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Posts posted by rene123

  1. I don't think the majority of men want to meet a "good" girl. They only want her to change to "good" after they've met her and want her for themselves exclusively.

    It really is pointless doing the "air quotes" thing, let's just use more precise terms please.

    A I believe most men (wisely) want a girl with integrity and character, who won't lie to them or steal from them.

    B I also believe most men (foolishly) want a girl who won't fool around with other men. Obviously, it's not foolish to want that, if you believe you can also commit to be faithful to her as well as expecting the same from her -- in other words, if you believe that monogamy is a practical arrangement, likely to succeed in your case.

    Note my preference is to agree to be completely honest with each other (A) about the fact that you'd like to have other partners, and negotiate the terms required to make each other feel completely secure in your relationship despite that openness. This of course makes B irrelevant.

    C Now if you're defining your "good" as a girl with little sexual experience, then I agree, few men want that. I personally do, but for purely practical reasons, not moral ones, in fact I don't think quantity of sexual experience has anything to do with morality (A above) nor likelihood to be faithful (B above).

    I think there is still an ingrained, puritanical thought process going on here. Men want women they can get into bed as quickly as possible, and then have the temerity to say she is a slut. Boys like to brag about their "conquests" like it is some sort of achievement. But, after they finally find the sexually inexperienced woman they say they want, they then want her to be a vixen, but only for them. You can't have it both ways, guys.

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  2. The US has probably the best "Bill of Rights" ever written. Unfortunately, the past few governments have stomped all over those "rights" and put the power in the hands of greedy bankers who the government bail out when those bankers make mistakes.

    However, that is getting off topic of the OP's original post. There is still the tired old phrase... "Be careful of what you ask for." Very few people would actually WANT to go back to the days of men carrying the "law" in their holster.

  3. Meeting people I prefer western women over western men, Not so many mental cases and much nicer on the eyes. I don't think that western women in Thailand are poorly representing themselves here, generally. Yeah some are snags, but most are interesting. And over here they don't wear the sweatpants and tube tops with the bellys hanging out.

    I don't think it is fair to judge the tourists, They are interesting, dumb, or shocking and then they leave.

    I have to agree with canuckamuck. Most women who come to Thailand do so for different reasons than men. I first came to Thailand in 1998 with a back packer group and we all were as different as chalk and cheese. I think it takes a while for tourists to learn the unwritten "proper" code of ethics, and it seems to change from locale to locale. When we were on the islands off the southern penninsula there were lots of topless European women on the beaches and nobody seemed to care or even notice. But, it is much different here in Chiang Mai and quite probably Bangkok. Even separatet parts of Chiang Mai there seems to be a different crowd and how they act. I've got long legs and I wear shorts, but I don't wear those mini-shorts the Thai girls wear and look so nice in. Besides, my bum would never fit in those shorts. I've got big boobs, but I mostly keep them covered in a blouse unless I'm on a beach somewhere in a bikini.

  4. I think we are all big girls now. We should know when to swear and when not to. It can be offensive in some situations and not a blip on the radar screen in others. Vulgarity can actually be funny if a comedian on stage uses it properly and in context. Swearing is so common now that nobody should really be offended. It's no longer the 1800s.

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  5. Let me get this straight, you she said eye-ron and you said eye-en.

    Which one of you is Thai?

    Personally I pronounce the word as it is spelled, I have never been corrected.

    My thoughts exactly. I had to read it twice just to see if I had missed something. No way does any proper speaking English translation not include the "R" in the word "iron". If someone told me to pronounce "iron" as "ion" or "iun" I would tell them to stuff it.

    However, I never try to correct anyone unless asked, or we are at odds as to what the question is. I have heard many different dialects for the same word pronounced in Canada as compared to the USA.

  6. . I've also noticed that most Thai motosi drivers are very fine operators.

    There can be a huge difference between being a fine operator on a motorbike and actually riding safely. I've seen riders that could do marvelous things on a motorcycle, but were maniacs when riding in traffic. They might be able to keep a motorbike upright in crazy situations, but the person who didn't see them coming at a high rate of speed might turn in front of them and cause a chain reaction accident that might involve me.

