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Horatio Poke

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  1. My solution is rather more creative. I'm having special hollowed-out wings made so that I can take it with me.
  2. What you state is so obvious, and yet it had never occurred to me. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. And I was searching for some fiendish, dastardly, high tech, compatibility glitch - and all the time it was a low tech, house keeping hiccup. Thanks for helping me to understand this issue and the way to override it.
  3. No. But it does with flash drives which it detects. I have 4 Apacer flash drives, 3 different models, and it doesn't see any of them unless I put them on an extension lead. All other brands are instantly detected and without the necessity for the extension lead. In the original post I should have used the word 'detect' rather than 'recognize'. I've tried to amend that in my original post and remove the atrocious spelling mistake from the title but Aseannow won't let me.
  4. I have 2 notebook computers, a very old Lenovo and a less old NEC. The Lenovo recognizes all flash drives without problems, including my Apacer flash drives. The NEC one fails to recognize when any Apacer flash drive is inserted. It recognizes all other flash drives without any problem. However it does recognize Apacer flash drives if I attach them to an extension USB lead and insert the lead into the computer USB slot. The problem persists whether I run Windows on the computer itself or Linux distributions from a flash drive. This all seems very odd to me. I'd be grateful if anyone can offer a possible explanation for the NEC item's refusal to see Apacer flash drives other than when they are attached to an extension lead. Thanking you folks in anticipation for your help.
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