    Andrea Dossena is delighted to have sealed his transfer to Liverpool Football Club.

    The Reds have paid £7million for the Udinese defender, and he will become the first Italian international to play for the Anfield club after agreeing a reported four-year contract.

    "He had his medical on Wednesday and we are just awaiting the formalities of that but we would think everything will be signed very shortly," Federico Pastorello told Sky Sports.

    "An agreement between the clubs was hard, but we all found it and everything is now ready. To have the chance to work with a coach like Rafa Benitez was something he could not turn down.

    "That was an important aspect of his decision and he cannot wait to get started."

  5. Furthermore, as Canadianvisitor pointed out, there is a whole load (far more than we have ever released to the atmosphere) of methane, and CO2, currently locked in permafrost. It's a timebomb.

    'Locked in permafrost'. Manmade? i don't think so.

    Probably a volcano that put out more co2 and other very poisonous gasses than man could make in a million years driving their cars and running their factories.

    Maybe we should stop breathing, it is a major contributor to co2. It is probably the chinese and indias faults. They are with to many people. Culling a few billion will restore the blance.

    I find it amusing that you forgot to include the combustion of hydrocarbon based fossil fuels in you astounding assessment.

    And also your scientific analysis that included the word "Probably"

    CO2 released to the atmosphere is caused by climate change. Not the other way around.

    If it gets warmer you will get more evaporation which leads to more snow, which leads to growing of the ice.

    It is just a cycle caused by the differences in the sun. Nothing we as a species can do about it.

    Taxing people for driving their car and heating their house will not change that. What it does is make certain people rich and industrialized countries as a whole more poor as their industrie has to pay dearly, while the biggest polluters (air quality , not global warming nonsense) make a killing. Bye bye US, UK, EU.

    And to be on topic again. Seas may rise, but land can also rise (The Alps are a good example). Depends on which tectonic plate. Go check the geografic specifics of Thailand and see why it might be true.

    In this angle you seem to be saying that the temperature will go up, (which is not caused by climate change) which will lead to more evaporation and I agree. Then you seem to say that there will be more snow because the temperature went up.

    I find this puzzling as I do the Alps rising, (that took a while actually).

    Many computer models leave out 'small' things like Spee mentioned. The computer power needed to include those is net yet available. I should know because computers are my business.

    As a good example of what is possible you should look to the predictions about the weather.

    Thailand would not be interesting because if you say that the next 5 days will be sunny with an occasional shower you are right for almost the whole year.

    In Europe (The netherlands specific) the weather forecast are still very inaccurate. On a wednesday they predict that saturday will be 28 celsius and sunny. Tursday it is 'calibrated' with new data and it is 24 degrees with occasional clouds by friday after a new calibration the forecast is 16 with thunder and rain.

    When you open the curtains on saturday yu see that it is occasional sunny with a little drizzel for an hour.

    That was a real observation from last week.

    Take that same computerpower or better a factor 1000 less because the al gore models were calculated on machines a few years ago. Make the timeperiod longer, leave out many small things that computerpower will not be able to calculate and you have a recipie for a very inaccurate calculation. The co2 effect was not a surprise result because the model was calculating the effect of c02 without considering many 'small' effects.

    What is clear now is that those 'small' effects cancel out most if not everything from those calculations.

    I mentioned co2 many times because that is the hoax. As another member mentioned the focus now very slowly goes to methane and it is not called global warming anymore but climate change. All 'signals' that the whole global warming hoax is falling down. Losing face is also in the west very difficult.

    Think about that chart for gore again, the one showing c02 levels compared to samples found in ice core from many many decades ago. Then think of how co2 would be trapped in ice? Wouldn't a hot climate melt ice and erase those 'records' from history. And would a cold period not be with less co2?

    Water levels are not like in your bath tub. If it was that easy we would have much better results with models representing the world. One way for scientist to get better results is to get their noses out of the computer screens and look out the window more. There is where the real world is.

    I not looked up the tectonic movements of Thailand but i do know that in the last 40 years the sealevel is lower for most of Thailand. Islands were never that much higher than the sealevels and erosion (also manmade) is the main cause that there is flooding. Some islands even sinks. Relatively it looks like the sea is rising, but in reality a few islands are sinking.

    The last measurments of sealevels show that seas are not rising. Why are many ignoring that FACT!

    Inconvenient facts?

    I should know because computers are my business.

    Seems to sum it all up right there.

  6. I don't know if this is old news but it is news to me. We are seven weeks removed from watching the Team go forward.

    Liverpool have confirmed that they will travel to Spain to face Villarreal in a pre-season friendly on Wednesday, July 30.

