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Posts posted by BradinAsia

  1. 1 hour ago, albertik said:

    No happy ending for this lad.  I suggest just pay up and move on unless of course this 1000 bht will break your bank.


    How can you say no happy ending? Do you know for a fact that he did not reach an orgasm?

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  2. On 2/20/2020 at 7:58 PM, DLock said:

    She is her hooker, and by definition, her job is to provide sexual services in exchange for money.


    Did he think think this was a free sampler?


    Maybe he didn't like the idea of (1) not  being asked up front if he wanted a hand job (being billed for unsolicited services), (2) not being told the price in advance (violation of truth in lending laws), and (3) the hooker trying to charge him 4 times the normal rate (price gouging). When I say normal rate, that's bcoz I used to get hand jobs at Soi 22 for THB200. Has inflation been that much in 20 years???

    • Sad 1
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  3. 4 hours ago, dcnx said:

    Thai is among the ugliest languages I’ve ever heard, but this is common for South East Asian languages. They sound horrible. However, it was useful for business so I learned it. 


    I can speak, read, and write Thai at a business professional level. I can also speak basic Khmer and Burmese. That’s what 20 years in the region will do for you if you apply yourself. Schools, private tutors, all of it. 



    I've travelled the world for almost 60 yrs and have studied more than a dozen languages, but the ugliest language

    that I've ever heard is Cockney, that notorious dialect of British English that sounds like a frog farting in a barrel.


    Most Asian languages are like music to my ears, especially when listening to Japanese and Thai ladies speak.


    Just my opinion...



    • Thanks 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, dcnx said:

    You know it’s entirely possible to simply dislike stupid people from all walks of life. Since we are in Thailand and they are very poorly educated and they do some of the mind boggling, ignorant things we’ve ever seen, it’s easy to clown on them and give them a hard time. That doesn’t mean everyone is a racist towards them. You can like them, marry them, date them, work with them, employ them, befriend them, and still think they are generally ungodly ignorant. 


    In all my years in Thailand beginning in May 1960, the most ungodly ignorant folks I met there were nearly all farangs. And I might add, the most uncouth.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

    Just someone she-it stirring! Considering half that part of the country are of Mexican origin I  wouldn't rush to judgement.  


    I quite agree with you, Grumpy John.


    I can't wait to see what all the white-supremacists are going to do when whites become a minority in about 15-20 years.

    They'll be like a bunch of rats scurrying for shelter... hahaha. I want to be there!


    That reminds me of a red-neck recently accusing a native American (so-called Indian) of being illegal, and telling him to go

    back where he came from. The red-neck was so clueless, he lacked the mental capacity to comprehend that if everyone

    went back where they came from, only the native Americans would be left in the U.S. -- no whites!!!


    • Haha 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, dcnx said:



    I hope the customer called immigration to have them check to make sure everyone there is legal. I might email them myself just to be sure. This goes both ways.


    And yes, they should speak English if they are going to live and do business in the US. I learned their useless ugly language and studied my ass off to be good at it. 


    You hope the customer called immigration because the staff spoke in a language other than English?

    You think anyone speaking another language may be illegal? I speak several languages besides English,

    what the holy hell is wrong with that? Such primitive, uncivilized thinking.


    The most disgusting racist ideas -- this is the filthy side of American society. What happened to 200

    years of the American melting pot that made our country great in the first place. These kinds of ideas

    are what makes the political divide in the U.S. today so toxic, so utterly inhuman.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Myran said:

    Wouldn't be the first time the "racist note at a restaurant" turned out to be fake. There's tons of previous examples.





    And why wouldn't a Thai person be able to write that note? Maybe you should take a look at your own preconceived notions about Thai people.


    Myran, it's just common sense -- look at the circumstances and look at the note. It seems that your extreme negative attitude toward Thais (so common

    on this forum) is clouding you sense of reason. It has nothing to do with whether a Thai COULD write that note, it's all about WOULD a Thai write that note.


    After 32 years in Asia, I have no preconceived notions about Thai people or any other people, thank you very much!

