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Posts posted by Canadianvisitor

  1. Meow Meow Meow .......

    Get down you stupid cat and sit in my Wok, It is 5 past 12 and I can not buy beer so I will eat you because this is legal, You will go well with my Giraffe steak and Tiger pie.

    Shame I cant buy a beer LOL.

    Is anyone else as amused as me at this stupidity ?


    The endangered species buffet is really gonna hurt the falang tourism.

    The closing of the nightlife will throw a large bucket of water on the

    rest of it.

    I have NEVER heard of a draconian measure such as serving up wild

    animals as a good idea.

    What about the Liverpool FC games that are aired later than 12 mid?

    I believe the next step is whaling and selling elephant and rhino tusks with

    red wine but only before midnight.

    We would not want to taint our children who are up at 12 midnight til 2 am, let's make sure there is just a lot more drinking in the daytime.

    I believe I ll have my orangutan "Poached" with a Dodo bird egg.

    These two issues have tainted my love of the Kingdom and I love Thailand.

    I guess the only thing left is letting the poor farmers from the north to sell their children (at the age of eighteen of course) to daytime go-go bars so

    the people who can't get laid can pay for it.

  2. All stores as well as venues serving drinks across the country have to stop selling alcohol at midnight, instead of 2am, effective as of yesterday, the Excise Department said.

    Venues, does that mean bars? If so will they stop serving booze but remain open? In every zone? :D

    The sale of liquor would also be banned starting next year at specified places including mini-marts
    I'm quite pleased about it really, as just earlier I was thinking I might do 'a Lampard' and give up booze for an entire year, the mini mart I can see from my balcony is my worst enemy. :o

    This madcap ruling might actually turn out to be a real blessing for me. :D

    I can see this being a long running topic. :D

    How totally self centred. You are from where?

  3. <snip> original long post deleted. RDN

    I think I will spend my holiday elsewhere.

    I cannot support any country where this type of archaic, ignorant,

    destructive behaviour is condoned.

    The fact that there are no animals left in the jungles is bad enough.

    I am ashamed of Thailand and surprised by even the fact that

    someone thought it was a good idea.

    Horrible press will follow, protests will come, this is just bad.

  4. Thousands of southern mobile phone users face service cut 

      The telephone companies had repeatedly asked their customers via SMS to register over the past few months.

    --TNA 2005-11-15

    I've had the same number and the same handset for 5 years now

    I've never had an SMS telling me to register it - at least not in English, and as I can't read Thai (like the several hundred thousand other farang users of pre-paid in the kingdom) it's no use sending me an SMS in Thai - the phone companies should recognise that from the default language set on my handset - the language setting is part of the ID signal that monitors which cell you're currently in.

    I have no idea where I have to do it

    I have no idea what documents I have to provide

    I had no idea of the deadline until reading this at almost 10pm

    They really publicised this well didn't they?

    Far be it from me to question anyone but isn't Thai the National Language in the Kingdom?

  5. I'm unfortunatly stuck in th UK at the moment,but from next week,I think it is,my local has a licence to stay open 24 hours.

    Even the Weatherspoon chain is going to be open till 1am at the weekend,could kill the nightclubs in the UK.

    But after saying that, I'd still sooner be in Pattaya,even if it closed at 9 o'clock!!!!

    I believe that any effort to reduce smoking especially among young people is a good idea.

    I also believe I'll have another drink!

    The smoking of tobacco is going the way of the horse drawn buggy, and the young must be educated any way possible that it is wrong.

    Drinking on the other hand doesn't cause cancer, so therefore by attrition, is better than smoking.

    So, ban smoking and encourage drinking!

    What about the Premiership games that are on after 12pm?

  6. Well, I've tried to crack the gangster code but have now given up.

    It's all Double Dutch to me... :D

    Red Blue green "Shoot the Moon at Sunbar Six"

    Olie Olie Um-pum-free

    I had the quote at the end of the qoute

    The chances of me figuring this out are quite remote

    At least they could have put him in a cement coat

    And let him sink off a rented boat

    Try to find out if criminals float

    We all know that he had become the goat

    Of a fiendish plot from the crime he wrote

    Got out of town and didn't cost him one note

    Big crime boss didn't get one vote

    Wore a stray bullet from the gun he'de tote

    Cracker Jack code from the threaded quote

    Anyway I believe that criminals are scum

    I just wish they would all drop dead

    and leave the Kingdom to it's fine people.

