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Everything posted by VillageIdiot

  1. In the '60s and '70s, rock concerts were a lot of fun - just about everybody was flying high and out to have a good time. Many years later spending summers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at my brother's place I went to several that featured oldtimers like Willie Nelson, David Crosby, and a few others at different times. With everybody stone cold sober it was a completely different experience. Bangkok could become a real "concert hub" if the current liberalization of ganja laws isn't derailed by the drug warriors.
  2. Wynken, Blynken, and Nod would be the obvious inspiration for those names. Something always gets lost in translation.
  3. Well, that's Thailand for you. How long are you in for? Urine for life, you pisser you.
  4. After you've been here for a few decades "pee" becomes associated with people older than yourself, not urine.
  5. That's the big question... "To whom should [it] be given?" Any ideas? Only fully Woke responses will be seriously considered.
  6. You supply the "help" Charlie, and I'll supply the compassion. How does that sound? The subject brings to mind Randy Newman's classic observation, "The best thing you can do for the poor is not to become one of them."
  7. "Now come's the hard bit. My missus must speak to the mil and find out if she loaned the 'claivoyant' any money!" Tune in next week and find out. With a little fine-tuning it would make a good Thai soap opera.
  8. So true. Put some dosh on the Military and go for a perfect trifecta.
  9. Honda for small motors. Availability of parts and service just about everywhere is a big plus. Add that to easy starting and reliability and the choice is clear. The only problem is the extra money a genuine Honda will cost.
  10. "A welcome return..." You're joking, of course. When in American history were Supreme Court nominations anything other than crass attempts at pushing forward some faction's political or social agenda? In this case affirmative action.
  11. If that is the case I'll just look for local bud an take a pass on the exotic stuff. I just want a nice buzz, not get blown away, or 'See God'.
  12. It will be interesting to see if these places mentioned and other local outlets stay open for any length of time or just pop up and then quickly disappear. I would like to get some quality bud, but I'm not going to pay ridiculous prices... 1000 baht per gram is OTT.
  13. Hear! Hear! Stand down, NotSoBonnie Prince Charlie. You've always reminded me of Alfred E. Neuman on the cover of Mad Magazine. Your loopy behaviour has provided some laughs but you've done nothing to really distinguish yourself. Be gone.
  14. How did the bad mojo manifest itself?... I wonder. Best to give that place a wide berth lest it return in some new form.
  15. There are many reasons a man might leave his home country and family.
  16. Banks can make you mad at times... in this case it was crazy-mad, not angry-mad. Nevertheless, he deserves to be locked up for awhile. Send him down to the slammer in Kanchanaburi and put him in a cell with Shane Looker. He could teach Looker a thing or two about rocks and how useful they are for weighing down suitcases to keep them from rising to the surface of the water and ruining your holiday. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,"
  17. Hear! Hear! That's exactly what it was. Ya-ma, horse medicine. Anyone who was here in the '70s will remember that. The War on Drugs turbocharged official corruption and introduced a smorgasbord of expensive dope to the club scene while making yaba easily available for the proles. The social consequences have been devastating. Better it was when ganja was almost as easy to buy as beer. The buzz doesn't seem to make them as violent or as manic as yaba does. Decriminilize ganja and strike a blow against organized crime.
  18. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
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