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Everything posted by VillageIdiot

  1. Wonderful old photos. Only a Frenchman would fully appreciate that luscious cul on display in the first one. Oh! Calcutta! right here in Chiang Mai on the Ping River.
  2. Spot on. Out of the closet and in your face. Also into politics and serving on your local school board. Children's book publication in the past twenty years or so tells the story in a very graphic way with not much left to the imagination.
  3. The police will indeed look into it if he is willing to pay for borigahn pee-set. That's the euphemism for a bribe, and in all probability it would be many times what he lost on his deposit..
  4. Bet she got a lot of "Betty Boop" jokes back in the day.
  5. "Whitelackington"... some things in the Woke world are just too bizarre to be made up.
  6. Surely this is a new low for farang expats in Thailand.
  7. Will Mullah Akhund issue a fatwah? Harry could soon be living the kind of furtive existence that Salman Rushdie knows so well.
  8. Let it go Gamma... No big difference.
  9. Was this a planned presentation or an impromptu outpouring? If the latter, then maybe the "oily food" triggered it.
  10. The judge is a disgrace. Master Bates didn't have the backbone to do the right thing.
  11. Does Thaksin have a dog? I think not. Get your facts straight before posting.
  12. Get real. The USA hasn't won a significant military victory since 1945. A total non-proxy war with either China or Russia would end in disaster. How many more Vietnams and Afghanistans will it take to learn what not to do, and whose counsel not to listen to?
  13. ...and we always thought they were so colorless and deferential. "The times they are a' changin'."
  14. The term "biker" goes back to the founding of the Hells Angels in the late '40s, and the big hit movie The Wild One starring Marlon Brando in 1953. Where the Aussies got the name "bikie" from, I don't know.
  15. The hair is just fine, thank you. Now, we need to get those eyes debagged.
  16. In the '60s and '70s, rock concerts were a lot of fun - just about everybody was flying high and out to have a good time. Many years later spending summers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at my brother's place I went to several that featured oldtimers like Willie Nelson, David Crosby, and a few others at different times. With everybody stone cold sober it was a completely different experience. Bangkok could become a real "concert hub" if the current liberalization of ganja laws isn't derailed by the drug warriors.
  17. Wynken, Blynken, and Nod would be the obvious inspiration for those names. Something always gets lost in translation.
  18. And at "44" I'm still learning. Great place... warts and all.
  19. Well, that's Thailand for you. How long are you in for? Urine for life, you pisser you.
  20. After you've been here for a few decades "pee" becomes associated with people older than yourself, not urine.
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