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Everything posted by VillageIdiot

  1. "Balls" said the Queen... If I had 'em I'd be King. The King laughed... Not because he wanted to, but because he had to, balls, that is.
  2. If her sales increase it will prove once again the old Hollywood saying: "There is no such thing as bad publicity".
  3. These earplugs have made life possible for me in Thailand the past 30+ years. The only thing I have lost is my mind.
  4. Somalia it will be for my next vacation, Steve. I'm hoping it will be wild and wooley just like Thailand was on my first trip here back in the '70s.
  5. Good points about keeping schtum at certain times. This loudspeaker issue is one of them. It's often said that we are "guests" here and should act accordingly. Hell, we don't even qualify as guests - I wasn't invited, were you? We're more like party-crashers who have arrived too late and found "...a banquet hall deserted, whose lights are fled, whose garlands dead, and all but he departed."
  6. So true. Historically speaking, the medical profession has only been surpassed by the "Oldest Profession" in milking cash cows.
  7. Does Britain even qualify as "third world" anymore?
  8. Let it join the "One-armed Bandits" and "Hungry Tigers" as contraptions that constantly prove the old truism "A fool and his money are soon parted."
  9. +1 It's excellent and not an overwhelming odor as so many of them are. Try it and you'll never hear "farang men" again as long as you're here.
  10. Let Thaland be what it naturally is - warts and all. Farangs aren't too high on the totem pole here these days. We don't even qualify as guests... I wasn't invited, were you? We're more like party-crashers who have arrived thirty years too late and found "...a banquet hall deserted, whose lights are fled, whose garlands dead, and all but he departed."
  11. Don't forget Montague Burton. Include them all for a "Full Monty."
  12. ...as in American politics where it is often observed that: "Republicans have no hearts; Democrats have no brains."
  13. Growing old disgracefully. "That's the way ya do it... money for nothin'." An adult lifetime spent in Thailand doesn't leave you too many other options when all is said and done.
  14. Hogwash. Name one... just one. A lot of the derogatory remarks on this thread seem to reflect animus towards the RTP in general or snarky amusement at his nickname in particular.
  15. So true. On my annual trips here I would always get an IDL to go along with my Press Card and Student ID as a package deal. In those days my motto was "be prepared" - for whatever the Land of Smiles might throw at me next.
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