    The clash against Manuel Pellegrini's side, who finished second in La Liga behind champions Real Madrid, has been arranged under the terms of the deal that saw three times Golden Glove winner Pepe Reina move from El Madrigal to Anfield in the summer of 2005.

    The kick-off time for the friendly clash is still to be confirmed.

    We having a saying at our hockey games,

    "I can smell it, can't feel it or touch it yet boys, but I am definitely starting to smell it."


  7. Liverpool Football Club looking certain to sign a top Serie A star this summer.

    The Reds have been chasing Udinese left-back Andrea Dossena since the end of the season, and the Reds are on the verge of completing a £7million transfer for the 26-year-old.

    "Everything is confirmed and we have already exchanged documents via fax," said the Italian’s agent Federico Pastorello on Wednesday afternoon. "The deal is practically done."

    Dossena’s arrival is sure to signal the end of Norwegian international John Arne Riise’s time on Merseyside, with the former Monaco fullback being heavily linked with a move to Roma.

    Peter Crouch could hold the key to Liverpool Football Club’s pursuit of Gareth Barry.

    Rafael Benitez has been chasing the England international midfielder ever since the season ended, but he has received little encouragement from Martin O’Neill who understandably wants to keep his skipper.

    However, it is being reported that the Aston Villa boss will reluctantly let Barry move to Anfield if an offer of £8million is made – and former Villains striker Crouch is also thrown into the deal.

    The beanpole target-man has expressed his frustration at the lack of first team football he is receiving on Merseyside, and he could be tempted to join O’Neill’s improving Villa squad.

    Looks like we are getting ready to give Chelsea and Man U a good old fashioned ashh kickin'. I can't say that I mind.

  8. I shall look up that website and thanks. It was Gilette not Hicks in Montreal anyways not that it matters, enough about that. Good news on Barry, Anything to keep Gerrard happy should be done. From what I have read up on Barry it sounds almost too good as he would certainly improve, let's hope for it.

  9. Hicks did the Montreal Canadians well over here. I am not too well informed but he seems to be the man in there for the right reasons. He was on a talk show on our sports network and said he would not sell to anyone who wasn't in it for the sport first; the money second. This was the reason he would not talk to the Dubai group any longer. But then again, talk is cheap.

    no offence like, but i dont know whether to laugh or cry.

    Well don't cry that would only compound the matters for me. We do not get coverage over here. I am really relying on you and scouse mouse totune me up to reality. I will be the first to admit I haven't got any real information. Help. But don't cry. Laugh then, yes laaugh out loud, send info. I would do it for you.

  10. Hicks did the Montreal Canadians well over here. I am not too well informed but he seems to be the man in there for the right reasons. He was on a talk show on our sports network and said he would not sell to anyone who wasn't in it for the sport first; the money second. This was the reason he would not talk to the Dubai group any longer. But then again, talk is cheap.

  11. Great article and thank you. It is also good to see David Beckham being spoken highly of. Nice article, I am watching the headlines for all of the signing and transfer speculation. It seems Rafa is ready to make his move over the summer.

  12. Just for your information:

    If you really are thinking that global warming is still up to debate you are horribly misinformed.

    You mean they are not? What will happen then?

    There are millions and millions of tons of methane gas trapped in the peat of the permafrost of the arctic that are NOT figured into any of the global warming models, this will have a tremendous effect on the reactions that contribute to the catastrophic changes that await our fine little planet.

    Incorrect - the potential impacts of +ve feedback loops including permafrost melt and albedo affect have been considered by climate scientists stretching back 30 years or more and are in models. Just read some stuff by James Lovelock about what was understood back in the 70's and 80's.

    Scientists See New Global Warming Threat

    By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer

    Wednesday, September 6, 2006

    New research is raising concerns that global warming may be triggering a self-perpetuating climate time bomb trapped in once-frozen permafrost.

    As the Earth warms, greenhouse gases once stuck in the long-frozen soil are bubbling into the atmosphere in much larger amounts than previously anticipated, according to a study in Thursday's journal Nature.

    Methane trapped in a special type of permafrost is bubbling up at a rate five times faster than originally measured, the journal said.

    Scientists are fretting about a global warming vicious cycle that had not been part of their already gloomy climate forecasts: Warming already under way thaws permafrost, soil that had been continuously frozen for thousands of years.

    Thawed permafrost releases methane and carbon dioxide. Those gases reach the atmosphere and help trap heat on Earth in the greenhouse effect. The trapped heat thaws more permafrost, and so on.

