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Kaoboi Bebobp

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Posts posted by Kaoboi Bebobp

  1. A month later . . . Are the tourist (i.e., Chinese) numbers down now? Was thinking about taking up a month's residence in SR in order to get up to speed on new services and developments, and get a reading on the look and feel of the place since I was last there.


    Is Rosy's Guesthouse still operating? I know the original family sold it several years ago. Was a good place to stay with good food. 

  2. Here is the key VN immigration law amendment, among many, passed last November and effective July 1:



    13. Amendments to Clause 1 Article 31 as follows:
    “1. A foreigner making entry without having a valid temporary resident card or permanent residence card shall be issued with a temporary residence certificate at the border checkpoint valid within definite period as follows:
    a) Period of temporary residence granted shall equal his/her visa validity; in case his/her visa is encoded as DL and valid for more than 30 days, he/she shall be granted temporary residence for 30 days and shall be considered for extension of temporary residence as specified in Article 35 of this Law;


    Yup, it appears to say that even if you have a 90-day tourist (DL) visa, you can only stay 30 days and must get out. But you can come back.


    Taken as it is, it sure seems like long-term "tourists" are not welcome any more. However, the government is keen on getting rid of "tourists" who, for example, teach English without a work permit. There was another news article that went further:




    All that said, we don't know a lot more than that. Several legal firms have said they expect more "clarifications" and "guidance" before the July 1 effective date.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Don Chance said:

    The situation of smog and visa is not any better in Cambodia.

    The whole country is filled with smog now just as in central and north Thailand.



    SR is for me a top 3 choice for escaping Thailand, but I'd never checked SR AQI before. Just did. It's not good. Two sources: Air Visual 180 (!!!) and Air-Quality says 152. Must be all the crop burning in northern Thailand and Cambodia. I don't know how accurate the AQIs are, but there you go. 

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  4. I once sent a standard letter via EMS service from Banglamung, Thailand to Toronto. It was out of Thailand in something like 36-48 hours. Clearing Canada customs and arriving at a government department took weeks. Tracking was working. About 7-10 days to clear customs and over a  week to get to Toronto and a few more days to be delievered. Absolutely abominable service in Canada. 

  5. I'm just adding to the positive reports here. I know two Thai-American couples very well. The Thai girls absolutely blossomed in the States. Took courses to upgrade their English, learned other skills, run businesses or have a good job, very active in their communities.  They have loosened up a lot, i.e., became American and embraced freedom.


    One relationship, I'll admit, I thought would be a disaster. No, not a bar girl! I'm happy to report I was dead wrong. She emails me once in a while. So, coming to Thailand this winter?, I ask. Doesn't want to. The other couple, nope, not coming back this time.  In conversations with them, they don't want to talk about their families and frankly, avoid the visits as much as they dare. 


    In both cases, the American husbands, long-time friends of mine, are cool about not visiting Thailand. But they do travel elsewhere, such as Europe and South America. 


    OP, a good topic. 

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  6. On 1/11/2020 at 9:16 PM, kinyara said:


    Is there a Vietnam forum you can recommend ?


    Sorry to say but there is nothing like Thai Visa for Vietnam. However, there are FB pages for various VN cities. Some are atrociously combative, e.g. HCMC (I left group years ago). Some are very nice, e.g., Da Nang-Hoi An Expats. It takes a strong Admin to run an FB group. 


    Cambodia Expats Online has occasional Vietnam topics but no particular separate sub-forum.

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  7. Ho Chi Minh is "only" 102 by the AQICN.org and 93 by AirVisual. Believe it or not, Beijing is in the 40s-50s at various monitoring stations. KL the same as Beijing. Hong Kong in the 80s. Taipei in the 30s to 70s.


    So Bangkok is No. 1 again.


    Every morning I open my curtains and see the dark cloak of dirty air over what ought to be a rather spectacular view of the city. I am impatiently looking forward to leaving this all behind in the spring. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, alex8912 said:

    Use grab taxi. My cab ride 2 weeks ago from District 1 to airport was 75,000 dong. You overpaid. Bus is 20,000 I took it from airport to District one. I preferred door to door service in a/c taxi of course. 


    I said from the airport, not from D1. Different fares due to traffic and time. But I agree about the fare to the airport. In a Grab taxi from my hotel near Bitexco Tower to Pasteur, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia and Nguyen Van Troi is 86,000 to 96,000 to the airport from 8 am. From the airport I don't bother with Grab and take a lineup taxi. The airport roads are always very chaotic and D1-bound streets very busy. It's always the same route to Ho Tung Mau, same early afternoon time and roughly the same fare. Taxi from the airport door to hotel door is as I said.

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