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Posts posted by Squeegee

  1. 38 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    This has been going on for years you just catching up, about 15 years ago there was a hot ladyboy called Lucy Mustang website and on the few dating sites at the time. The young girls are just catching up


    Sure it's not new, but it's exploding and a further coffin in the nail of the bar industry and the end of Thailand as we know it.

  2. About the short, fat women...


    One thing you need to understand is ASEAN has indeed had an impact.


    After the Thaksin years, curfews and crackdowns, internal stuff, plus social media and the general market decline, you really are now grubbing round the dregs in the bars.


    Check out various smart phone chat apps with social networking features, life updates and meet-me-now or who's-around functions and you will see Vietnamese going to Singapore for a long weekend; Thai ladies off to do a few weeks in a resort doing massage, escorting and hostessing in Malaysia; Thai ladyboys, Filipina ladyboys in Viet Nam for days, weeks or months pretty much establishing a circuit.


    There's a new generation of flying sisters out their, or rather, up there, not high class women living jet-set lifestyles, they are the hot ones that moved with the times and have empowered themselves.

    They are the new go-go dancer that was probably making somewhat more than your average English teacher; they're increasingly decked out in genuine designer gear, gifted by their often Japanese or Korean sponsors.



    There's some of the picture. Go see for yourself across the social media.




    I'm amazed nobody has really been observing this yet.

  3. On 11/29/2016 at 10:44 AM, Pimay1 said:

    Just as I expected. Anyone who does not agree with you is automatically wrong. No facts needed.


    Don't be stupid... or disingenuous.


    He told you your ranting, biased political propaganda mouthpiece, intended to influence minds at the lowest common denominator - a sensationalist newspaper - is not going to have anyone take you seriously.


    When you post a source - and he attacks it - you can say it was so.



    Posting links to the Daily Mail, as if it proves something in a debate... are you nine years old?

  4. "...to ensure that they are only working at the address listed on their work permit ..."


    I wonder how some language centers in Thailand are ever going to get teachers in future, or how Thais can have the bare-faced cheek to ask a foreigner to teach them English privately so their "brothers & sisters" can stab him in the back with a knock on the door about work permits.



  5. 8 hours ago, lungnorm said:

    She works in a larger type hospital and although she is only a cleaner her vast network of Thai friends come to her to try and gain employment. So much is she respected at work the H.R dept always contact her first when a new employee is required. At last count she had secured employment for over 60 Thai friends. You obviously cannot envision someone with soooo many friends. I have no reason to lie about this so its not hyperbole.


    I could not envision it, but I can now.


    Your specifying brings a lot more to the thread than your generalizing, though I suspect for every Thai lady looking the other way, maybe there's one with a rovin' eye if the spice is right, and maybe a couple of others who'd scream-the-place-down or cut-your-balls-off, other common varieties of Thai lady.

  6. 1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

    I would not have posted it if I was not sure of my facts. My ex had hundreds of Thai friends in Australia they all used to confess their problems to her.


    Although there may be some truth in some Asian women turning a blind eye to their husband's infidelities, your gross generalization about it being customary for Thai women is nothing but just that... a gross generalization.


    Faith in your words about what is a custom for Thai women is further undermined by yourself with your own hyperbole. You have literally claimed that there are at least 200 ("hundreds") Thais in Australia who are "all" confessing their problems to your wife.


    I wonder, with such a lifestyle to be listening to the problems of at least TWO HUNDRED people in Australia, how your amazing wife finds time to breathe and put the cat out.



    So maybe your wife could make a fortune charging for this clearly much-needed service by people who - according to you - "all" keep a custom and then complain to your wife about it.





    What you say has truth in it, but generalizations and hyperbole remove a lot of that truth and tend to replace it with silliness.

  7. 1 minute ago, Familyaffairs said:

    They are encroachers on a national park which belongs to ALL Thais, not just a handful.


    Dead right.


    People who have made their livelihoods there will just have to learn what foreigners in their country already know: better to have your ducks in a row.


    Shame for them, they were born into a life where everyone else is doing it, so why can't we? but life - especially a corrupt one - isn't fair.




    Is cleaning up a national park that belongs to the country a good thing to do? Yes.


    Should it be used by pro-junta supporters as proof the government is anti-corruption? No.




  8. The Vanity business is rife with quasi-Orwellian double-speak.


    She is a pretty only within the bounds of the 'beauty' industry, where taste is dictated by profit rather than by the individual. It starts with the idealised symmetrical faces of celebrities and then develops into a bland, mediocre, uniform plastic and ridiculous nose, just like all the other plastic and ridiculous noses.


    That's why she's a pretty.

  9. 4 hours ago, elliss said:

    Farlangs  ,     from the Western   Civilised    World .  ??



    If the man in the story is representative then everyone who calls themself elliss is not stupid.


    2 hours ago, terryp said:

    "This is Thailand brother - you don't need to worry".


    and there you have the problem , you could stay here 1,000 years and you will NEVER be accepted by these so called people (married with Thai born children...but NO RIGHTS ...Ridiculous).


