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Posts posted by Squeegee

  1. Based on experience and tales told me by reliable sources, the graft and corruption has gotten noticeably worse since the coup.

    cheesy.gif If you and your reliable mate say so then it must be true.

    Last time I went for my visa at the UK consulate, I mentioned how much better I thought Thailand was now that the dirty cronies got booted out.

    The guy processing the visa told me that everyone he spoke to shared the same view. The general opinion was that under Pheu-Thai, corruption was a general free-for-all and at least the Junta were trying to do something about it.

    But I bow to your obviously superior information. All the farang from UK who don't give a dam about Thai political colours, are relatively well educated and grew up in a real democracy must be wrong.

    As if a Thai working in an official capacity would dare say anything different. Any Thai I speak with privately says they don't like this government and dare not speak out.


    If only what the man says in the OP was trustworthy. There are hundreds of examples that call into question everything said and any right-minded person would find this announcement untrustworthy.

    And still the likes of EnglishJohn and ginjag support these people. How can one justify such a position? It beggars belief!

  2. Funny how this post which at least, sets out to show that Thailand is serious about tackling corruption has only attracted 9 replies, yet the post about the threat to prosecute Hannah Witheridges' sister has attracted more than 10 pages (232 replies!)

    Don't be silly. Laura is one of us and that story is astoundingly sickening in its entirety.

    Furthermore, have you learned nothing about Thailand's ways? This sure does "set out to show" because 'show' is the modus operandi of the Thai elite in order to divert attention from the true content. How naive you are, unless you're a shill propagandist.

  3. From the OP:

    "Under the proposed bill, judges to be assigned to the criminal corruption court must have at least ten years of experience in the judicial affairs which will help in accelerating corruption cases."

    So the best people for the new system are the ones who made the old system the success it is?

    Proves this is nothing more than business as usual, with yet another circle of establishment figures roped in to sit around a table, getting their picture taken and making announcements to keep up appearances. We can expect them to go after political opponents and lower hanging fruit.

    The park scandal is all we need to know about the true nature of current 'anti-corruption' efforts.

  4. Curious that the "Hang 'em High" crew is conspicuously silent.

    Although, if you pay attention to the "users reading this topic" at the bottom of every page, (at least when I have checked in), I have noticed a key proponent who has been lurking silent, for hours.


    Oh, and Squeegee?

    It is "a lot more serious than putting their picture on selected websites."

    And your properties...

    Sorry, I'm not following you. My properties?

  5. Surely for Thai public consumption, promoting the idea that the powers that be in Thailand have reach beyond their borders (in other words, fooling the slaves into thinking their masters have any real power).

    I doubt he/they really believe they can achieve anything beyond passing some motion that if she ever goes to The Land Of Corruption they'd get her then.

    Again, I say the British government needs to stand up for its citizens and warn them before going to that backwards and morally bankrupt country. This is salt in the wound for any British family who suffered when Thailand killed their family members.

    What more proof do people need that Thailand does not respect its guests and needs boycotting?

    Nearly all guests in Thailand have only positive things to think about the place until the Thais damage their own reputation by abusing people they should be taking care of. That is the bottom line: Thais have damaged their reputation and they deserve nothing less than to be openly held responsible and not be allowed to abuse the citizens of other countries.

    Thailand, shame on you.

    British government, shame on you even more.

  6. I also think the Thai authorities saying they will sue Laura and charge any hackers is merely face-saving for consumption within Thailand's borders. Problem for them is, since they can't keep their silly mouths shut their childish "I'll do this and I'll do that" mantra may result in their being truly exposed, and frankly, it's the least they deserve.

    What a wonderful day it would be if suddenly there appeared the private dealings of the corrupt displayed on official websites. Putting the Anonymous face on websites isn't really going to achieve anything more than the inconvenience of getting the sites' content back.

    Anonymous must understand how Thai face-saving works: they don't care a jot how they are perceived outside Thailand because outside Thailand barely exists and is full of insignificant non-Thais. The key is to affect the average Thai's perception of their masters and do it incontrovertibly. In simple terms, only the direct exposing of the corrupt will prevent them from hiding behind lies and silly announcements.

    Anonymous at this point are just a minor annoyance that will change nothing: wheel out a mid to high level lackey to go on Thai TV and say it will be dealt with is all the corrupt need to do in order to carry on as normal. That's how it works and we see it every day. These people were around a long time before Anonymous and they're more than capable of weathering Anonymous' temporary attention unless Anonymous gets a lot more serious than putting their picture on selected websites.


