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Posts posted by rickirs

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Of course he won't. That would make the UN a relevant entity wouldn't it?

    The UN requires the authority of the Security Council by majority vote to dispatch troops to Ukraine. However, any one of the five permanent security council members can veto such action even if there is a majority in favor of the dispatch. Russia is one of the permanent security members and stated that indicated it will veto any such dispatch.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The next time a country is asked to give up it Nuclear weapons in return they get Nato protection will know what to say and it begins with F and end with U Ukraine has been betrayed by the world

    Ukraine is not a member of NATO so cannot have its protection. Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear weapons in an agreement with the Russians in exchange that the Russians would not interfer in its sovereignty and would not use its gas supplies as an economic weapon against Ukraine. UK and the US were also signees to the agreement to come toUkraine's defense if the Russians didn't live up to the agreement. Ukraine was betrayed by Russia, not the world, not by NATO.

  3. Flashback to 2013:

    At the G20 Summit meeting Putin said that world opinion was firmly against US-led intervention in the Syrian civil war., adding “We are helping, we send arms.” Putin warned the US and its allies against using force against the Syrian government saying that without UN approval, it would be seen as aggression. ” He further gave warning that Russia would stand with Syria if America launches military strikes against the country. Putin characterized the rebels fighting the government as foreign militants.

    Today 2014:

    Putin is firmly on the side of militants against the Ukrainian Government in the beginning of a what he calles a civil war. He has gathered the Russian military on Ukraine's borders ready to assist Pro-Russian militants in any confrontation with Ukrainian military. He has vetoed any UN resolution that condemns Russia's military intimidation aimed at Ukraine and condemnation of its invasion of Crimea. He characterized the "rebels" fighting the government as Russians.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Gotta love someone who stokes up an insurrection then accuses others of promoting a civil war.

    What a ****ing joker.

    It is Kiev who send in army with orders to kill protesters not Moscow

    Just a slight clarification. It was President Yanulovych who unilaterally ordered the protestors killed. He did not consult the bipartisan Parliament. Now Russia provides him santuary.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Ko Tee in some Western countries would be behind bars long ago , matter of fact Ko Tee would not exist in a democracy, for he's type are not brought up or allowed to mature into the kind of person to which he has became , your own society has spored people like Ko Tee, you have lots of Ko Tee's running about and you want tourists to come and visit while these people run free.bah.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif>

    There is an almost universal objection to Thailand's Lese Majeste Laws, even by some of the Constitutional Monarchies.


    In the more complete democracies such as the US, Ko Tee would probably have his own show to pontificate his views to millions of listeners. Democracy does not fear people expressing their opinions.

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  6. Update: "A Dutch teen involved in an airline terror hoax that earned her more than 20,000 followers within 12 hours was arrested on Monday, Rotterdam police confirmed. "Dutch girl (14) from Rotterdam arrested after American Airlines threat. Investigation continues," they tweeted."

    Her tweet might have inadvertantly attracted people among the 20,000 followers who may be supportive of terrorists acts or are terrorists themselves. Expect a much larger investigative net before this episode is finished.

  7. An interesting problem for the INTERIM CARETAKER Speaker. He can only state his personal opinion and not the majority opinion of the newly elected, but yet unistalled Senate. His personal opinion carries no legal or authoritarian weight. A majority opinion of the Sentae would carry usch importance but it cannot legally assemble. Looks like it time for someone to take the Senate to the Constitutional Court who can rule for whatever works against the administration.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This I will comment on , for a General who was affiliated with the hard line JUNTA, one would hope there is lukewarm response, the point is ,Thailand continues to look inward , stop regarding has been old hacks, as internal flame of life and the saviour of the many , get off you lazy butts and appoint someone with credibility and outstanding achievements and 21st century thinking, I haven't a clue where this person resides , but he sure doesn't live in Dubai. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

    Unfortunately this person probably doesn't live in Thailand nor is a Thai.