  7. There is hardly anywhere in Chiang Mai that you can't walk to. The core of the city (moat area) is less than 2 km from side to side, and another 2 km will take you to most of the mooban areas just outside the city core. If you can't walk 4 km then you better start exercising. I retract that statement for people who have long term physical problems. You can't say that for Bangkok or even Pattaya.

  8. I wasn't really complaining. I was just noticing the difference. In many ways I kind of enjoy the "unlawlessness" of it here. My sister in London has a small car, but it's always parked in their paid for parking spot. They always take the subway, bus or train system unless taking a trip to the countryside. I just thought it strange to waste money painting lines on the roads when nobody is ever going to follow them as a rough sort of guidance. You just get used to people coming at you in your lane. I think it might be tougher for people from North America to adjust because they normally drive on the right in Canada and the US. In an emergency a person tends to revert to how they learned. That can be a disaster when driving in Thailand or Britain.

  9. Nobody in Thailand seems to pay any attention to divider lines on the roads, so why bother painting them? People with cars or trucks feel it is their right to park anywere, even if it means blocking half a thorofare, if there is such a thing in Thailand. I understand that traffic in Thailand has seen radical changes in recent years, and where most people who used to ride bicycles or motorcycles, now have cars or trucks. Unfortunately, the infrastructure of roads and highways has not kept pace. And, in many instances there is no way to change the older narrow roads to accommodate more large vehicles. It seems that every narrow soi is clogged with people who just park in front of their residence and turn it into a narrow gap suitable for bikes only.

    Twice in the past few days riding my scooter in Chiang Mai I've had oncomming silver vans flash their lights at me for being so being so obnoxious for riding in MY lane towards them. For some reason they feel it is me that should get out of the way and stop so they can go rushing through at high speed.

    The taxi drivers in Bangkok are the worst. On the highway they constantly drive ON TOP of a divider lines so as to give them the chance to change their mind at any second.

    I know, I'm just beating a dead horse here and stating the obvious, but it is something most noticeable when coming from North America where most everyone follows the laws and rules of the road. I just wonder that if nobody is going to follow the rules or laws, then why have them in the first place?

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  10. Unfortunately, with today's digital cameras it is usually cheaper to just buy a new camera. Only with the high end SLR cameras is it worth while having them fixed, and even then it can be more than a new camera is worth. I haven't been in Thailand long enough to know the local stores or prices but I would guess it is similar to North America. And, because camera models are coming out almost monthly, there are few if any parts available... even if you could find a technician to do the work.

  11. I don't think many customers of the sex industry "expect" the workers to truly love them.

    I think it's much more amazing when real love does emerge from such beginnings.

    Yes, some men are just plain gullible, but I have to admit that's easy to understand when a clever beautiful ambitious sexy young thing is bringing everything to bear on making you happy and trying to get you to fall in love with her.

    And if/when it all falls apart, most guys are probably not really that surprised, ah well was nice while it lasted, at least have some nice memories to help keep you warm those cold lonely winters starting over all over again back home.

    Some people live their whole lives never taking any risks and die without ever having that kind of fun.

    In any case such misfortune is IMO worthy of pity and compassion rather than disdain, even if it seems largely self-inflicted.

    I think that is true for many relationships. It can also be true for women as well. My ex was a handsome guy who swept me off my feet. But, he was also a philanderer. We are always hoping for the best.

  12. I tried it when I was much younger in North America and have to admit that what BigJohnnyBKK replied is correct. But, I haven't been in Thailand long enough to know what happens here. I would guess it is pretty much the same as everywhere.

  13. If it only lasts 2 or 3 days then I don't see the problem. I've heard that the water festival in the spring can last a week or more and that is too long to stay inside if you don't want to get wet. Besides, from what I've heard it only really happens in the evening when it gets dark. The rest of the day could be spent walking somewhere else but the heart of the city.

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