    "The higher the temperature gets, the more permafrost we melt, the more tendency it is to become a more vicious cycle," said Chris Field, director of global ecology at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. "That's the thing that is scary about this whole thing. There are lots of mechanisms that tend to be self-perpetuating and relatively few that tends to shut it off."

    The effect reported in Nature is seen mostly in Siberia, but also elsewhere, in a type of carbon-rich permafrost, flash frozen about 40,000 years ago. A new more accurate measuring technique was used on the bubbling methane, which is 23 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than the more prevalent carbon dioxide.

    "The effects can be huge," said lead author Katey Walter of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. "It's coming out a lot and there's a lot more to come out."

    Another study earlier this summer in the journal Science found that the amount of carbon trapped in this type of permafrost - called yedoma - is much more prevalent than originally thought and may be 100 times the amount of carbon released into the air each year by the burning of fossil fuels.

    It won't all come out at once or even over several decades, but the methane and carbon dioxide will escape the soil if temperatures increase, scientists say.

    The issue of methane and carbon dioxide released from permafrost has caused concern this summer among climate scientists and geologists. Specialists in Arctic climate are coming up with research plans to study the effect, which is not well understood or observed, said Robert Corell, chairman of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a group of 300 scientists.

    "It's kind of like a slow-motion time bomb," said Ted Schuur, a professor of ecosystem ecology at the University of Florida and co-author of the Science study. "There's these big surprises out there that we don't even know about."

    Most of this yedoma is in north and eastern Siberia, areas that until recently had not been studied at length by scientists.

    What makes this permafrost special is that during a rapid onset ice age, carbon-rich plants were trapped in the permafrost. As the permafrost thaws, the carbon is released as methane if it's underwater in lakes, like much of the parts of Siberia that Walter studied. If it's dry, it's released into the air as carbon dioxide.

    Scientists aren't quite sure which is worse. Methane is far more powerful in trapping heat, but only lasts about a decade before it dissipates into carbon dioxide and other chemicals. Carbon dioxide traps heat for about a century.

    "The bottom line is it's better if it stays frozen in the ground," Schuur said. "But we're getting to the point where it's going more and more into the atmosphere."

    Vladimir Romanovsky, geophysics professor at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, said he thinks the big methane or carbon dioxide release hasn't started yet, but it's coming. It's closer in Alaska and Canada, which only has a few hundred square miles of yedoma, he said.

    In Siberia, the many lakes of melted water make matters worse because the water, although cold, helps warm and thaw the permafrost, Walter said."

    Your turn.

  13. I have to agree that it's not looking good for Alonso at the moment. Gareth Barry is a steady enough player and a bit more defensive minded than Alonso. To get the Liverpool games you should check this out mate - Buy an e-Season Ticket for £44.99 ,

    Thanks Scousemouse, we do get the Liverpool games live but it is difficult to keep up on the other players on the other teams as there is not a lot of people really up on the entire league to ask about specific non 'pool players. Of course we have the Man U bandwagon jumpers, Although there are not many Chelsea fans anywhere. "DogBreath" has no friends here either, I hate that guy. Your opinion on any of the transfer signings or rumours is much appreciated. Phillip Degen for example, will he break the top eleven? Or is he destined to the reserves orwhat?

    Thanks Scousemouse,


    My entire family comes from Liverpool and have been doing my best to follow the team for the better part of my life. Father from Notty Ash; Mother from Norris Green. Came over after the War.

  14. Global warming ...certainly.

    Result of massive carbon dioxide and methane emissions? Fire and brimstone cataclysmic end of the world stuff? I'm still to be convinced.


    This graph shows long term climate trends and what is intriguing is that (apart from now) the CO2 has always lagged the temperature change in the past. Is it a cause or an effect (warmer climate=more f*rting cows etc)?

    what I do see from it it (in my limited understanding of the science) is that it's been pretty consistent over the last 8000 odd years and we are currently not outside the last 8000 years variances (temperature wise). Also there is a lot of evidence (re a recent tv documentary by Baldrick A.K.A tony robinson) that the English Channel (the puddle between Britain and France) used to be a plain with the prehistoric equivelent lions, elephants and flora and fauna usually associated with equitorial regions....even evidence of dwellngs! So there must have been a lot LESS water around at some point and (sticking my neck out) probably a lot more too.