  9. TV commentors have a number of good ideas about improvements in the Thai Police. But in the larger picture Thai police must operate in a true democratic society with sufficient checks and balances within the whole of the three branches of government to assure complete transparency, accountactibility, ethical code of conduct, professionalism, and judicial responsibility. In conjunction with government checks and balances. Thailand further needs a true democratic framework prescribed by a living constitution that assures equality and rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Thais irrespective of their education, wealth, political beliefs, etc. This constitution should have the approval of the Thailand people, not a private committee, not a single political party (there are 70 registered parties), not a single nonpolitical organization, not a single person other than of course the approval by HRM the King.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Whatever it takes there must be no election before reforms are put in place. The powers that be must ensure that the criminal giving his orders from his desert palace is told he is not wanted. If there is an election prior to the reforms then the past months of sacrifice of Kuhn Suthep and his people will have been for nothing and the curruption of the PTP will continue unabated.

    The Dems must state categorically that they will take part in a new election subject to the reforms being put in place and it might be time to replace Kuhn Abhsit as the leader because he is tainted - rightly or wrongly - (wrongly in my opinion) by the events of 2010 and no matter what the court decides when they hear the charges against him the people of Issarn will never accept him, as in their eyes his is guilty because of the propaganda put out by the 'reds'.

    Remove Suthep who is also tainted - rightly or wrongly - (rightly in my opinion) by the same events of 2010 as well from the political landscape and you may have some progress in dialog between the PDRC and PTP and resolution of the political conflict.

  11. "Two 'ladyboys' have been .... forced to apologise to local spirits for exposing their breasts."

    Freedom is the ultimate promise of Buddhist practice - of the moral training as well as the other two great trainings, in mediation and wisdom. Freedom means letting go of the obsessions, compulsions and inhibitions of our psychological conditioning. '"Sexual misconduct," in the spirit of the five Precepts taken as a whole, means any sexual conduct involving violence, manipulation or deceit - conduct that therefore leads to suffering and trouble. By contrast good sexual conduct is based on loving kindness, generosity, honesty, and mental and emotional clarity - conduct that has good results.

    So within the context of Buddhism (and maybe not "local spirits") and Songkran, the ladyboys' behavior would not seem to be offensive.

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    you would think the oxford educated politician would know better, one of the biggest disappointments in politics of this generation , murder charges hanging over his head, pretending to be democratic but using every dirty trick in the book to get back into power. worst opposition leader ever.

    he is always talking about PTP leaders resigning. i think its about time this useless, anti democratic opposition leader resigned.

    your opinion only

    My opinion and that of many others is this oxford educated politician has done more for democracy that PTP even dream about

    so as there are two sides to a story

    what do you say Thailand should do, that is not baised to any side

    Yes, he and Suthep have exposed all the evils that seek to destroy democracy in favor of another dictatorship. The message to Thais is that they need to fight and, if necessary,make personal sacrafices to assure the security of Thailand's democratic framework.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Did I read correctly....70 political parties? I guess I'll be urging my wife to vote for the "More Chili with my Somtam" Party, or maybe the "Don't Talk About That" Party.

    Yes, 70 political parties. Many of them are typically single issue parties but seek election to parliament to get a vote in legislative actions whose benefits could be directed towards their constituents.

    This is why the Constitutional Court's ruling to nullify the Feb. 2, 2014 election was so wrong in that it has created an unnecessary financial burden on these small parties to again have to repeat campaigning their candidates for election. That increased burden may cause some parties not to be able participate in a repeat election.

    Of course there was no additional burden on the Democrat Party as it didn't participate in the election; thus, it gained an unfair financial advantage over the PTP should the Democrats choose to participate in the repeat election. All 70 parties should have sued the Democrats for the nullification of the election to recoup their campaign and election costs.