    All you armchair warriors commenting on this you are pathetic..;. they were HIS children not yours I guess thats the difference, you obviously dont value your children's well-being ..accident or not


    GOOD FOR HIM..far too many idiots driving vehicles in this country that are basically not mentally capable of controlling as Numerous DEATHS prove daily








    "The man - who appears to have a British accent - shouts at the scared looking Thai uni kids: "You could have killed my f**king kid!"


    GOOD FOR HIM Bad for all of us.


    Oh, but this is about the 'well-being' of his kids, rite?


    He needlessly over-reacted and put himself in danger of a life-threatening situation for him and the possibility of the kids' having their father arrested, injured, incapacitated or fatally killed, all because of what might have happened. The presence of his children may have actually saved his life is what might also have happened.














    "....one man reassuring the students in Thai language: "This is Thailand brother - you don't need to worry".


    They don't deserve foreigners.





    "Others like Peter Tung wondered why he wasn't attacked by bystanders: "Why didn't they pile in?," he asked, "This is Thailand after all".


    So, Peter Tung, has Thailand no shame?






    "Others appealed for calm."


    Well thank goodness for that, there is hope for humanity yet.



  10. 16 hours ago, MiKT said:


    Well, would you be kind enough to please substantiate your opinion about working in Thailand. What do you do?  Are so qualified in so many different fields and disciplines that you can make such a sweeping judgment?


    Can't say I like any of Desperate Dan's nonsense and fully support Andy, in his decision to leave, but please stick to the subject.


    Yes, thank you, good point. Some qualification. Of course I am generalising, but to be more clear a reasonable expat package or international position, for example(s), would be better described as working whilst situated in Thailand. It's not just the lifestyle money can buy, it's also such tidbits as paperwork taken care of without lifting a finger. Speaking English exclusively might be par for the course as well, as the golfers amongst them might say.

    It doesn't have to be about living a particularly 'high life' either, just any work-life that can avoid dealing face to face with officialdom or Thai employees, etc.


    Are we talking about living in a bubble, then, or actually dealing with the Thai system in all its amazingness, its people, bureaucracy, laws, culture, corruption...?


    Whether it's an English teacher, a bar owner or businessman, there is plenty of evidence on the forum that the general consensus was 'Holiday or retirement, yes.... working, not so much.' (Past tense since, these days, even retirement or holiday may arguably be a 'Not so much' as well, as far as Thailand is concerned.)


    Sure, Thailand was a place where a lot of people wanted to work but it had little to do with it being a great place to work.



    I hope that makes some kind of sense.  I worked in Thailand for nearly 5 years in the countryside, suburbs and city. Those experiences confirmed what I saw posted by my fellow expats working in other fields.


  11. 7 hours ago, jabis said:

    I'm quite sad to say I was expecting this reading his latest endeavours. Another one muzzled.


    I think far from being muzzled, the last thing the Thai goon squad wanted was for him to get out of Thailand where...


    7 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    No doubt he will write/publish more in the future. He'll just be doing it from a place where he won't get thrown in jail for speaking the truth.


    ...and that's great news for everyone except the junta and their morally and intellectually retarded followers.

    And talking of morally and intellectually retarded junta followers:


    4 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


    According to the likes of maxman71 and Deepinthailand - trying to help the thousands of foreigners who get treated like s#it in Thailand is a bad thing.


    These 'accept-the-everyday-misery-inflicted-upon-the-less-fortunate-because-you-can't-change-it-and-anyway-it-doesn't-affect-me' folks really get on my goat. They're the same folks that bemoan those of us who rail against the wholly ineffectual police force overseeing one of the highest road told in the world because, hey, we can't change it and it doesn't affect us so no point discussing it on a discussion forum... Selfish <deleted> if you ask me.


    Unbelievable these horrible, foolish people can live with themselves knowing their 'Thailand lifestyle' is based on abusing other human beings. Mr You-Can't-Change-Them, who enjoys the fruits of human suffering. However, openly supporting a system of human rights abuse is beyond their perception because, as I said, they are morally and/or intellectually retarded.




    1 hour ago, Goingmad said:

    He will go work for Green Peace. Try to save the Whales or Cod Fish;  as they don't carry guns. Now nothing to be afraid.

    Green Peace will pay him. And not care about Asian people anymore. Be careful of the sharks; they can bite you in the butt.


    A stupid post that is entirely content-free beyond mindless character assassination.


    I can just as easily say you will "go work" for the junta to snitch on fellow foreigners... based on the evidence of... we don't like your opinions. See how stupid your post is? Almost certainly not, I'm sure.

  12. 3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    I much prefer the Toffee Crisp!


    Actually I love Toffee Crisp too. Those and Topic are probably amongst my top 5 with - in no possible particular order - Kit Kat Chunky (plain is best, milk will do), Bounty (plain is best, milk will do) and Twix.


    1 each of those 5 or you could give me 2.





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