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Posts posted by johnnytuc

  1. 7 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    I have a feeling tourism in Thailand is about to end dramatically. There is absolutely no chance that any insurance company around the world is going to issue a $100,000 insurance policy that specifically covers the Corona virus and this is what the Thai government is demanding for every tourist entering g the Country on top of this everyone including Thais need a medical letter issued no longer than 72 hours prior to flying stating you are free of the virus I don’t know of any other country in the world that is demanding these draconian measures even those who have to do border runs won’t be able to re enter Thailand due to these demands. 

    Your right just had email from my insurers that any travel booked on or after 18 March will not cover Coronavirus


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  2. On 12/31/2019 at 3:34 AM, Aussiepeter said:

    It is nine months since I was in LOS and that is obviously too long, as the first thing I did when I saw this story was to blow up the page to view the "female" foreign shoplifter - has anyone else done this ? She looks like an 18 gallon beer keg sitting on two tree stumps ! Thank goodness for Thai ladies, including the missus who at 48 is still a thousand times more attractive than this petty thief. Even with alcohol being included, I doubt her chances of scoring a date in LOS any time soon. Reminds me of the time a girl in a pub in London, when I rejected her advances said "you are drunk"  - to which I replied, "yes and you are ugly, but tomorrow I'll be sober." Happy New Year all on TV.

    Wow, Winston Churchill said exactly the same thing to a Lady MP, now I know where he got it from!

  3. 10 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    It was a Ford Ranger pickup...a ute  awe call them in Australia...not a heavy wheeled vehicle as you are alluding to with the Lorry comment.


    The story should have been 'old expat who can't ride a motorbike falls under ute"


    Its a sad result for the bloke but lets not get carired away.

    Jeez mate read it, he was clipped and then went under the Lorry !!

  4. 8 hours ago, Torrens54 said:


    String ‘em up, zap ‘em, lop their heads off, Shoot ‘em or if you want to be 

    “NICE,” give them THE NEEDLE !


    These convicted, useless bags of puke who’ve murdered others deserve to forfeit their own life ...pretty simple and straight forward really so spare us the Wailing, Gnashing Of Teeth and general Belly Aching.

    And you include the Burmese 2 in this statement, and maybe a few more inmates sitting in death row with dodgy convictions

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  5. 3 hours ago, connda said:

    Without helmets or safety gear.  If you compare child mortality due to motorcycle accident between Thailand and West - they are not 'smarter'.   I know plenty of Western families whose kids do moto-cross and motorcycle racing.  Those kids are slaughtered on the race courses - Thai children on the other hand are slaughtered on Thai roads.  Not 'smarter' at all.

    Slaughtered?? my grandson was into motocross and when back in UK I went to many meetings to watch, the kids always wore full protective clothing this and bikes were always checked before they could race, yes I saw a few collision and in all my time the worst injury I witnessed was a broken wrist..please give me an update on the slaughter I must have missed it on the news

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  6. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Everyone has known for decades that the oceans and every part of the planet is polluted. So GreenPeace has spent a lot of money to tell us what we already knew.

    I used to respect them till they became a bunch of bureaucrats taking the easy way on donor's money.


    They should be lobbying governments to ban non biodegradables and put money on every non biodegradable container to fund a refund scheme to support recycling.

    When bottles were glass, most were returned for the refunds they used to have. In poor countries every refundable item would be returned by the poor people.

    Totally agree, don't get me wrong I hate plastic and what it is doing to our world, but I clearly remember about 30 years ago being lectured by one of these loons basically that plastic containers etc was the answer as we were destroying the world by using paper and wood in all its forms...….the world will survive whatever...…..not so sure about the human race. Just saying!

  7. 2 hours ago, VBF said:

    Not entirely. In UK at least after the wonderful Blue Planet 2 series of which the final episode was a shocker http://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2018-05-25/blue-planet-2-plastic-waste-final-episode/ there are major efforts being made to at least reduce the amount of disposable plastic.


    Plastic bags have not been free from large businesses in England since October 2015, and their use has plummeted  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jul/30/england-plastic-bag-usage-drops-85-per-cent-since-5p-charged-introduced  Wales actually beat England to it with a ban imposed in 2011.


    When I go shopping here in England, I take my own bags and many of the supermarkets sell so-called "bags for life" for which you pay about 10 pence but when they're worn out, the supermarket exchanges them free. Because they're stronger, they last longer and therefore cause less pollution - as ever the best way to get people's attention is via their pockets! One also hopes that the worn bags are recycled, not dumped.  


    Now, plastic cups and straws are about to be banned or at least made chargeable and efforts to reduce the sheer amount of packaging are being made.  

    I'm led to believe that similar efforts are being made in Europe and Scandinavia.


    Sadly though, as has been said in this thread, the biggest polluters are in Asia and time and again, one reads of plastics dumps overwhelming certain areas.


    When I come to Thailand for about 2 - 3 months, I keep the 7/11, Family Mart etc bags for dirty shoes, laundry etc, but when I leave, there are always loads of them left in my room and of course, there's nowhere to recycle them whereas in UK we separate our rubbish so at least (hopefully) plastics are recycled properly. It's the contrast that really gets my attention because there are fewer and fewer bags littering the place here, whilst in Thailand, we all know that they're everywhere.


    My point there is that it's a global problem that requires a global solution so educating polluters of all ages is the way forward. But of course as @giddyup said, the poorer nations have other priorities.

    Absolutely correct and a very good post. Up to 2 years ago I lived in Thailand 10 years (8 years Hua Hin) I now average 6 months UK and Thailand. It seems to me that the Uk is getting cleaner by the day plastic bags will soon be non existent in regards to shopping. Thailand is a beautiful country which is slowly drowning in a sea of plastic. Thais don't care, So sad.


    • Thanks 1
  8. In April I returned to the Uk after 11 years in Thailand, the last 8 in Hua Hin, it was announced just before I left that there was to be a crackdown on Motorcyclist not wearing helmets.  But they said it would not start until May 1st can any locals advise how this wonderful initiative is going?



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