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Kaoboi Bebobp

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Posts posted by Kaoboi Bebobp

  1. I don't know why anyone would vacation in S'ville. Water and electricity shortages daily. Streets piled with garbage and untreated waste, even worse than a few years ago due to the infrastructure abuse by the Chinese invaders. Rampant price gouging by hotels and bars, even some places only accepting Chinese customers. Not to mention the light and noise pollution of the casinos, which also tend to be the source of many crimes that sometimes spill out into the streets.


    I think the Cambodian authorities will regret this giveaway of sovereignty. However, the dark genie is out of the bottle.



  2. Regarding the embassy letter. I will need to renew my extension in mid-summer.


    I recently personally visited the embassy in Bangkok to see how I can present to them my government pension income. They said I can just do a screen capture of my pension account with the ID and amount. I will be adding this info to my company pension letter, which I've used alone for years. This year, due to horrible exchange rate, I will have to add another pension source to my documents for immigration. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    About 10 days ago I put up a news item that the Canadian government had just issued.  They are now recording details of persons leaving Canada in order to try to cut back on the number of claims that people make about their CPP and OAS.  They are aware that many Canadians leave the country and stay

    out longer than the prescribed allowed time, i.e. six months a year, and still collect their benefits.  This is being done at all ports of exit with very few exceptions.  They are obtaining details about people leaving by plane, train, car, bus, and ship and one of the main focus points is the date and time of leaving.  When a person returns, that is then matched with the person's details of leaving the country.  No mention was made as to whether Canadian Embassies are involved in the data collection.


    My original posting was just a heads up to Canadians to let them know what is happening.


    'nuf sed.


    Not yet. The system of airlines supplying passenger manifests will not be ready until around the first quarter or 2020. 


    See the last Quick Fact in this government press release for further information regarding OAS.


    Bill C-21 on "border management."

  4. On 3/28/2019 at 6:27 PM, Kelsall said:

    Just got my VN e-visa.  Took 4 days.  Like others, I am tired of the VOA and the with full page visa that goes in your passport.  This looks great.  No visa in the passport.


    Have you already entered VN? So, with their e-visa, you just go straight to passport control like in Cambodia with the printout of the visa in hand? 


    Oops, answered in post No. 4 above. 

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  5. On 3/28/2019 at 1:55 PM, marcusb said:

    Confusing.  Nothing in Canadian news about it that I saw.  


     He has admitted to the crime. -- So he must be in custody of the RCMP 


    And what he says ^ No way Canada just said "yeah we'll send him back" that quickly 


    Yep. Absolutely nothing in the Canadian media about this case. And as others noted, no way will the suspect be sent from Canada to Thailand if he faces the death penalty. So all the Thai claims are just made up. 

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  6. The US and Cambodia recently inked a minor military co-operation deal concerning training etc.


    Meanwhile, Cambodia is under fresh threat from the EU of withdrawing its special near-tariff-free trade deal due to Cambodia's horrific human rights record the past few years. Cambodia sends 40% of its exports (mostly textiles) to EU nations for a $5.5 billion yield. It's got till next year to clean up its act. You can imagine HE's reaction. He was not polite.





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  7. I use my DTAC SIM in Canada strictly for receiving of OTP from Kasikorn Bank. I have roaming activated, but never use a roaming package because receiving of an international SMS is free via a local Canadian network. Once I insert the DTAC SIM in Canada, it can take several minutes to lock into a local cell network. Once I activate a banking transaction, it can take several minutes for the SMS to arrive. It has always worked this way. 


    I would never use roaming to receive calls. It will cost you a fortune, as it certainly does in Canada. I have a Toronto local mobile package, oddly enough from 7-11 Canada, that does all the rest. A top-up is good for 365 days. Perfect.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

    February 4, 2019 - statements by Poj Aramwattananont, vice chairman of Thailand’s Board of Trade:


    • urged the BOT and Finance Ministry to work together to address the issue of the baht appreciating against other currencies, which hurts the income of farmers throughout the Kingdom.  
    • “We are deeply concerned about the trend of the Thai currency as we saw in 2018 how damaging the appreciation can be to the food exports industry.
    • Furthermore, both the BOT and the Finance Ministry have yet to show signs of concern on this issue,”

    Today - still no signs of concern.



    Three weeks later: 



  9. Lots of reports of low or no water pressure and erratic power outages all over Phnom Penh on one Cambo expat forum. Was chatting online with a friend in Phnom Penh via his phone and his power had just gone out again in late morning. Also internet went and he lost water pressure several times. Lives north of Sihanouk Blvd.


    I was considering moving back to PP this year. Think I'll wait and stay here in VN. Where I live there's no utility problems. However, VN is also forecasting a shortage of electricity in the south. 

  10. On 2/18/2019 at 7:39 PM, AlexCanada said:

    Naklua is just as bad.  They're everywhere.


    On 2/18/2019 at 8:30 PM, KhunBENQ said:

    And isn't this armada of stinking coaches up and down Naklua rd., turning in to the beach side, full of Chinese?


    Thanks for the warnings. I was recently considering migrating to Naklua if I return to Pattaya in the next couple of months. But the reports of North Road construction, T21 traffic and increasingly busy Naklua Road are putting me off this idea. I used to like the area years ago but never lived there. Back to plan A.

  11. On 2/19/2019 at 4:11 AM, Destiny1990 said:

    What pisses me of is that now and then some Russian looking person steps up to me  mumbles something in probably a Russia language and then they seem disappointed that i’am not a Russian..

    very awkward and humiliating every time that happens because i believe i look much more sophisticated then some Russia siberian  tourist.


    This has happened to me several times. Once in Tokyo Narita airport, once in Bangkok airport, a couple of times in a 7-11 and once on the street. Just recently, a Russian who knows my neighbourhood friends joined us at our table. I asked if I look Russian. "No," was his immediate reply. I have French and Dutch heritage. 

  12. Went to one of the Finnish restaurants behind Big C Extra over a week ago. Found the interior festooned with No Smoking signs in a place with a completely open frontage. Everyone was sitting outside at the handful of big tables. Inside had two customers. I can see the Finns co-operating on this new clamp-down. Not!


    One of the staff said the threatened fine is 20,000 to the Finnish owner and 5000 to the customer. Betcha Thai owners aren't worried. The proof was in a nearby Thai owned place with similar setup serving westerners. No signs, no worries. 

  13. 1 hour ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    So what does this have to do with illegal foreign cigarettes?!

    7 11 and co don't sell anything illegal, all marlboro and co are taxed there.

    Of course people don't buy thai junk that is nearly as expensive as real cigarettes. Why would they?

    You can't tell Me that illegal cigarettes account for any big turnover here. There are simply not many countries where u could even buy cheaper...

    The guy interviewed also doesn't sell illegal stuff,

    Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk



    You can't tell Me that illegal cigarettes account for any big turnover here. There are simply not many countries where u could even buy cheaper...


    China, Cambodia and Vietnam produce and sell copy/real cigs for far less than is charged in Thailand. My premium Japanese brand costs 150 baht a pack of 20. I can buy an entire carton of the same brand in Vietnam at the retail price for a bit over the cost of just two packs in Thailand. 240,000 VND/330 baht.


    I have never bought a carton off the mobile vendors in Pattaya so don't know the quality but lots of people buy them. 


    As for Thai junk, quite a few in fact do buy these cheapo brands.

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