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Posts posted by rickirs

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Another great statement from the EC to PT (Thaksin) . . . work WITH us or you will never even get close to having an election any time soon as we're the ones who run it and without our help and some compromise on PT's side of things, there will be NO elections.

    The EC is attempting to dictate the applicability of the law. Look at what the EC is saying; there will be no election.

    The EC is not supposed to dictate whether or not there will be an election. It's job is carry out the election. Again this is the EC interfering and it is the EC who are derelict in their duty.

    Kid.. i thought you were educated.. probably a bit redsighted that you cant read good anymore.

    They are saying we need to come to agreement so we don't have the same problems as last time. So please listen to us and come to discuss things instead of dictating like last time. If you don't we might not be able to hold election.

    Seems to me they are asking from cooperation from the government instead of being dictated of what to do.. last time they were bullied into it and look what happened.

    I never knew that the reds were that fast with rewriting history, last time the EC said its not a good idea... government bullied them pushed them so they did.. result.. invalid election.

    It wasn't the Feb. 2, 2014 election that was unconstitutional. It was the followup election held at the 10% of the polling stations at a later date that was unconstitutional, albeit the Court got the wrong vote in their decision to nullify the election. The Court previously ruled that the election date shall be established by agreement between the Government and the EC which is how the Feb. 2, 2014 date was established. Both also agreed to the followup election date but magically that wasn't acceptable to the Court. It is the Court and the EC now that are bullying the Government to dictate to the Government terms and conditions for another election or the EC will continue to stonewall the elections and the Court will continue to nullify elections. Anyone who says Thailand operates in a democratic system of governance is simply all wet.

    Happy Songkran.

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  2. Obama's just pleased and relieved that there is a democratic country more screwed up than the US. Obama having to deal with the inoperable Republican and the insensible Tea Parties is just water under the bridge compared to the Thai Government having to deal with a political and judicial insurrection. Happy Songkran Thailand.

  3. "Victor Yanukovych, who claims he is a legitimate President of Ukraine."

    Yanukovych, your Ukrainian people miss your leadership. Please come back to Kiev to lead them if you think you are still the President. But in fact, not even Putin believes you are any leader at all, just a great excuse for Putin to grab Crimea for Russia's own governance. Did you not notice that after it was annexed, you are not even the leader of Crimea?

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  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

    The sooner Russia stops invading countries and annexing them maybe there can be better peace in the world.

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

    Even Suthep claims he only speaks in hypothetical scenarios; he doesn't really mean what he says according to his supporters. His advocacy to overthrow the government by other than electrorial means and be appointed by the King as the interim PM isn't Lese Majeste, just outloud wishful thinking. He even admits that his so-called reforms requires the suspension and reformation of the constitution, and the indefinite suspension of elections; but that isn't Lese Majeste.

  6. Missing Swedish passports sounds like a great money making scheme for Swedes. Two Swedes report 12 missing passports? Swedes can get unlimited passport replacements for $54 each and sell them for up to $12,000 each.

    The Swedish government should at least use a graduated fee scale for replacement passports so that by the time one gets to the tenth replacement the cost is $15,000. Or that with each replacement there is another one-year waiting period before it can be used. The third replacement would have a three-year waiting period on top of the previous one-year and two-year wating periods.

    I too have to wonder how often this scheme is being done by nationals of other countries. The UN might as well issue international passports to anyone who is a citizen of its member countries and take the money scam out of the equation.

  7. improperly dragging the Monarch into politics.

    Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, under which form of government the King serves the People of Thailand as "HEAD OF STATE", under the terms of the 1997 Constitution of Thailand. The Constitution reads in part (selected clauses):

    "Bills passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate become law upon approval of the bill by the King. The King has the power to approve or disapprove bills adopted by the Parliament; bills do not become effective as laws without the approval of the King, unless later re-approved by the Parliament. If the King disapproves a bill as a proposed law, the bill is returned to the Parliament to consider the King's objections. If the parliament nonetheless approves the law again, by at least a 2/3 vote of both houses of the parliament, the bill is returned to the King for reconsideration. If the King still declines to sign the bill into law, the Prime Minister is authorized to promulgate the bill as a law by publishing it in the Government Gazette, the official newspaper of the Government, as if the King had signed it."

    "Upon recommendation of the Prime Minister, the King appoints all Ministers and Deputy Ministers."

    "The Council of Ministries has the power to submit urgent legislation to the King for immediate implementation by Royal Decree..."

