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Posts posted by Squeegee

  1. I could have sworn he said something rather different the other week... whistling.gif


    Last weeks it was, "Maj-Gen Veerachon said the OIC chief suggested to the prime minister that the Thai government should resort to political mechanism and negotiations in the search for peace in the restive region....the government applied a two-pronged approach by promoting development in social, economic and educational aspects while engaging in peace dialogue process with separatist groups." (2016-01-13)

    Now it's "to intensify their operations in accordance with the security plan."

    The Royal Thai Military has just unilaterally halted the Southern peace process based on fear of ISIL possible involvement.

    PS: The conflict in the South is not "unrest." it's an insurgency. If IS did begin to appear in the South it might actually benefit the Malay-Thai insurgency politically by globalizing their own conflict. This is something the military has strained to prevent - international attention on the insurgency and the Thai military's history of discouraging peacetalks with persistent military campaigns might lead to international peace initiatives. The RTM feels that "would give too much legitimacy to the separatists." (ref. The Nation 2015-10-19)

    ISIS might benefit the Malay ??? You have got to be kidding. ISIS only cares about ISIS. They will kill Thai and Malaysian people at the same time. The ideas that ISIS believe are 100 times worse.

    No wonder you're pro-junta if that's the extent of your insight into the world. That's probably about primary school level of thinking.

  2. empty beer bottles, medicine beside the bed, alone, bad smell, no mobile, no wallet, thai gf at MIL.

    this guy died of natural causes .... blink.png

    Where does it say "beer bottles?"

    where does it say no mobile and no wallet?

    The post above stated 4 empty booze bottles, also no mention that his mobile was sitting on the bedside table and his wallet so where were they ? the guy was only 48yrs old ..... suspicious ! maybe ...

    No mention of a Rolls Royce parked outside. He must have had a Rolls Royce stolen.

  3. Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the Flaviviridae virus family and the Flavivirus genus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. In humans, it causes a mild illness known as Zika fever, Zika, or Zika disease, which since the 1950s has been known to occur within a narrow equatorial belt from Africa to Asia. In 2014, the virus spread eastward across the Pacific Ocean to French Polynesia, then to Easter Island and in 2015 to South America, Central America, and the Caribbean and is now considered pandemic.[1] The illness is like a mild form of dengue fever,[2] is treated by rest,[3] and cannot be prevented by drugs or vaccines.[4] Zika disease is related to yellow fever and West Nile disease, which are caused by other arthropod-borne flaviviruses.[2] A link to microcephaly in newborns of infected mothers is now thought possible.[5] In January 2016, the CDC issued travel guidance on affected countries, including the use of enhanced precautions and considering postponing travel, and guidelines for pregnant women.[6][7]

    So our friendly neighbourhood aedes aegypti strikes again.

  4. Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

    Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

    Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

    Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

    Another one lacking moral fiber. Spineless and selfish.

  5. Anything these activist say now will simply not be believable

    "There will be no coup."

    "The single gateway was just an idea for discussion."


    You people will never change your tune now if you haven't already, but unfortunately that's left you with nowhere else to go but diversion and hypocrisy.

    'But Thaksin....'

    You have no arguments left and you've been silenced in the majority of news topics. You are, for all intents and purposes, unreasonable people. How you sleep at night reflects your personal morality.

  6. I just pray....

    'if [actually, when a certain something happens] the country will be a bad place to be.'

    (My edit in brackets to keep this post safer.)

    On the contrary, better the current situation is over as soon as possible so Thailand can try to move forwards.

    There will be a long, drawn out period for respect, then cracks will appear and whatever happens will inevitably happen. I hope it hurries up because right now Thailand is in a very nasty kind of limbo.

    If you have toothache you must face having it pulled out. Best it be done sooner rather than later.

  7. Having read this and other articles by Mr. Euhara, it sounds to me that he is just trying to put people off from investing here. His choice of examples and his travel program are spectacularly naïve.

    Inward investment in most countries is a big challenge, one of the biggest losers is Japan, so Mr. E seems to be trying to scare people. Before TV members start Thai bashing consider :-

    Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia do not have the electricity we do. Show stopper for big employers to go there.

    Ditto roads, transport damage on the way to market from products made in these countries is severe.

    Attendance rates are worse, the work ethic here is better. Thailand has done a pretty good job of balancing salaries and staying competitive. You pay peanuts you suffer.

    Infrastructure around BKK is struggling. The current investment in roads around Amata with roads to Laem Chabang port will keep us ahead of the game.

    I could go on, but I got work to do, figuring out how to improve this year on the 22% increase in business we achieved last year from 2014.