    Just seen the previous two posts. Perhaps Anonymous can do something useful, but it's a shame for all the innocents involved as they take a blanket approach. They really should focus on specific individuals or they will just alienate neutrals and give Thai authorities an opportunity to play the victim.

  7. are you a woman only a woman could twist things around in such a way.

    Stay classy, quality tourist.

    Your description "crazy scumbag" could probably be applied to him also.

    No it could not probably be applied to him also. A remotely intelligent person would be able to differentiate descriptions for potentially murderous thugs and someone being rude with their fingers.

  8. -snip-

    I've mowed down about 5 or 6 over the years,unintentionally obviously.

    They haven't even got the decency to scoop them up off the road after dying,rotting corpses litter highway 21 between Lom Sak and Phetchabun,I keep a score tally now and my personal best is 8 going to and coming back from shopping.

    Wow, you should open a roadside BBQ. Call it The Roadkill Grill and you'll make a fortune.

    When I lived in Isaan they scraped dead dogs off the road for dinner. That was Sisaket province, not the north. Women didn't partake.

  9. His only right is to speak on behalf of the Thai elite.

    What gives YOU the right to decide what any Thai person can say?

    Like it or not he has been confirmed in the office of PM by the highest person in the land and in that capacity he DOES have the right to speak on behalf of all the Thai people.

    I completely disagree, and if Thailand was a civilized country I would be able to say why to sycophants like you.

  10. I was once evaluated by an ex-Chula ajarn at a school I was working at. Her 'constructive criticism' was that I could have out the P1 kids into pairs for dialogues. There were only 25 kids in the class, but even so, a class of 25 P1 kids doing pair work a few weeks into their first primary year?!

    So if I am to be managing one pair of kids what on Earth did she think the other 23 kids would be doing?

    This was early in my time in Thailand but since she was an ex-Chula professor it told me everything I needed to know to about the state of Thai education and the reality Thai big shots live in. Since then I could never take them seriously whether they were telling me I am a good teacher or whether they were trying to teach me to suck eggs.

  11. What strikes me about RTP contemplating a law suit against Laura is that they immediatly dismiss her claims. Its as if the RTP could never be capable of such actions. Why not investigate the police chief who she said took money from the media, investigate what was alledgedly said to her and her family by the judges. The defamation laws in Thailand seem to used to silence people. We have seen it with Andy Hall and the pinapple company, Andrew Drummond with fraudsters, an academic whos name escapes me for plagiarism and countless others. In all these cases the law was used in retaliation by wrongdoers to silence their critics and stop them revealing criminal activity.Now the police are using the same tactic.

    Quite frankly, after everything going back decades this kind of behaviour is nothing less than unsurprising for a third world banana state masquerading as a civilized country, but for such authorities to apparently openly suggest they might sue Laura really goes to show how despicable the United Kingdom is in consistently abandoning its own citizens to appease trade opportunities with a foreign country that regularly kills its citizens.

    The Thai police are the Thai police, so it's like complaining about a dog lifting its leg to pee, but the British government is something else entirely, least of all essentially harbouring criminal activity against its own people in far away places.

    It's great that Anonymous are weighing in on what's gone on for decades in Thailand on a weekly, almost daily basis, but it's not just a bunch of questionable officials from a third world country who need to be exposed, the most guilty party to my mind is the UK government for not warning people sufficiently about the Land Of Rape, Theft And Murder.


    Violent sexual assaults and robberies against both men and women are reported regularly in the Koh Samui archipelago and Krabi province. These are particularly common during the monthly Full Moon parties and generally occur late at night near bars.

    Thank you for the link. At least they are saying something, sure, I take your point, but I just don't think it's good enough.

    First and foremost, the UK government must do more to support it citizens, not just in terms of how it deals with Thai officialdom where a crime has already been committed, but before the fact and in a more realistic manner than expecting the masses to do their research on a government website before leaving.

    It's quite impressive that they actually list a number of issues but then they bury them amongst silly advice that will result in the average consumer not taking the whole list seriously enough. For example: warning there is crime in Pattaya and following up with this:

    "...resulting in accidents, injuries, robbery, assaults and lost travel documents. If you drink, know your limit. Drinks served in bars overseas are often stronger than those in the UK. Some British nationals in Thailand have suffered severe psychiatric problems because of drug use, resulting in some suicides."

    It comes across like teaching people to suck eggs: I can imagine anyone who does bother to look at the webpage may take the attitude that they know already that alcohol can result in impaired judgement, thus the advice goes like water off a duck's back for everything else as well.

