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Posts posted by Alwyn

  1. Here's the thing. In Thailand there is one rule and one rule only. Might is right. End of story. We can sit here talking guff about a country that had a totally different set of belief systems to us, a totally different outlook on life but we can't judge them as we judge by our belief systems - which are different. Whoever is in the driving seat, whether Yingluck, Abhisit or the General, they are all right - while they are in the seat.... When they're ousted, they're no longer in the seat, so they're now in the wrong. It's simple. I personally thought and still do.. That YL is a 'better' person than the General. Going back to 'might is right', this was her downfall. When she tried to push through an amnesty bill for her brother, a lot of his enemies pooped their pants at the thought of him being back and seeking his revenge, so she had to go. Now we have a new 'might is right'. The cycle will keep going.

  2. " Thanks to the current situation in Thailand which has been peaceful "... errr... Does he not know about the two recent bombing campaigns then? Or the continuance of terror campaigns in the south? I'm gobsmacked and I'm not normally gobsmacked by what comes out of his mouth! Maybe it's the students getting locked up for daring to voice opinions that the rest of the World like so much? Beats me..

  3. 4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Nothing to do with votes. The chaos was caused by the actions of both. PT's lords and ladies of misrule were as responsible as suthep's lunacy. 

    I could not disagree more. If they were leading the country badly there was (but not any more) an electoral system in place where the citizens of Thailand could have deposed them for another political party to have a go. That's how it works. PT's crime was winning the election and upsetting the status quo of a different corrupt bunch. Now, thanks to Suthep and his masters loading and pointing him, there is no such system in place and the ultimate corrupt and untouchable clowns are running the country.

  4. 4 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    they are just racist people who happen to live in a foreign country. Racist should just stay in their home countries.

    How on earth do you leap to racist accusations when somebody says 'Horace' isn't such a common name these days? This is the most bizarre comment I've come across. Somebody calling the racist card, not because there is a 'race' involved, but the name 'Horace'. Well done, that has to be a first.

  5. 5 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Seems like most people here wouldn't be happy unless the perpetrator was someone linked to the local power network.
    Seems like the Burmese are considered innocent simply because they are Burmese and therefore the usual suspects.

    In other words seems like the objections are mainly based on prejudice against the authorities.

    If there were other suspects who had been let off I might understand it, but no one is naming alternate suspects. It's all supposition.

    Possibly the Burmese didn't do it. But am I the only one requiring more than prejudicial feelings to prove it?


    Btw,  perhaps just to show some prejudice of my own, I think this case has got so much attention mainly because the two victims are beautiful people. If two slovenly blokes were killed it would quickly have been forgotten.


    The suspects who have been let off cannot have done it because they've been let off? That's what you're saying. No more suspects? Why would there be? They have the two Burmese lads and have "let off" (as you say) the other suspects. If you want more than prejudicial feelings why don't you go back to the beginning when the Thai police said they had one of the murderers and the other one was on the run? They said they had proof of it. Next thing, that particular policeman was taken off the case new police brought in, all of the proof disappeared and then two Burmese boys were arrested. Arrested with no evidence or proof, tortured and charged. The crime scene was then totally destroyed by the police when they walked all over it with reporters. DNA evidence was shown to be unreliable as the police said the DNA results was back after less than a day. In the real World this can take several months but an express job would be 2 to 3 weeks. So this was debunked be DNA experts. When asked to retest the DNA, the police said they cannot, as it's run out...... I could go on and on but why don't you spend some time researching? It will be therapeutic for you

  6. 9 hours ago, bearpolar said:


    Yet i know people alive today  because of those cheap 300b helmets and also because of the 1500b-3000b helmets.




    yet i don't personally know one person who has died in a bike accident in Thailand, and I was there 15 years. You must be a proper Jonah. My best mate was killed on his motorbike in a hit & run and he was fully protected with a kite marked BS 6588 standard crash helmet, full leather with back protector and proper foot wear. He died from the shock of his leg being ripped off by a car hitting him  doing 90mph. and smashing him into the central reservation barrier. So I find your anecdotal thing above, well, anecdotal.

  7. He's got some front talking about corruption! OUsts an elected government at tank barrel point, elects himself as PM, disbands all political parties so there is no competition if there ever is another election, bans free speech - particularly if it's about him - and then proceeds with a selective vendetta programme against people he sees as a threat! Ammends a constitution so he can never be arrested in the future. Scraps that constitution and foists another on the country which again, keeps the military in control. Is there anybody more corrupt?

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