    I think there is one point that we can all totally agree on though. If a leading Thai scientist really thinks that Thailand is immune from sea level rises (or falls) then Thailand has bigger problems than global warming to worry about. :o

    I still think its another excuse to tax people more :D

    tks for that particular graphic. I'm not sure if I quite understand you correctly (sorry i'm not nativ English). Isn't exactly this graphic showing us, that only since a view years the CO2 output (compared to temparature) is totally abnormal skyrocketing? Am I or you missing something here? tks for your explanation. Tks for update from Galong also, nice reading, I will defintely watch that video this weekend, sometime. By the way if you haven't seen Al Gore's "unconvenient truth" yet, there are also some good stats there. Guess try to google up some more stuff next week (for this thread). Nice eve :D

    That particular graph is from Al Gore's movie that contributed to the awarding him a Nobel Peace Prize. It is a prediction (and pretty realistic) of the output of CO2 in the coming future. One might also search on youtube under the name of "David Suzuki".

  15. Just for your information:

    If you really are thinking that global warming is still up to debate you are horribly misinformed.

    If you think that the World is just going to get warmer and the oceans are going to rise you are going to be in for quite a shock.

    There are millions and millions of tons of methane gas trapped in the peat of the permafrost of the arctic that are NOT figured into any of the global warming models, this will have a tremendous effect on the reactions that contribute to the catastrophic changes that await our fine little planet.

    The people who are screaming out loud to do something about it are not the "greenies" they are the planets scientific community, you know the type that study this for a living.

    Those who are trying to say it is just an illusion are paid by those who stand to loose a tremendous amount of money.

    Al Gore did not win a Nobel Peace Prize on a hunch.

    Further, as a person who is in that scientific community I speak of, the effects of global warming are happening at a much quicker rate that anyone has predicted.

    The weather will change dramatically over the next ten years. Our planetary weather is governed by the temperature of the oceans and recent changes in weather patterns over the past fifteen years are a start, not an end.

    Have a nice day, drink some good beer, enjoy yourself, because I for one really do not believe there will be much done about it in time to reverse the effects of the greenhouse impact.

  16. Juventus confirm £14million Liverpool interest


    Juventus have confirmed their interest in Liverpool Football Club’s Xabi Alonso.

    The popular Spaniard looks set to quit Anfield this summer after losing his status as a regular pick in Rafael Benitez’s side, and Juventus are keen to take him to Italy after missing out on Mathieu Flamini.

    "Xabi is better than Flamini,” Juve sporting director Alessio Secco told Tutto Sport.

    "He's (Flamini) a good player, but with the salary he wanted he would have unbalanced our situation. The Spaniard, instead, has characteristics that are closer to what we want."


    I also like Alonso he has had a rough go of it but from the sounds of this article it is not looking promising. Robbie Keane would sure look dam_n good at Anfield i can tell you that. We do not get too too much on the tube here in Canada I do try very hard to catch most Liverpool games though. How does Gareth Barry compare to Alonso and did they mention who the Swiss national

  17. Udinese coach: star is Liverpool bound

    Andrea Dossena will be playing for the Reds next season according to his current manager

    “I think that a deal with Liverpool for Dossena is on the way,” Pasquale Marino told Radio Kiss Kiss when asked about the left-back.

    “Everything is going smoothly. The requirements are in place and the player has given his consent because he wants to test himself at an important club after the season he has had.

    “Our director general was in England partly because of that just two days ago.”

    Real Madrid enter race for £14million Liverpool ace

    Real Madrid are believed to have entered the race for Liverpool Football Club’s Xabi Alonso.

    The Spanish international midfielder is widely expected to quit Anfield this summer as he has become frustrated with failing to hold down a regular place in the starting eleven.

    Juventus have made their interest clear but have so far failed to meet the Reds asking price of £14million, which has allowed La Liga champions Real to enter the running for his signature.

    Bernd Schuster is determined to make a bid for the UEFA Champions League next season, and he believes the addition of Alonso could be a smart piece of transfer business.

    Liverpool target considers Blues offer

    Could Liverpool Football Club be about to miss out on one of their summer targets?

    Rafael Benitez is said to be weighing up a move for soon to be out-of-contract goalkeeper Maik Taylor, but the player could now stay at Birmingham City after being offered a new deal.

    "Talks have started with Birmingham regarding a potential new deal for Maik," agent Alex Black told Sky Sports.

    "They have offered him a new deal and Maik is currently thinking it over before making a decision."

    Hello Scouser! Sounds to me like Xabi is out the door. I think Stevie made them an ultimatum if I read between the lines correctly. There is certainly plenty of chatter going on about signings over the offseason. I don't know about you I do like the prospects in Germain Pennant and can you tell me why Rafa does not incorporate Crouchie into the mix along with Torres. It just seems to me for the amount of time Crouch spends on the pitch he does seem to bulge the onion bag more than the average bear. Not graceful I know but he is certainly a force and plenty of trouble for many a full back out there.