  8. 12 minutes ago, dcnx said:



    I hope the customer called immigration to have them check to make sure everyone there is legal. I might email them myself just to be sure. This goes both ways.


    And yes, they should speak English if they are going to live and do business in the US. I learned their useless ugly language and studied my ass off to be good at it. 


    Sounds like you're from Texas. Maybe you wrote the note.

  9. 4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    I'll probably catch hell for this, but in a way I tend to agree with the sentiments of the note. I learned very quickly that to truly get by in Thailand I had to learn the language. If you are living in a country whose language is different than your own, it pays to learn it. 


    Just1Voice, there is a big difference in "it pays to learn it" and "go back where you came from."

    The former is a constructive suggestion, the latter is showing your true identity as a xenophobic dumb-axx. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, zydeco said:

    Could easily be a hoax. Free publicity already achieved. Not to mention sympathy patronage soon coming up.



    What a disgusting and cynical post. Are you suggesting that the Thai owner may have written the note?

    How ludicrous... Look at the note and try to imagine that a Thai wrote this. It was obviously written by a

    racist red-neck.

    • Confused 1
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  11. 4 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

    They saw many zebra crossings in most western countries without having a clue as to what these decorations could do in the street all year long, so they decided to do the same thinking it would probably look smarter for western tourists!


    So many farangs (especially on this forum) hold onto the ludicrous assumption that when they visit an Asian country, the customs and rules and laws should match those of their own home country. And when these don't match they get a severe case of apoplexy and proclaim that Thais are not very intelligent, and that they lack many of the requisite values to be considered real humans. I would remind these folks, that a number of Asian societies were making advances in mathematics and astronomy and were developing ingenious inventions when most of Europe still had no writing system, were still living in squalor and engaging in endless tribal warfare. Some folks are not aware that several Asian societies had highly organized civil service examination systems a thousand years before Europeans even had books.


    The first time I visited an Asian country in 1960, I had the eerie feeling that I had travelled back 2,000 yrs in a time-machine. It was extremely fascinating. If folks visit Thailand and get upset bcoz most Thais don't speak much English and eat foods that folks back home would never eat... hey, what the holey moley did they even come here for? If these folks are so self-centered that they want an exotic, ancient Asian kingdom to somehow play by all the same rules as home, they'd surely be much more contents if they didn't do something so brash as to visit an exotic, ancient Asian kingdom. They'd surely be better off if they just stayed home and avoided adventures in exotic lands.


    All the years I lived in Thailand, I found it an amazing place. And if you want to talk about weird food -- in Thailand I never saw anybody eats coagulated blood sandwiches. 


    The guy who sat down in the crosswalk and threw a hissie fit is a superb example of narrow-minded falangs who would be much better off to stay home. The U.S. has 50 states, each of them are much like different countries, they all make their own laws. If you travel state to state you can have lots of problems if you can't accept the fact that different places have different laws. How much more one should expect if visiting an exotic Asian country.


    Just some thoughts...

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  12. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    It's a suggestion, like stopping for red traffic lights or driving on the left on a dual carriageway.



    By the way, isn't it a bit too strange and archaic to refer to streets or roads as carriageways?

    Most of the developed world hasn't seen any carriages for roughly 100 years.


    Times do change. What were talking about here is a two-lane road. It's not that difficult.

    Why can't we update our terminology to keep apace with reality.


    Just a thought...

    • Like 2
  13. On 10/27/2019 at 10:02 AM, harada said:

    I can't see why Thailand would be importing anything that is treated with glyphosate unless they are importing weeds, it's a herbicide, I've been using it on my farm for 30years, if you wear the correct protective gear it's no problem, this ban will just make many farmers lives even harder than they are now.

    harada, during your 30 years of using this toxic chemical on your farm (shame on you, by the way), how in the holy hale did you manage to spray it only on the weeds and none on the crops. Having grown up on a farm, my intuition tells me that since glyphosate is applied pre-harvest, it would be an impossible feat to spray it only on the weeds.

