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Kaoboi Bebobp

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Posts posted by Kaoboi Bebobp

  1. Aeon MaxValue sells Doi Chaang (yes, two a's; not always in stock) of whole bean Espresso Supreme, SHB 100% Arabica coffee. Expensive at 270 baht for 250g bag. Pre-ground.


    Pacamara in Rain Hill shopping plaza, across from Philippines Embassy, has some great coffee and does not charge arm and leg. P2 Blend or Napoli. Both 100% Thai Arabica. Good shop, good staff.


    I use a Vietnamese phin (stainless steel filter cup). Grind setting same as French press or about 12-15 coarse roast.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Fake Bailey's ........

    1 teaspoon red cup coffee, 2 teaspoons Milo 3 in 1, fill to 1/2 cup with hot water.

    Add 3 teaspoons sweetened condensed milk and 80ml Hong Thong rum (or or SangSom or whiskey), throw in blender with ice, whizz until smooth.


    Serve over ice, best drunk quickly while it's still smooth and frothy (usually not a problem).


    Candidate for Post of the Year. ✌️ (Apparent swipe at TV's resident Ned Flanderses is entirely coincidental.) 


    By the way, what is red cup? 

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    Wow, even Cambodia is more ahead and a more developed country than Thailand!


    Vietnam has shut its immigration services until further notice. All visas are automatically extended, no overstay fines, no fees, no worries. 



  4. I don't know the specific differences but Vietnam seems to have created a pretty solid test kit.



    The kits, which utilize molecular biology techniques, including reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), were developed by the Vietnam Military Medical University and the Viet A Technologies firm, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and approved by the Ministry of Health. They can detect the new coronavirus in specimens of droplets obtained from the respiratory tract and blood samples.

    . . .


    There are enough materials to produce around 3,600 kits right now (a kit’s good for 50 tests) and Viet A is importing more materials to produce another 2,400, the science ministry said.


    The firm can produce more if it imports more materials from the U.S. and other countries, the ministry said.




  5. 5 hours ago, khunjeff said:

    I wasn't aware that HCMC would grant a non-O for retirement (their website only lists non-O for family relationships and volunteer work). Do you know of people who have obtained one there?


    Yes, I read the same thing late last year. The HCMC Thai consulate specifically mentions everything except retirement. 


    7 hours ago, JimLuce said:

    If the Op is in Toronto I wonder how far out of his way it would be to take a trip south over the border down to NYC. Because it’s about an 8 hour drive from Toronto to NYC. Just a suggestion but maybe he could get his non o based on retirement in NYC instead of Canada? 


    I live in Bangkok but am in Vietnam at the moment. And it looks like I won't be returning to Toronto anyway for some months as I don't want to be exposed to the virus in a long long plane ride, hip-hopping from BKK to TPE to YYZ. And Canadian authorities are urging citizens to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. Will wait it out and hope for the best. 

  6. I got confirmation from the Thai consulate in Toronto today by email that the non-immigrant O visa based on retirement is no longer available in Canada.


    I remember seeing this O category on the Royal Thai Embassy, Ottawa, web site last November-December, when switching from O-A-based extensions to the Non-Immigrant O visa was a hot topic. I checked yesterday and it was gone. The consulate web site also did not show the retirement category. 


    From the embassy web site: 


    *other activities (Category "O") as follows:
    to stay with the family, to perform duties for the state enterprise or social welfare organizations, to be a sport coach as required by Thai Government, to be a contestant or witness for the judicial process.


    I decided to email the Toronto consulate. The vice-consul replied this morning: 



    No, we do not issue 'O' visas for retirement purposes. In Canada . . . only the 'O-A' is available for that purpose. 


     I was considering applying for the non-imm O when returning home this coming spring. So much for that idea.


  7. 10 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    What does Article 35 say? To me an "extension of temporary residence" means and extension, NOT go out and come back again.


    I'm afraid it's not an extension in the way we think of it. Viet immigration officer explained it to Eli the Bike Guy. A good source of info on visas, and everything else in Da Nang.


    Here's his 7 minute video.  


    Vietnam tourist visas -- in-country extensions coming

    • Like 1
  8. I just changed my Bangkok to Saigon flight due to the first one being cancelled. I was notified via Vietnam Airlines email. They had automatically booked me on a later same-day flight on March 5. But that was too late for my taste. I'm now booked Tuesday March 3 in the late morning.


    VN Air's web site front page only has one warning, that one dealing with flights in/out of Korea. VN Air had no problem booking me and the e-ticket came through without any warnings. So I guess I'm OK to land in Saigon next Tuesday. For now. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

    Looks to me the changes are only concerning tourists, not expats trying to retire there.


    Yeah, they're definitely concerned about tourist numbers and the revenue. I assume the visa waiver proposal, once approved, would have to go through the National Assembly. Who knows, they might tack something on to visa waiver amendments dealing with the new July 1 visa law amendments. Or not. So a long shot, methinks. Still, there were a lot of people staying 90 days in VN, spending a lot of money.

    • Like 2
  10. Woohoo! 


    Now, will VN Immigration relax or postpone new visa law amendments due July 1? 




    The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) estimated that the Covid-19 epidemic could cost the country $5.9- $7.7 billion in first-quarter tourism revenues, or about 25 percent of the industry's revenue last year.


    To help the industry revive, the administration has outlined several revival measures in a proposal it plans to submit to the Prime Minister.


    The proposal says Vietnam should issue unilateral visa exemptions to Western and Northern European markets as well as Canada; and abolish visa fees for all international visitors in 2020.



    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Youlike said:

    It's weird, yesterday we had hard wind but also very dirty air....i thought the wind would blow it away but it didn't.


    Was thinking the same thing yesterday and today. Great early morning breezes and low temps out here in Phra Khanong, yet the city landscape was still cloaked in dirty air. There's just little or no respite from pollution sources. 

  12. Well, that’s my plan all shot to rats**t.


    I was going to tough it out during the couple of days of Songkran in Bangkok and had delayed my flight to Canada to when the weather would be somewhat better at the end of April. 


    I’ll take the freezing rain, snow flurries and biting wind before I suffer a full week of Songkran’s idiocy. I’ll pay the flight penalty. 


    And ditto all the critical comments above. 

    • Sad 1
  13. 9 hours ago, treetops said:

    I've used Vinasun taxis, both at the airport and in town, and have had no issues.  Always on the meter with no arguments.  Airport to District 1 was about 150,000 Dong and it looks like Vo Van Tan is a bit closer to the airport so should be less.  I've also taken a bus for 20,000 but not sure which one to recommend for your destination.


    I use VND (Dong) obtained from an ATM at the airport.  I've seen USD accepted but not sure how widespread it is.


    Yup. About 130,000 to 150,000 VND to D1. Take Vinasun (white/red) or Mai Linh (green) taxi downtown. Watch out for copy taxi names/colours. You can ignore the taxi touts outside at the lineup but they are usually pretty helpful.  


    Prices will almost never be listed in US$ because it's illegal. The Viets will often take US$ but you will be ripped off on the exchange. So, change some money at the Exim or AgriBank exchange desks just outside the customs/luggage area. Go to the right. First, check the online ForEx rates. It's usually 23,000 VND to the US$.



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