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Posts posted by rene123

  1. Hiking in and around Doi Sutthep. It is the big mountain with the temple near the top. The hikes can be long or short depending on your ability. The trail from Huaykaew waterfall to where the trail comes back on the road is pretty good and well traveled. You can even swim in the few tiny waterfall pools.

  2. No, but I saw it in Canada. I can't recall the price, but it would always be more here in Thailand. After other experiences with the Pentax waterproof cameras I prefer my Nikon Aw100. But it is more expensive. I used to own a Pentax W30. The close ups are great with the Pentax but over all the sharpness is not as good as the Nikon or the Canon. And the video feature is far better on the Nikon. I hardly ever use my big Nikon SLR anymore.

  3. if he likes all those gadgets, then gadget stuff (new case for smartphone or whatever, does he use business cards, then a personalized card holder, or a goofy tshirt (if he likes sports than some kind of sports motif on the shirt), or-

    a day doing what he likes to do even if u hate it like fishing, or going to a boxing event or sports event


    if u dont know him that well, then less personal (no wierd underwear), and more neutral things, even a silk tie if he actually uses them ... or a individualized key chain plus a small bottle of cologne or whiskey...

    frankly, my husband would settle for tools (drill and all that stuff), like a good quality set of screwdrivers, or soemthing...

    and/or a hatchery for his chicken eggs....

    men are a pain in the ass basically


    That doesn't sound too romantic, Bina. Men are just more practical than us gals. You have to beat them at their own game.

    • Like 1
  4. Good one, ME Smith, but I doubt if they would believe you. They've been doing the same thing for centuries.

    It was threatening all day along the mountain and it changed my plans to go for another hike. Hiking in the rain once in a while is okay but it gets kind of cool when you are all wet and on the top of a mountain. There were a few sprinkles around the south end of town, but no real rain. Even the local laundry didn't bring in their clothes off the road.

  5. All the men I know like knives. Richard Smith's idea of a Victorianox penknife is a good idea and it stays within the pocket book. If you do choose a Victorianox knife don't make it a big one with too many tools. A simple one is best with just 2 blades and a cork screw. My ex had a different knife for every occasion. Even I have a few penknives. The multi-tools are also a good idea and they vary in price. Basically, a gift at this stage is just a good natured gesture and should be kept simple. Anything will be appreciated coming from you, but Flip flops are a downer. So are ties and socks. Watches are too expensive, and so are good quality sunglasses.

    • Like 1
  6. Your post sounds like a grumpy old lady

    Where's the laughter button when you need it. I should probably get a warning from a moderator because it was a bit of a troll. I just had a nice afternoon and was feeling a bit like stirring the pot. Maybe it's my red hair.

  7. A bit smug, are we not, Sweetie? Just remember, you may end up as a grumpy old woman some day.....wink.png

    I'm not smug, I just enjoy life and take every experience, good or bad, as something learned. I even look back at the bad time when my ex was sleeping with a so called friend and I can find something positive from it. Had it not happened I would not have returned to Thailand which I am thoroughly enjoying at the moment.

    And, I doubt if I will ever be a grumpy old woman. I have far too many hobbies and interests for that. However, I'm not sure how I would be if I had a motorbike accident and wound up physically handicapped. You just take your chances in life and enjoy it as it comes.

  8. The trick to navigating Kad Luang (aka Wararot mkt.) is remembering the "landmarks"...ok, turn rt. at the turtle buckets, just past the pig heads but if you reach the rotting fish (bpalat and kapi) buckets you've gone to far. ...... I never did find the fabled Indian spice trader.

    Where is the laughter button? Thanks for that daoyai. I know just what you mean after my second visit.

  9. "I think it might be worth it, though because the prices seemed more reasonable than either the Airport Plaza or the Kad Suan Kaew plaza."

    The prices are cheap but that it is because it is mostly Chinese junk that will last all of 4-5 months before they look like you are wearing rags.

    Considering that most of the inexpensive stuff you buy in North America is now made in China I doubt if would be much different. And, after 4 or 5 months I kind of get tired of wearing the same clothes. It's frequent washing that beats clothing up. I have some expensive blouses and skirts at home that I purposely left behind. I don't need to look like a fashion model. I just want to be comfortable.