  14. On 10/27/2019 at 10:46 AM, Tayaout said:

    I was simply clarifying the common misconception that glyphosate cannot be found in food because it is "only an herbicide". 

    Tayaout, when herbicides are sprayed on the soybean, wheat or cornfields, then people eat the food from those crops, how do you suppose they can avoid consuming the herbicide residue?

    It's not like the herbicides can be sprayed only on the weeds.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

    Examples of crops that may be subjected to pre-harvest desiccation include:[5][7][9][10][11][12][13]


    Glyphosate (Roundup®) is the principle pre-harvest systemic herbicide used for desiccation of a wide variety of crops.



    What kind of protective gear do we wear to protect us from all the toxic chemicals in the food. Just bcoz farmers (urged on by Monsanto) have been poisoning our food supply for decades does not mean it is reasonable, sensible or ethical. It's not the only way nor the best way. Most Americans are totally unaware of the 6,000-7,000 sq mile "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico at the Mississippi delta as a result the runoff from toxic chemicals used by all the farmers in the Mississippi river water shed. https://serc.carleton.edu/microbelife/topics/deadzone/index.html

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Longcut said:

    As an American. I could care less what those of you from other countries think. You have never done anything for America and for that we owe you nothing. All you sissys do is complain and try and blame America for your woes. Time for you all to come to terms with the reasons you left your own countries in the first place. Or, are you going to blame Trump and America for that too?

    I'm also an American, but I've never seen my nationality as conferring on me any particular merit, since it was by pure accident of birth. Neither do I harbor boiling resentment against folks from other countries. They are in no way obliged to do anything for America. It's enough of a burden for them just enduring all the buffoonery emanating from those 50 states loosely united.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Ajvat37 said:

    ... without having the social skills or wit to utilize his skill set in a responsible and effective manner.  

    A very astute observation. Trump, the great pretender, loves to pretend he's a pro in many fields, but he screws up almost everything he touches. In the last 10 yrs, he's lost more billions in business than most billionaires have ever seen.


    The reality is -- even a totally inept nincompoop, if he fiddles around enough will eventually get something right, but only by  pure chance, there are so few skill sets involved.

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  18. 5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Sorry, but seems a kind of mute point to me since a lot of the plane is made of plastic and the trip just added to the greenhouse gases !


    Maybe you don't understand the environmental issues involved. The problem is not materials being made of plastic (such as airplane

    parts), but it is the use of plastic materials for disposable items -- especially items such as fast food container that are discarded by

    the millions every day.

  19. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    "She said that the Prime Minister has reprimanded the officials concerned and, since that incident, both he and his delegates are served food in paper boxes or wrapped in banana leaves throughout the trip."



    Pathetic.................... There are far more important issues to deal with, rather than a silly complaint like this.


    Maybe you would prefer an approach like Donald Trump -- raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for his election

    campaign by selling plastic straws bcoz he thinks efforts to protect the environment are not important... Duh!

    • Sad 1
  20. On 8/29/2019 at 12:46 PM, jumbo said:

    compared to transferwise direct transfer to my thai bank account Everest is more expensive, marginal however .5%

     While I was living in Chiang Mai (I left there April 2016), an American friend told me the simplest and cheapest way 

    to transer funds from the U.S. to Thailand. It's easier than falling off a chair, even for an old hill-billy like me.


    Here's How It Works:

    1. Go to any large Bangkok Bank branch (no Bangkok Bank account required).

    2. Do not go to the teller, go to a bank officer, give her your U.S. bank ATM/Debit card and tell her the amount you

    want. (Note: I don't recall what the limit was, I always withdrew ThB 50,000 each time.)

    3. Wait 3-4 minutes for the nice lady to hand you a ThB 50,000 bundle, say, "Kawp khun mak khup," and leave.


    Amazingly, the exchange rate is the standard rate at the bank, and there are no fees at either end. I have described

    this simple, free method to a number of expats living in CM. They simple refused to believe me. So, I quit telling my

    secret and just kept getting my monthly transfers free. (Now, I do exactly the same thing at BDO in the Philippines).



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