    Far better in my opinion would be for them to highlight the amount of weekly/daily deaths in mysterious circumstances and then place the information where consumers will actually see it, like obliging British holiday companies to provide a handout with all the information once they commit to booking a trip, and similarly at airports for flights heading out. If Western governments had the decency and backbone to do such a thing it would force the face-saving Thais to take more care themselves of how they are treating their 'guests'.

    It's simply not good enough to assume the masses are responsible enough to pursue relevant information from a government website when all they are generally thinking about are the costs, itineraries and fun places for their visit.

    There is enough evidence that Thailand can be an extremely dangerous place to go to, so the current state of things is no better than putting up a website warning against drink driving and expecting people to take it seriously. That just doesn't happen and to properly educate the masses there must be a campaign, as there is with drink driving.

    But it's not just that they fail to make a real effort to warn their citizens, it's also the fact that they show little support for anyone who does have problems abroad. I am not necessarily suggesting that people can get their plane fare home paid by the government because in most cases that would indeed be wrong and create more problems for the government and its citizens, but actual support in terms of backing up our people with our values where needed.

    Our values, like decency, transparency and fair play should not be abandoned by a government just because its citizen chose to go to a third world country. If said country is regularly killing people that should be made overt and let the third world country manage the consequences, ie. shape up or see their walking ATMs ship out.

    So in essence, there are two major problems with the link: firstly that most people would even bother to go there; secondly that it encourages a 'This happens all over the world and it won't happen to me' attitude in people who should be taking better precautions.

    Even so, simply putting these warnings on a webpage is not good enough and when something does happen there is clearly not enough support for citizens. We as expats know that the Embassy will not help us in many situations other than give advice, but when a Thai cop can openly consider suing a British citizen who is the victim of a crime in Thailand after the cops themselves have been less than professional in their treatment of said crime it can only leave a bad taste in the mouth with the UK government and shows they are not doing nearly enough.

  12. What strikes me about RTP contemplating a law suit against Laura is that they immediatly dismiss her claims. Its as if the RTP could never be capable of such actions. Why not investigate the police chief who she said took money from the media, investigate what was alledgedly said to her and her family by the judges. The defamation laws in Thailand seem to used to silence people. We have seen it with Andy Hall and the pinapple company, Andrew Drummond with fraudsters, an academic whos name escapes me for plagiarism and countless others. In all these cases the law was used in retaliation by wrongdoers to silence their critics and stop them revealing criminal activity.Now the police are using the same tactic.

    Quite frankly, after everything going back decades this kind of behaviour is nothing less than unsurprising for a third world banana state masquerading as a civilized country, but for such authorities to apparently openly suggest they might sue Laura really goes to show how despicable the United Kingdom is in consistently abandoning its own citizens to appease trade opportunities with a foreign country that regularly kills its citizens.

    The Thai police are the Thai police, so it's like complaining about a dog lifting its leg to pee, but the British government is something else entirely, least of all essentially harbouring criminal activity against its own people in far away places.

    It's great that Anonymous are weighing in on what's gone on for decades in Thailand on a weekly, almost daily basis, but it's not just a bunch of questionable officials from a third world country who need to be exposed, the most guilty party to my mind is the UK government for not warning people sufficiently about the Land Of Rape, Theft And Murder.

  13. Anonymous attack on Thai court websites. Breaking news.


    "Anonymous has vowed to release information about corrupt members of the Thai judiciary..."

    I really hope Anonymous go to town on the Thai establishment.

    "Anonymous is supporting the campaign to ask tourists to boycott Thailand “until such time changes are made with the way Thai police handle investigations involving foreign tourists."

    Let's just hope Anonymous stick to it.

    "Police spokesperson Dechnarong Suticharnbancha on Jan. 5 said the Technology Crime Suppression Division would track down the hackers.

    “Even if the source of attack was from abroad, they will be convicted eventually,” he said. “It’s not a problem. Thai police are excellent.”

    Cue the obligatory official Thai buffoon and the predictable statement that can be reversed to get to the truth: they will never be convicted and the Thai police are generally inept, unprofessional and often times corrupt.


    Roll on the appeal, and let's see the Thai authorities' train of injustice go further off the rails in the eyes of the world. The Land Of Smiles is dead and Teflon Thailand's life support is now wasting electricity.

  14. 5 year olds in the West have similar ideas to many Thai 'leaders'.

    I just asked my 5 year old and she thinks it's a good idea. She would also like to see a Frozen fun park on ice in Chiang Mai with a real Elsa to make Thai people happy. I smiled and said sure, I'll pass the idea on to the Governor.

    I was going to observe how infantile the mentality is but you nailed it with your 5 year old. She sounds qualified to be the next prime minister of Thailand and would probably be more mature than the rest of them.

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