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Posts posted by Johnsy

  1. Schools are getting a lot more than 30k from the government to pay an English teacher but pocket the rest and rarely pay the teachers taxes either. Along with government policy on education schools are to blame for the pay scales, you know what they say...."pay peanuts and you get........" The standard of education in Thailand is appalling as is the emphasis on it.

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  2. I just sold my car and you will need a Letter of Residency from Thai Immigration to sell a car or motorbike and I had to show my passport with visa to get the letter. You need not be there at the transportation office but you need to sign some transfer documents to complete the sale. I actually paid a guy to do all the transfer work for me. Hope this helps.

    I know you have to have a residency certificate to buy a vehicle but I didn't think you needed to have one to sell a vehicle?

  3. It's all been said, too young and too small to use such a weapon. My old man fought in 3 wars and never let us kids misuse firearms, we started on a 22 single shot rifle at age 12 and worked our way up but only after we had mastered the basics, as with any skill, hobby, sport. The parents need to be charged over this along with the range but that's America......they are unusually obsessed with fire power and shooting stuff.

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  4. Good to see some of the various National and Thai officials are trying to clarify the visa shambles. However, what is current today may or may not be current tomorrow or some rules and regs will end up with an individualistic spin or interpretation according to each immigration office or front desk official. This causes confusion, uncertainty and disruption to almost every foreigner trying to make a go of things here in Thailand. The end result being that many foreigners are looking at other options in other countries or have already left to enjoy a more welcoming, established and streamlined approach to foreign work, business and retirement.

    • Like 1
  5. ahhhhh.... China no resources...... Australia too many resources!

    If there's a war China will hit Australia and everything in-between to get to those resources....... Simple, you can't fight a war without massive reserves of energy, minerals and labour. That's another reason China has been stockpiling minerals and energy for the past 10 years and is pressuring many south east pacific nations into geopolitical and financial agreements/relationships. And it's another reason the US has been restructuring it's presence in the South Pacific.

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  6. I was recently in hospital in Darwin and in the same ward were two Aborigines from the islands with flesh eating disease. The worst was a 23cm x 23cm infection on his back that the hospital had already tried to treat with skin grafts from his thigh. All five of the skin grafts had failed. He had a large plastic patch covering the wound connected to a low pressure suction device that sucked the rotting flesh into a capture receptacle. The prognosis for this chap was not good.

    Most Australian Aboriginals suffer from Staphylococcus which left untreated can results in severe infections and even necrosis.

    As for eating fish in Thailand, do so at your own risk, they come from some of the most unhealthy waterways in the World.

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  7. A great link that sums up many of the answers to the OP.

    Imagine turning on the news and hearing....

    • America commends whistleblower for exposing corruption and crimes against humanity.
    • America uncovers extensive IT spy ring and brings them to justice for mass infringements of privacy.
    • America signs treaty and pledges total support to stop global production and use of land mines and other unconventional weapons.
    • America initiates widespread changes to assist disadvantaged nations in developing infrastructure, health, education and primary production to mitigate political instability and improve global quality of life.
    • "Coalition of the willing" declares war on biggest offenders, providing massive aid and support in the fight against global warming and environmental devastation.

    The common thread I'm reading in these posts is that "most" people will give "most" people the benefit of the doubt no matter what nationality they are, the only caveat seems to be that one like arrogance. The other common thread is that almost everyone doesn't like American foreign policy. If someone is going to declare themselves the new sheriff in town then their actions need to be consistent with the moral and ethical expectations of the people in that town and this is where America fails.

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  8. I think you'll trace the dislike in a semi-serious way to the involvement, or lack thereof in WWII.


    Quite right. Hardly anyone from down-under was really involved in WWII. Kinda just sat back and let others send soldiers to protect them. Then complained about the US being there. Where does that come from???

    Ohhhhh you really are ignorant aren't you!

    http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/featurearticlesbytitle/F19B5A51A60904F3CA2569DE0020331F?OpenDocument

    In addition, it was always the Aussies America used as canon fodder, it was always the Aussies, Canadians and Brits America left stranded and unsupported to become POW's, it was always the Aussies who succeeded in battles America failed in. Do you homework mate.

  9. "It was the Allies that liberated The Netherlands (and the rest of Europe) from the Nazis. Not just some of the Allies. All of them. "

    Yeah and I wouldn't do it again. I read that the Arabs are trying (and being moderately successful) at conquering western Europe, and the Chinaman is waging successful economic warfare on OZ. I certainly won't shed a tear at either of the enemies' successes.


    1- You wouldn't do what again?

    2- How are the Arabs conquering western Europe?

    3- Australia would be destitute if China wasn't buying all their minerals and energy

    4- Which of the following do you consider enemies?

    • A- western Europe
    • B- Arabs
    • C- China(man)
    • D- Australia
  10. Firstly Biship and her cronies deserve all the rebuke their going to get over their archaic management of Australia, it's like watching the political landscape of the 1950's all over again. But China pointing the Human Rights finger at another country is simply laughable. Australia has spent Billions of dollars on improving Aboriginal living standards in the past 50 years and they don't crush people with tanks for protesting. Even under Mr. Rabbit and Biship Australian human rights, labour and environmental standards are considerably better than China.

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