    Greed mongers notwithstanding


  7. Shit, they have the ugliest girls in the country, the eldest f...ing falangs, and they still kill each other.

    Yeah, Pattaya, garbage of the world. Go on.

    I wonder what makes someone spit out such vitriol?

    Sucking too many lemons or still mentally wounded by a bitter personal experience?

    How sad!

    I suppose one should pity the miserable soul the poster must be to harbour such thoughts and feel compelled to share them. :o

    I must admit these are my sentiments exactly Noel. As for the murders, I hope they stop, I made many friends in Pattaya, wonderful hardworking Thai friends.

  8. How can Thailand allow a criminal to come and live in their country? Dont they check if he has a criminal record, is a suspect or a fugitive? DOnt they have contact with the dutch government. Its really ridiculous cause he just came to Thailand to run away from his enemy and to have illegal business in THailand of his own. How can you let him in your country? I'm glad hes dead.

    Also did the thai police did anything to stop the liquidation from happening? Did they knew anything about it? How come a criminal orginasation in Netherland can go all the way to Thailand and kill people there? Was the killer of Mieremet a local thai guy?

    The security in Thailand must be very tight. They let a known criminal come and live in their country and they let other criminals easily kill him.

    Where have you been the last 30 years??

    Ever been to Thailand,LOL :D

    John was beside a drugslord also a killer,he killed many himself and now he can face them in H E L L !! :D:o:D:D !!

    The world became a better place today :D

    Don't kid yourself this had NOTHING to do with the fine Kingdom of Thailand.

    This filth would have been off'd anywhere in the world.

    I am sorry this slime is associated with the LOS

  9. How can Thailand allow a criminal to come and live in their country? Dont they check if he has a criminal record, is a suspect or a fugitive? DOnt they have contact with the dutch government. Its really ridiculous cause he just came to Thailand to run away from his enemy and to have illegal business in THailand of his own. How can you let him in your country? I'm glad hes dead.

    Also did the thai police did anything to stop the liquidation from happening? Did they knew anything about it? How come a criminal orginasation in Netherland can go all the way to Thailand and kill people there? Was the killer of Mieremet a local thai guy?

    The security in Thailand must be very tight. They let a known criminal come and live in their country and they let other criminals easily kill him.

    Where have you been the last 30 years??

    Ever been to Thailand,LOL :D

    John was beside a drugslord also a killer,he killed many himself and now he can face them in H E L L !! :D:o:D:D !!

    The world became a better place today :D

  10. Dinosaur bones and Dinosaur Eggs are sold frequently on ebay. The small bones can be bought for a few dollars and the eggs for a few hundred dollars.

    The prices quoted in this news item seem inflated somewhat.

    The news wouldn't be as interesting at the real prices, maybe. Plus, cops tend to attach the highest-possible value possible for the kudos- and values are what these kinds of things are measured against in law enforcement circles, it seems.

    “An investigation revealed that since 1999 they had trafficked 200,000 dollars worth of fossils over the Internet,” the police statement said."

    Trade worth less than a million baht per year over 5 years, according to Thai cops. Not nearly the huge business implied in the article...

    Another example of incorrect facts? Who knows? Better to question everything, and everyone, in my book :D

    Goodness....at this rate there won`t be any dinosaurs left :o

    Best laugh today :D:D:D

  11. I am travelling to Thailand Sunday,

    Going to Pattaya to meet my cousin,

    Then, after a couple of days going north to

    Chiang Rai, with his Thai friend for 7 days.

    No plan once there.

    Then back to Pattaya then to Bangcock,

    for a couple of days.

    The rest is up to me.

    I have two weeks left.

    Is the area around the reconstruction safe?

    I have travelled quite extensively throughout

    my own country of Canada and would like

    to experience as much of this beautiful

    place as I can.

    I am not going to go to many bars and stuff,

    that can be done here at home, no problem.

    I photograph, and the more rual and far out

    the better. Wilderness is an option.

    Thanks in advance,

    Canadian Visitor.

