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Everything posted by Nip

  1. You must be referring to your reply being relevant as I state a fact you conjecture.
  2. Well I’d guess you don’t either?
  3. To be neat and tidy. You need the child’s mother to sign over sole custody to you in the Children’s Court be you married or not. I wasn’t. You need the child’s Thai and American passports Thai for departing and US on arrival and as in my case because the Airline and Immigration can be difficult I luckily persuaded the child’s mother to come to the airport as well just in case. Basically there is only one way to do this. The Airline was particularly unhelpful and created an unnecessary issue. As a previous poster stated the Airline must make sure the child has a US passport or Visa. My advice is don’t cut corners do it right and that entails the mother agreeing. The Childrens Courts are there to do what’s best for the child primarily.
  4. Also the fact is the Phuket police use foreign guys like him to distribute their product and sometimes they get too greedy and pay the price by being set up and banged up.
  5. It’s the like of you that has created this problem. Where does it stop? I’m a convicted mass murderer who identifies as a squirrel? I’m living long enough to understand that give somebody an excuse and they will take it. Get real. We are doing enough to destroy this earth without having at last count 34 different variations. There are thugs walking the streets while an Irish school teacher has spent 6 months in jail for refusing to use trans gender weird and wonderful pronouns for one of his students. They exist nowhere but in their own confusion and your wokeness.
  6. Whether it be God, Buddha, whatever or whoever created us they made it plain and simple two sexes a man and a woman not 32 variants or subspecies
  7. You know it all but in reality you know nothing. There are many types of skilled fisherwomen but this one reeled you in big time. Truth is they pull you not you pull them. Like the Christmas Turkey you’ve been stuffed and basted and ready for the oven.
  8. You seem to be a rather unsavory character yourself having enjoyed so many many scraps in your youth. Nothing here for you to be proud of. And praying that somebody finds himself in the same position is worthy of you being censored by the moderators.
  9. I got hooked on Tramadol too. I have not read all of the answers herein but there is only one way to get of it cos it contains a % of heroin. I used to wake up depressed and reached for a tablet. I was on it for 3 years. The doctor in my home country took the easy way out just kept increasing the dosage. I reduced the intake slowly I was on 200mg. So over three months I finally got off it. It wont be easy and even when you think you are off it, you ain't it took me six months. There is no quick cure. Yes I still have some pain in my hip but at least I aint depressed. There is no easy way. I tried everything but take it nice and slow. Now I take no medication only when I need it. If Im in a lot of pain I take a Gabapentin and it does the job. but that would be only once every six weeks. I have to come to terms with getting older and it could be a lot worse. Just allow three months to get off this bustard. Its like smoking the only way is to stop.
  10. Yep I’ll give it a go and will check the other thread. Thank you.
  11. Thank you very much I will - much appreciated.
  12. Hi, I have an old Colant Swiss watch that requires the 60 seconds hand replaced. That is I require a traditional watch maker. I have tried and failed to locate one in the Chonburi area so was hoping somebody here knew of one? Thanks in advance.
  13. You win the dumbest post of the day award.
  14. I forward my Visa agent B600 and within a few hours he sends me a photo of my 90 day extension which I print out and stick in my passport. Takes about two minutes.
  15. It’s a Northern Ireland shirt. So he’s British
  16. Every single move in and out of my SCB and Bangkok Bank accounts are flagged by instant notifications including by email. Also on my Line App. She’s caught that’s why she was warned.
  17. You wouldn’t be Bob from Blackadder would you?
  18. And then what? And your proud of this?
  19. Over the years I’ve read these stories and wondered what I would do if a ladyboy tried to rob me but only last week mid day on Soi Buakhow one tried. I passed one in ref silk pyjama's. I stopped to check a message on my phone and next thing IT has IT’s arms around my waist saying IT’s hungry and wants money for food. I had a small man bag over my shoulder and securely under my arm. I felt a tug and spun around and IT was trying to get at the bag and was holding me tight. All happened in a split second. I’m a big fit guy and in that split second I had an opportunity to take it out with my left elbow but didn’t. I had a vision of 25 ladyboys appearing out of nowhere and a video posted of me online decking a ladyboy. Explain that to the chaps on Thaivisa. Instead I followed IT until it ran away. I didn’t file a complaint I was just passing through.
  20. Maybe I’m wrong but was he indicating initially that somebody had assaulted him?
  21. Good advice however only one problem. At some point in the future he will want access to his daughter. And the courts will not look favorably upon a father who in the eyes of the court abandoned his daughter. I would engage a lawyer to file a report detailing all the above plus child abuse and infidelity. Doesn’t have to be true. It’s possibly vexatious but a line has to be drawn. Apply for sole custody. Request DNA tests of mother daughter and so called brother. It’s common that supposed brothers are in fact lovers. Probably nothing positive will come from it but it’s on record. Site a medical reason for returning to UK and create a bank account for his daughter and transfer a sum of money every for her upbringing. Consider paying school and other essentials directly, The lawyer could keep chipping away while he is in the UK. And most importantly don’t engage a local lawyer. Thai children’s courts for foreigners are safe and the judges look for what’s best for the child. He could also offer the mother cash in return for allowing his daughter go to the UK and record the conversation. Good evidence.
  22. That’s a new one on me. Not.
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