    Most clueless post of the day so far. It's like an EnglishJohn post for economics (without the unhinged flames). It's not just the lack of perception of Thai reality, it's the wholesale lack of understanding of SE Asian countries and their history in tandem with absolutely no insight into the future.

    One doesn't even have to go into economics: one can simply visit any restaurant in a tourist area to see the level of professionalism. In Thailand they don't smile and don't care; in Viet Nam they leave you in no uncertain terms your business is appreciated and they know how to say "Enjoy your meal."

    Thailand was in the right place at the right time in history to pretend it was something it isn't (a civilized democracy) whereas Viet Nam, thanks to American stupidity going on international witch hunts equivalent to the McCarthy trials set back Viet Nam economically and made an unnecessary enemy of them when Ho Chi Minh was never a communist like the Chinese or Russians, indeed America didn't just ignore Minh's plea for help, it began working with him then went back on its word.

    The Vietnamese must not be underestimated. They fully deserve everything good that's now coming to them in direct counterpoint to Thailand's not deserving anything, and your clueless post misses the reality on just about every level.

    All the things you complain about have been issues for years...so why did you locate to thailand in the first place...was it for the cheap sex?

    But no competition for cluelessness from this post, which is just an irrelevant exercise in low brow stupidity.

  8. Of course, the elephant in the room is that too many people have dirt on too many other people.

    I definitely think this is the crux of the matter that is holding Thailand back. Perhaps they should have let Yingluck's lot pass the amnesty bill so everyone had a clean slate. After all, that's actually more or less what would have happened, unlike the junta's version of amnesty for themselves only.

    Perhaps it's as simple as what the RTP knows about corrupt Army practice going back 30+ years?

    Exactly right. When the human trafficking scandal first came to light the military tried to pin the whole thing on the RTP and civilian leaders. The RTP came up with evidence on Lt Gen Manas (easy to do, an operation of that scale had to have high level involvement of both the military and police), showing the junta that the RTP wasn't going down alone. The junta has handled the RTP with kid gloves ever since.

    Easy to understand why. Prayut was a rising star in the Eastern Tigers when it was "guarding" the Cambodian border, and getting rich off illegal dealings with the Khmer Rouge. That was also an operation that had to have high level military and police involvement. No doubt the RTP know of many skeletons in many important closets.

    It's impossible for the country to move forwards if there's nobody left with clean hands. These quotes above nail the situation. Thailand lacks a Gandhi or Mandela or a.. King.

    Now they are all doomed to be stuck with themselves and each other going in ever decreasing circles in the blinding and unfortunate light of the internet age. Gosh how they must hate the internet. But nevermind, this is actually merely a temporary problem because a rather more significant storm is on the horizon that's almost certainly going to whip up the dust like nobody's business.

  9. So let me get this right:

    The single gateway to go ahead after all.

    'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

    I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

    Even more of a mute point considering the current lot gave themselves amnesty too....

    Actually, the correct word is 'moot', however, you might as well say 'mute' because he hasn't provided any relevant content other than to - honourably, for sure - admit this is bad news for Thailand.

    "Thailand hoped its gateway project would make Thailand a link between Asia and the West begin in 2017."

    The Link between Asia and the west is determined to be where the Subsea FiberOptic cables pops up, namely Singapore and I believe Vietnam?

    In Vietnam YouTube really doesn't stream very well, it kinda chugs along, which is bizarre because every other aspect of the internet here has excellent speeds. I can download Match Of The Day in about 5 minutes. Sometimes less for The Walking Dead.

    your beloved PTP

    The lady doth protest way, way too much: you are the only one here who is clearly utterly obsessed with them. I suggest you invest in a box of tissues so you don't get it on the furniture.

  10. As always, one can invert what they say and find the truth. You can set your watch by it.

    "The Defense Minister revealed that the Royal Thai Police (RTP) is establishing a reform committee"

    Therefore, there will be no substantial reforms.

    "...which consists of selected officials and residents."

    In other words, cronies.

    "General Prawit said the key objectives of reform include improving its investigative skills..."

    Which means improving their ability to talk their way out of real reform, fairness and transparency.

    "...and cooperation with judges and the community."

    So 'established' figures may remain 'established'.

    "He mentioned reforming the agencies under the RTP with a goal of future collaboration in mind..."

    A.K.A. a trough party.

    "...while highlighting that reform would not involve restructuring the police force."

    Because they are not really reforms at all, beyond a few token low hanging fruit and political and 'economic' rivals.

    "General Prawit reiterated that police reform would also aim at creating greater public confidence in the authority..."

    Which means business as usual as far as deluding the Thai public is concerned.

    "...while maintaining righteous commitment."

    Essentially, passionately upholding their snouts to the trough whilst kicking the other pigs to one side. Pure Orwell: some animals are more equal than others.

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