    The King is most certainly an integral part of Thailand politics. Without the King there is no "Thailand." And knowing that the King is a vital part of Thailand politics is why Suthep seeks reassurances from the King that (in a hypothetical scenario) when Yingluck is forced out as PM and her government disbanded that the King will appoint the People's Committee as the interim government. If that isn't politics, Thailand doesn't grow rice.

    • Like 1
  8. .." the meeting should be held only when the newly elected senators take office."

    I completely agree. New Senators have been elected and there are no time constraints on the Senate to address improper behavior of government officials. To rush into an extraordinary meeting for that purpose only taints the conduct of the Senate, whose members must be politically nuetral, as being politically bias. Furthermore, such a meeting disrespects recent election of new Senators whose membership in the Senate is constrained only by administrative procedures.

    It is approrpiate that the Senate wait. Given the vast plain of political conflicts that are exacerbated by too many agencies rushing around making snap decisions and judgements, Thailand would benefit with the Senate conducting its affairs with more moderate deliberation.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    From what I understand by reading as much as possible on the rice scheme and markets Thailand is now selling the new seasons crop instead of storing it as they have done in the last 2 years.

    It is this sale of new seasons rice that has elevated Thailand back to second largest exporter.

    In the past rice was sold season by season with most of the surplus (not consumed locally) sold each year, this selling of the annual crop was what kept Thailand in the number one position and ensured a reputation of quality.

    Even if Thailand does sell enough each season to bring it back to the past position of quantity and quality it still does not address the stockpiles of old seasons rice for production per season will be enough to satisfy demand.

    The article has too many figures on too many topics that makes it a little confusing. So it maybe that your interpretation is incorrect.

    "Nevertheless, reserves in the country are forecast to end down 1.1 million tonnes in 2014, lower than previously envisaged, at 19.3 million tonnes, consistent with the country's improved outlook for exports in 2014, following the accelerated pace of government stock releases since the latter half of 2013 and the suspension of the secondary crop round of the scheme."

    It appears that Thailand is selling the 2013 crop in 2014 in combinatio with 2014 crops to mitigate storage costs for the 2014 stock.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    After weeks of being surrounded by nothing but water..................................

    I spoke with a few of them in the past and found them to be very friendly, polite, and respectful.

    Any other impressions?

    Arrogant, brash, egotistical and impolite... Americans seem to have erased 'Sorry', 'Please' and 'Thank you' from their vocabulary, especially American Military personel.

    So they're sounding more like Thais?

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Reducing the import tax of child car seats would only benefit a small segment of society who would have bought them anyway. Reducing the price from 15,000 to 12,000 Baht is not going to result in Somchai buying one.

    The Govt should encourage the local production of quality child car seats to drastically reduce the price (to, say, 3,000 Baht) - this way, more people would actually buy one.

    Knowing the influence of TV, it would help if the Thai soaps/movies were to show children in car seats.

    The government could also mandate that children 5 years or younger must ride in a car seat and assess a 3,000baht penalty. This would drive the number of car seat purchases, create product competition, drive the cost down. No cost to the government.

  12. What Public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahametapat did with Suthep was wrong and he should either resign his position or be fired by the PM. Such actions have nothing to do about his freedom of speech. It has to do with betrayal of the democratic system of an elected government.

    The Prime Minister is selected by the House of Representatives. Since in the 2012 elections the Pheu Thai Party won the majority of the House, it selected Yingluck as PM. The Prime Minister selects those persons, usually members of the House of Representatives, whom are named as Ministers or Deputy Ministers to head up the activities of each of the individual ministries of the government. These collection of ministers become the PM's "Cabinet." Thus, Sahametapat got his position through appointment by Yingluck.

    Thus, Sahametapat's position is a political appointment and owes his position directly to the the PM and the PTP. His performance is directly accountable to the PM in an unelected position.

    Sahametapat's meeting with Suthep as an official of the PM's cabinet at a government facility during duty hours when requested by the PM not to hold such meetings without consultation of the PM was a violation of the PM's trust in his appointment to properly carryout the duties of his office consistent with the policies of the PM and the PTP, particularly embarrasing to the administration considering the arrest warrant against Suthep for murder of redhshirt protestors in 2007 and Suthep's efforts to deprive Thais of their constitutional rights. Furthermore, his embracement of Suthep's politics who does not even represent any House opposition party but as a private citizen intent on overthrowing the PTP government is a betrayal not only to the PTP that put him in his position but to the Thai people who elected the PTP to be in charge of the legislative branch.