    • Like 2
  10. Is there a secret to shopping in the Chinese market area? The whole area seems to be a bustling rabbit warren of tiny shops tucked away in unorganized bedlam. I went shopping there this morning, but silly me I forgot my purse and only had a small amount of cash with me. I found a couple of cute blouses I liked but didn't have enough money to buy them. So, I headed back to my apartment to get my purse and returned an hour later, only to find I couldn't find the same shop again. I finally gave up in frustration; I'm going to have to go back a few times just to find my way around that maze. The parking is non-existent, and you really have to pay attention to where you left your scooter. I think it might be worth it, though because the prices seemed more reasonable than either the Airport Plaza or the Kad Suan Kaew plaza. The prices at the Airport plaza are more expensive than I can buy the same things for back home in Canada. The same is true for most of the stuff at the night bazaar.

  11. One thing I was taught a long time ago and I've tried to stick with, and that was "Never a lender or a borrower be."

    Anything I lend I consider a gift. That way I am not disappointed when it doesn't come back. I would rather lose some money than lose a friend because they couldn't pay back a loan.

    If I need to borrow I do it from the bank.

  12. Durian's quite nice; if the smell gets to you, just put it in the freezer first, but you do need to eat it before it gets rock hard.

    Durian ice cream - yummy!

    Kindly note my avatar. Not a fan.

    Where can I buy a cheap fan in Ekkamai?

    You can easily find a fan in ekkami. Just hold out the apropriate amount of baht in any bar there.

    When I used to dance around in a bikini I had lots of fans. I even got the odd tip.

  13. This will be my first Christmas in Thailand. I am looking forward to it.

    Same for me and I'm also looking forward to it just to see if there are any similarities. But, I've always felt that Christmas was for kids. It gives them something to look forward to. I've grown past the presents thing and my sister and I never exchange gifts. But, if we see something at any time of year that we know the other would like, we just buy it and send it. It's always a nice surprise. I never had children so I've kind of grown past the Christmas thing. I can spend good times with friends on any given weekend. As a child on Vancouver Island I used to enjoy going out with my father looking for the perfect Christmas tree. We never bought a tree because the forests were full of them. We would sneek into the tree plantation in the spring and prune a couple of fir trees just so they would grow thick and bushy. Then we would mark them with loggers tape and go back a week before Christmas. Those were great memories.

  14. A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph's Hospital. She timidly asked,

    "Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?"

    The operator said,

    "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number of the patient?"

    The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, "Norma Findlay, Room 302."

    The operator replied,

    "Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse's station for that room."

    After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said,

    "I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and her

    Physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow."

    The grandmother said,

    "Thank you. That's wonderful. I was so worried. God bless you for the good news."

    The operator replied,

    "You're more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?"

    The grandmother said, "No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room 302. No one tells me anything."

    • Like 2
  15. It rained on me for most of my hike up Doi Sutthep today. Unfortunately, I left my helmet hanging upside down on the scooter all day and it filled up with water. Huaykaew waterfall looked lovely in the rain and the stream got noticeably dirtier as the day went on. The bells at the temple were pretty in the misty rain and shon with the odd brief bit of sunshine.

    At least your helmet lining got a good washing...smile.png


    With my big mop of already soaked red hair I would hardly have noticed. thumbsup.gif

  16. It takes all types to add up making this an interesting place, if for no other reason than learning about different types of people and what makes them tick. Otherwise it would be rather boring if everyone agreed on everything. I even think there was a movie about it with that Canadian actor, Jim Carrey.

    It sounds like the Oldgringo was one of those types. If there is such a thing then hopefully he's found a better place.

  17. My only question is why do you want to be attractive to a Thai woman? Are you looking for a long term relationship? If not then you are better off with one of the women for short term rent. They can be found in most Thai cities. I actually think that is a bit more honest than trying to make some woman fall in love with you when you have no intention, or ability, to stick around for a long time.

    Others have already mentioned the obvious such as learning the Thai language and being fit and clean. Money is important in any relationship in any country. Without it you will be classified as a bit of a loser; which is not far from the truth.

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