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  1. What a fuss they make to preserve Thailand's image.Leave the ladyboys and ladies alone. If tourists want to have fun with them let them. I would hazard a guess that 80% of the tourists come to Thailand for sex.
  2. KENNY 202 Wonders will never cease.
  3. I am sick of the noise in Thailand, and can sympathize with the man being driven crazy. I live in a large house but the neighbours on one side spend hours in the garden banging, hammering and sawing every single day.About 90 % of the people around have small yappy dogs which are always barking at the slightest thing.Not to forget a school not near but with a loudspeaker. If you want peace and quiet DO NOT RETIRE IN THAILAND.
  4. I believe Khun Anutin has set his heart on becoming Primeminister and so wants the Thai people to like him and vote for him.Thus he calls them lovely. If someone says you are a lovely person, it does make you have positive feelings towards them. I don't wear a mask outside walking around etc but do wear one in a shop etc. I feel it is disgusting forcing young children in schools to wear them all the time and feel it does more harm than good for their development.
  5. So sad to keep reading about foreigners falling to their deaths from high rise hotels and condos. Suicides ,accidents or murders ? Who knows?
  6. Some people ask why is it brain damaging etc. Go to www.samhsa.gov Dangers of cannabis And read.
  7. A health minister so eager for his nation to have mind altering brain damaging drugs. Disgusting.
  8. She was truly a remarkable woman, who never put a foot wrong. May she rest in peace.
  9. About time. Better late than never
  10. China will take over Thailand withing 25 years , if not before.
  11. I sincerely believe most Thais don't like foreigners at all. They don't like Indians.They don't like Chinese.They look down on people from Laos and Cambodia. They smile when there is a chance of money coming their way. There are exceptions Thais who have a loving relationship with a foreigner but they are a tiny minority.
  12. I am sick and tired of keep reading about cannabis. I think legalizing it was a stupid act by this government and one they will eventually come to regret. I have no intention of ever trying this mind altering <deleted> and can be quite happy in life without it.
  13. OMG find the culprit. Fiine him 50,000 baht. Then deport him and ban him.from ever coming to Thailand again.
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