    Sahametapat had the freedom of speech to raise his reform proposals before the Cabinet and the PM. If he cannot persuade the administration to consider his proposed reforms, he still retained his right to freedom of speech. But that right must be exercised outside of the administration, outside of his position as Minister. To that end he should have resigned his position, resigned from the PTP, and do whatever he wants or say in the Thai political areana. It appears he lacked such fortitude to do so.

    The conundrum for Yingluck is that the Court has recently ruled that the PM has no apparent authority over her Cabinet appointments. So when it comes to conflicting loyalties between the PTP and Suthep/PDRC, one might expect another Court challenge if Sahametapat is removed and little doubt the Court will rule against Yingluck again. But that avenue should be persued if necessary if only show the Court's toxicity to the democratic process.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This artcle is a crock and is BS. The money that was promised as a rebate to 1st time car buyers is in fact actually paid by the car manufacturers in taxes. That money is sent to the finance ministry until the excise dept request it sent to the individual who putchased the car. So basically all it is is a rebate from the manufacturer.
    So what happened to this money?
    By the way, the details for all mentioned above were told to my wife by the excise dept so it is true.
    If the car manufacturers sent the rebates to the finance ministry (which is most certain) then how can they not have the money to pay these car buyers?
    By the way, this is not about rich and elite and ammart as that previous poster always claims. This rebate was intended to help those who never owned a car obtain one. It put the nee owner in serious debt. In some cases money was borrowed simply because of the rebate promised and people are counting on that money to reducr their debts which were incurred to purchase the car. For this article to say its not that important is irresponsible. But even more so it is filled with holes as to what happened to the money that the manuafacturer sent to the finance ministry. The excise dept only job was to qualify participants and forward payment amounts due to the finance ministry.
    Is this another example of corruption and laying blame?

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    "If the car manufacturers sent the rebates to the finance ministry (which is most certain)"

    Why is it most certain? Why not doubtful? I can imagine a scenario where manufacturers would be relunctant to give up the rebates, especially when some are experiencing the biggest worldwide auto recalls in history. In any case, shouldn't the failure of an auto delareship to assure delivery of auto rebates to purchasers a civil matter, even a class action lawsuit?

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Not to mention the horrendous traffic and polution

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Traffic control and pollution mitigation are populist ideasbecause its is the population as a whole that benfits from such policies. I would guess that Suthep would eliminate traffic control devices and allow unconstrained pollution in Thailand in eliminating populist policies from Thai society.

  15. The Army Chief Prayuth said, "The Army is looking into this matter.." The case with Ko Tee is a criminal Court matter and not a military matter. Once again the Army rushes to involve itself in civilian matters beyond its authority. I wouldn't be surprised that the Army will start using its resouces to find and capture Ko Tee. The whole Thai military structure needs to be reined in and its authority restructured so as not to compete with civilian due process of law. No wonder Thailand is so vulernable to military coups to settle its political conflicts. However, I have never heard any such reforms being proposed by Suthep and the PDRC who usually toss out reforms across the political sea of Thai governance.

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  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Looking forward to finding out why she did it. Maybe her husband was killed at Bengazi and she wants HC to know that it makes a very big difference....?

    JHC. Maybe she was having an affair with Bill and was jealous of Hillary. Maybe Bill rebuffed her and she is striking back through Hillary. Maybe she's a nobody and didn't like Hillary's success. Maybe she was a setup to give Hillary voter sympathy and free press.

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The blonde woman who threw the shoe was immediately escorted out of the hall......

    ​Although she was clearly limping the guards refused to give her assistance !!!

    clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25>

    Maybe she was limping because she was walking on only one shoe?

  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

    I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

    Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

    Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

    Thanks in advance.

    It does seem anomalous that the court is not required to be transparent to reveal evidence supporting the plaintiff's charges. All I've seen published are verbal allegations from Suthep-related parties OUTSIDE of the Government or RETIRED Democrat politicians.

    I remain confused as well in that the charge before the Court is "dereliction of duty" and not "corruption." It seems Suthep, et al, consider both terms synonomous, maybe (being polite) because a quilty verdict of either would remove Yingluck (vis a vis Senate vote) from office. And while some TV commentors fault the administration from being less than transparent of the use of rice proceeds, there is apparently nothing in the laws that requires such degree of transparency (maybe as a holdover from the 2007 Democrat administration).

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