    Look forward to you thoughts,

    Canadian Guy

  18. Benitez delighted with Liverpool Bosman deal

    Rafael Benitez believes Philipp Degen will become a useful addition to the Liverpool Football Club squad.

    The Reds swooped to sign the 25-year-old Swiss international defender following the expiry of his contract at Borussia Dortmund, and Benitez is pleaded with his latest piece of business.

    "Philipp is still young but has gained great experience from playing in the Bundesliga with Borussia Dortmund and on the international stage with Switzerland," he told the club's official website.

    "He also played in the Champions League during his time with Basel and so is used to top level football. He is an offensive player with great energy and a winning mentality. His strength is going forward.

    “I am confident he will prove to be a quality addition to our squad."

    Napoli star plays down Liverpool move talk

    Marek Hamsik has denied that discussions are imminent over a switch to Anfield

    “It’s absolute nonsense,” said the 20-year-old Slovak star after reports in his homeland indicated he would be talking to the Reds this weekend.

    “I don’t know anything about travelling to Liverpool on Sunday," added the midfielder.

    "The fact is that I would still prefer to stay at Napoli.

    "At the moment I am not thinking about any other possibility.”

  19. After reading through this thread it astonishes me to see that what most people are not realising is that the Thai people have not had the exposure to comedy throughout their lives as many of non native people have. So therefore it stands to reason that the Thai (generally) tend to find simple humour funny because it is easier to understand and it is a simple humour that they have been exposed to. Take for instance the game shows the Thai people watch with keen interest, in our home countries that type of show would never make it past the idea stage. If you compare the Thai people to yourself (a tad self centred) then you are not going to ever figure it out. This is not to say that Thai people are not capable (generally) of recognising humour, it is more to say that we have been exposed to much much more tries at humour than the native Thai, therefore our sense of humour is different.

    Just a guess really but that's the way I thought it might be.

  20. Philipp Degen has agreed a Bosman switch to Anfield

    "When I received the offer from Liverpool, there was no doubt I would accept it," said the 25-year-old, full-back, set to star for Switzerland in this summer's Euro 2008 tournament.

    "They are one of the biggest clubs in the world and I am looking forward to the challenge of establishing myself there and playing in the best league there is."

    £15m Napoli star linked with Liverpool move

    Marek Hamsik is a target for the Reds according to reports in his homeland

    The 20-year-old midfielder has become a wanted man with his displays this season.

    Hamsik joined Napoli from Brescia last summer and has since been linked with a host of top Serie A clubs as well as the likes of Chelsea.

    "I cannot confirm nor refute this information," said the player's agent when he was linked with a move to Stamford Bridge recently.

    Blackburn Rovers fight Reds for £8million winger

    Blackburn Rovers Football Club are believed to have taken an interest in Albert Riera.

    The former Manchester City winger has enjoyed a fine season in Spain with Espanyol, and whilst Liverpool are said to be keen on the £8million-rated player, Rovers may attempt to lure him to Ewood Park.

    "I know that Mark Hughes has been watching but we've yet to receive any offers," said Espanyol's sporting director Paco Herrera. “it's possible that players will leave for a good price. Every player has their price.”

    Liverpool target weighs up Lazio exit

    Goran Pandev's agent believes his player would fit in well with a top European club

    The Macedonian striker is considering a summer move away from Lazio, where his displays in Serie A and the Champions League have been one of the few bright spots in the season.

    Agent Carlo Pallavicino told the Italian press: “Goran believes in Lazio, but he is disappointed with the way the season went.

    “He’s really devastated by it. A while ago, we met Lotito but we didn’t give any ultimatum and no gun was put to anyone’s head

    “But Pandev has grown a lot and could play in any big European team.”

  21. Liverpool

    Liverpool ready to turn to £12million Downing

    06:36 20/05/2008

    Liverpool Football Club could be set to turn their attentions to Stewart Downing.

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    Rafael Benitez has made no secret of his desire to sign Gareth Barry this summer, but he has so far been met with fierce resistance from Aston Villa who have slapped an £18million price tag on their skipper.

    This has led the Reds manager to look elsewhere, and it is believed he fancies the look of England international winger Downing, with reports suggesting an offer of £12million is in the pipeline.

    The 23-year-old penned a new contract at the Riverside Stadium earlier this season, but the lure of UEFA Champions League football at Anfield is sure to tempt him into a rethink over his immediate future.

  22. Little bit of a rumour, Alsonso to go, if Gareth Barry comes aboard.

    Nothing other than rumour. Xabi denies any talk at all.

    I really do not know too much about Barry.


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