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Everything posted by Nip

  1. Ha Ha Ha there is always ONE with the inane 'more to the story' statement. The Pink Panther has caught me out. Looks like you have been in the same spot in Thailand for 20 years. You should get out more! The kids are not in the slightest bit embarrassed they find it amusing. I was just passing a comment. Anyway in this big bad world Pinky it is good for children to learn to stand up for themselves.
  2. It worked out too expensive unless you can piggy back in a container and some suggested that the bike would fail the emissions test too. I kept it in Thailand
  3. Did Liverpool loose today? 3-0 to bottom of the table Wolves I see. That is a good reason stamp your feet and sulk. There was no stomping and sulking on my part and nobodies day was ruined. It's the double whammy of being scammed ie getting a haircut too and being charged 600 when the price list says 200 + 100 ie 300 baht. Its the principal it was my money and they have no right to steal it.
  4. I'm living in Thailand almost 22 years and my experience is 99% of the time I am charged extra for being a foreigner that is visiting touristy locations. My children always pay as they know I will kick up a fuss and refuse to enter. In the last week I have been to a hillside temple near Cha-am and the Marine Museum in Bang Saen. I loosely use the word museum. Again my Thai kids buy the tickets not wanting me to make an issue of being charged extra. And later I demanded to see the tickets and right enough they and their two Thai friends were charged 50 Baht each and me 220 Baht! And I have both car and motorbike licenses and speak Thai. It is so annoying. I have photos of the tickets. Afterwards my son and I went for a haircut near the museum and the price on the wall was 100 for me and 200 for him so he should have paid 300 Baht but we were charged 600 Baht again my son paid not wanting me to get involved. It was the same in the two Zoo's I visited last year. Its not the money that annoys me it is the principle and I thought they were trying to stamp this out?
  5. Your as big a plank as he is.
  6. The return of Apichart Suriboonya Previously the head of Interpol Thailand and banished 3 or 4 years ago to a desk beside the toilets in HQ that is one of the legendary inactive posts. The Thai media are well aware of this fact and that he was seated on the golden throne during the Koh Tao debacle and rumoured that he benefited financially. And there is more. And HE is rolled out to be humiliated.
  7. My daughter had the exact same problem. Filed a police report informed her embassy. Saw the same agent in the news in court up in Chiang Mai for multiple thefts of passports. Slap on the wrist and change of company name. Bottom line is you have no passport and your visa will expire. Then you are ensnared in the underground world of dodgy visa agents trying to right the wrong. I would go to the office and set up camp and take photos. I would go late evening when the staff are hungry and want to go home. They for sure know where the errant visa agent is. A'int they getting paid? Oh and invite the staff to call the police and have a written statement of what happened prepared plus a letter from your embassy stating that your passport has been reported stolen. Best to bite the bullet now while it is a minor problem. Your guilty of no crime I assume and your passport has been stolen? Its a pity these rogue agents cannot be named here.
  8. I too suffer with sciatica and was on Tramadol for 3 years. It supposedly has c up to 11 % of heroin. I became addicted and depressed when I tried to stop taking it. Took me 4 months to come down. It reduces the pain but the addiction is life changing.
  9. If so all the more reason for RTP to identify him. Nowhere to hide today.
  10. Phuket is the Cradle of Royal Thai Police Corruption governed by Region 8 Headquarters the retirement home for all those Phuket policemen occupying inactive posts including the original Joe Ferrari. .
  11. That’s a very dangerous statement to make since your identity can be easily established.
  12. I learnt when I first arrived in Thailand 20+ years ago. Temples frequently provide a safe haven for Thai criminals avoiding the RTP.
  13. I will contact them first thing Monday morning. Thank you again.
  14. Thanks for input. I dont like the bike that much to accompany it. Better to sell and rebuy.... Thank you.
  15. I dealt with them 20 years ago thank you. I did not realise that they were still in Biz. Thanks.
  16. Great information here. I will have a look. Thank you.
  17. Ha ha im not sure I would want to go that far. Better I sell it I think? Thanks
  18. Thank you.I suspected this. Thanks for replying. I will check it out anyway.
  19. I guess I am am looking for a balanced view. I have no great attachment to the bike but if it made some sense I would ship it. If not I wont. Just weighing up my options. Thanks for replying ...
  20. Hi guys. I have a 20 year old Honda Phantom perfect mechanical order with less than 3,000KM on the clock. Mint condition. I was thinking of shipping it to Ireland. Could somebody help me out please? Is it a fools errand? That is, is would the cost to ship and the taxes on arrival be too expensive.. Who would you recommend to ship? What sort of price should I expect? Thanks in advance.
  21. I recently visited the Zoo in the hills above Hua Hin. I was shocked at the condition of the animals and their enclosures. I contacted this rescue body twice by email and phone no response.
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