  12. There is an old bull and a young bull.......

    Standing on top of a hill in the pasture ...

    The young bull says to the old bull...

    " Hey , old man, why don't we run down

    this hill and screw one of them cows???"

    The old bull turns to the young bull and

    in a droll voice replies...

    " Why don't we just walk down and

    screw them all!!"

    By the way I'm an old bull at 43 yrs. and

    am planning to arrive in the fine country

    of Thailand for the 1st day of March.

  13. Shola

    Dr J is a biggot, he paints every one with out the same values as him as a child molester or a beast, he lives in a very Black and White world.. not sure what planet though..

    Why do you think i am a Bigot ?

    Sex tourists get so defensive when faced with the reality of their acts, I always am amazed at all the posts that slag me off and defend sex tourists....then again, maybe I should not be amazed at all.

    Maybe a sex tourist would see himself in my posts and feel it is a personal attack, ( which is ridiculous as I do not know you at all ), hence the attacks on me by the people that feel I am on their case. I have never accused any particular person of being a sex tourist or exploiter, you only associate yourselves with a particular character because you know how you conduct your lives. :o

    Hi again,

    Well, I have never been to your fine country and know not what to expect.

    There certainly must be an issue with the children though.

    If you knew the long standing impact of abuse on the children it may change your ideas.

    By no means am I any morally better or worse than the gentleman who berated my opinion he is entitled to his as I am mine.

    Personally I believe there should be a more wonderful future for the famous people in the beautiful paradise called the land of smiles, that's all.

    I am not against lifestyles but from my perspective I cannot understand the want of a minor in the first place.

    We should, as men, protect the world's children from harm, get drunk and fool around with the grown ups, that's all.

    Back to you group,

    This is quite a chat room.

    Looking forward to my holiday,

    Canadian visitor.

  14. Hopefully the cops are here to trainthe local force to combat the domestic scene.......this is by far the biggest part of the sex industry in Thailand.......its not just all those silly fat bald gits in sandals and socks u see drinking beer on the tiles of bars in Nana, Pattay etc.

    I am pretty sure the UK police are here not to interfere with what Thai nationals are doing, but what their own Citizens get up to in Thailand and other Asian countries.

    Lets hope they work more closely with the Asian police forces to really deter these beasts.

    Any man that is willing to travel thousands of miles with the express purpose of exploiting a situation that exists in poorer countries should be taken down if there is any offence being commited. People may not be so quick to have sex with an underage child in their own country, but in certain Asian countries they think it is perfectly acceptable to do it. It is wrong.

    People openly Boast about going with Asian Minors on various Internet sites, it has got to be stopped and the perps should know that will be no safe haven for this activity.

    I think the regulars here know my stance on this subject, and I cannot accept any defence for people that travel the world solely to participate in the sex trade in any form. Sex tourists and their Apologists and defenders should have their passports taken away. Sick. :o:D

    Good day to all.

    My cousin invited me to Thailand to visit the glorious country of wonderful people who are friendly and smile all the time.

    He did not however mention to me of the sex trade and I had never heard of it until after I accepted his generous invitation to visit there.

    What irks me about the nature of the sex tourism is that

    a) I am very much in opposition to exploitation of the poor and sexual relations with someone who must sell themselves because "it's a living" is repulsive. Prostitutes are one thing, in the industrialised world they choose thier profession with many other options available, it's not paying for sex that is an issue.

    My personal relationships mean more to me than that but that's my business.

    :D When I now tell people that I am going to visit Thailand, they immediately assume I am going to visit the sex trade, not the country of Thailand, it's culture and it's peoples. The idea of travelling to a foriegn country half a world away to go to a brothel is a little surprising to say the least we all have escort services in the phone book.

    In my home country of Canada the aboriginal native populations have given in to selling the forests and joined in the overfishing of the oceans to make thier money.

    I always find it ironic that as we grow into a more expansively civilized global culture, the more opportunistic and less respect we seem to have for the reality we hand our children, who no doubt will NOT be allowing foriegn tourists to put thier penises into thier bodies to gratify their selfish sexual desires.

    Sorry to deviate from topic, good luck to the Brits, the worlds children need their help, they are far too nieve of the ways of the world. And I don't care if the Thai's do it. Maybe we should educate them as to why they should not.


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