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Posts posted by Queenslander

  1. 13 hours ago, Dan O said:

    Not only did he confess to this attack, he also admitted to doing this same thing on a number of other occasions.  Nice police and judicial systems we have here.  Hopefully she regains some memory and can identify him before he does this again or worse.   Perhaps some locals may have a different view of justice. 


  2. Personally, knowing and understanding the RTP's desire to ensure that ALL crimes are investigated, managed  and determined on an equal basis, I am not sure what the problem is. Surely the dedication, professionalism and desire to reach an unbiased, truthful and evidentiary compelling outcome in this matter mirrors that of HISO 16 year old (no licence) driver that killed 9 University people, and the HISO Mercedes driver that incinerated two University students. I won't mention the excellent and above reproach investigation in Koh Tao.

    How can you possibly doubt the veracity of the RTP statements.  You obviously don't understand forensic policing.

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  3. First,  thank you for your efforts. Interestingly my Thai wife and I attended the Korat Immigration office last week following my weekend away in Pattaya. We were told that my wife MUST submit a TM30 EVERY time I return home from an inter or intra province or international absence of more than 24 hours. Failure to do so WOULD result in a fine. 

    Not quite the same as you were told...!

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  4. James, your wife didn't change, she was always like that. You just didn't notice!

    Look at the facts, she talked you into buying a business that her and her family allowed to go bust - mai bpen rai. It is not her money so she doesn't care. You have brought her back to her village where she holds the power and can dictate the terms of your relationship - pay, pay pay, bend, bend, bend or go, go, go!

    She has shown by allowing you to take the child that he was not high on her agenda - until she realized that without the child you have no obligation to support her. The child to her is, in part, her money ticket;

    he is her bargaining chip as she knows you care for your son and won't leave him starving; there is her (not the child's) weekly income

    Taking him back to the UK is one option, but you have to consider if you are capable (on your own) of raising a 3 year old boy. Do you have sufficient family support in the UK should anything happen to you. Being 65 is not the problem, it is your long-term health that will determine if you can provide your son with the support he needs over the long term.

    You also have consider his relationship with his mother. She might be a money grabbing bitch to you, but to him she is his mother. Their relationship is important to his welfare and upbringing. Ok he might not be eating the foods that you prefer or think he should be having, but it is the food that his Thai family eats and he will fall in with that over time.

    I agree that he may not have the choices and opportunities that you think the UK can provide for him, but he will have his mother and other family support for many years to come. Can you provide that to him if you return with him to the UK.

    There is no easy answer to this, especially if your love for/relationship to, your son is strong. If you do manage to get him out of the country, I presume on a UK passport. You can bet your life your wife won't be far behind - as you and him are her money ticket!

    If you leave him here with her you will have a moral obligation (no legal obligation that I am aware of) to provide money for his (her) care. How much would depend upon your finances.

    Before you make any decision consider the following:

    • Do you wish to remain with this women
    • Are you happy to remain in Thailand, possibly not with your wife, and visit your son periodically
    • Could you live with your wife in her Thai village, knowing that possibly you will be treated like dirt (even murdered?) and be paying through the nose for everything for everyone
    • Is it possible to take your son back to the UK, legally
    • In the UK can you provide him with the full family support he needs - in the long term
    • Would it be fair on him to be distanced from his mother and Thai family, indefinitely
    • Finally, can you accept that he may have to remain in the care of his mother while you return to the UK - and have occasional visits - which by the way will be determined by the mother on how much support you send her!

    Sorry cobber, not an easy choice all round. Me? I would take my son and run, but that's just me!

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