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If the Constitutional Court has been intimidated by any party it has been Pheu Thai. The history of their discord with the court included their ruling on the Senate bill. Prior to the judgment of the Constitutional Court on that verdict in November, the court was being openly and continually intimidated by both Pheu Thai and the UDD about issuing an " inappropriate verdict ". When the judgement was made, they refused to acknowledge it at first. Similarly, in the period before the Constitutional Court invalidated the February 2 election, it was subject to exactly the same kind of open talk from Pheu Thai and the UDD about the danger of an " inappropriate verdict ". That verdict is still not accepted by Pheu Thai to this day, and to this day they still rail against it in the international media. Noppodon's remarks yesterday - meant to " soften " Thaksin's aggressive stance towards the judiciary - specifically cited the election ruling - not that Thaksin's lockstep with Pheu Thai and the UDD should be any surprise. And ever since the Constitutional Court agreed to review the Tawil case, they have come under continual intimidation from Yingluck, from Surapong, from Chalerm, from cabinet ministers, from Prompong and Pheu Thai in general, and from the UDD. The intimidating dialogue is the same. Exactly the same. They caution against an " inappropriate " verdict - or a verdict the " people won't like ". That dialogue persists to this day. So make no mistake where the pressure on the court is coming from. The fact of the matter is that the Constitutional Court indeed does have the constitutional power to render a judgement in accord with the constitution as they see fit. Period. And the sooner Pheu Thai, Thaksin, the UDD, and their brazen supporters accept that, the better.

    Maybe Nitisiri's suggestion to request His Majesty the King to rule on Section 7 of the constitution was based only a hypothetical situation wherein the court decides to disqualify Miss Yingluck Shinawatra as caretaker Prime Minister. Suthep's excuse for anything that he says that he might be held accountable for is that he was talking about hypothetical situation, not a real situation. When you hear from the PDRC, Suthep never intimidates anyone. By that reasoning Nitisiri did not intimidate the Charter Court with his statement.

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If Yingluck doesn't attend, it is hoped that a representative of Pheu Thai will. After all, they want an election, and this meeting that invites all political parties is being proposed to that end. It is hoped that there will be a consensus among the parties that the meeting be televised, as it allows the public to see exactly how these politicians behave. If they're smart, they'll act with dignity. Those who do so with grace will have distinct electoral advantages. Transparency means transparency. The more of it, the better. Televised is better than a closed-door meeting.

    What's the bet the PTP wont agree to a TV broadcast , Scamper

    No dount it would be broadcasted over Blue Sky Channel who would benefit by charging premium prices for advertising during the broadcast and Suthep/PDRC who would get a cut of the proceeds. But that wouldn't be corruption, just good business. There is a public broadcast channel however, wonder if Suthep would allow it? You know the one that he shutdown during the 2010 PTP protests.

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    WHAT ? "soldier formerly known as Bradley Manning" I did not know they renamed him. But then what do I know I am just a little peon in the scheme of things whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

    He now insists that he is a woman in a man's body and is demanding that the military pay for a sex-change.

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    During the latter part of my full military career in the British Army, I was entrusted with many documents that had to be treated with extreme levels of security. If I had ever been unable to account for a single one of these documents, I could potentially have also looked forward to a court martial.

    In clear breach of the trust that had been placed in him, Manning deliberately took similar documents and made them available for all to see. If he had considered the consequences prior to taking such action, then maybe he would have had second thoughts, but it's too late to whine about it now.

    As the old saying goes: "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime"...!!

    What if those documents which were marked as classified held evidence of a possible war crime? If Manning released only the Baghdad airstrike video, would you consider that release to be pardonable?

    Ps. not trying to be argumentative, I am genuinely interested in how you would feel if he had been more selective about what he released.

    There are procedures for a soldier to make disclosures within military organization that do not endanger national security nor place the soldier under suspcion. Instead Manning made unilateral public disclosures, most likely enticed by promises of immunity by Wiki Leaks.

  18. First a history of military coups. Then a Court coup. Now a Covenant coup? Thailand politics seem to have an unlimited imagination when it comes to obstructing or destroying democracy but mindless when it comes to preserving it. Hopefully the EC will see to its responsibility to cease obstructing new elections and cooperate with the Government to get the country moving forward once again to the re-establishment of a democratically elected administraion.

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  19. Songkran is a well-known event, so either plan for it or hide in your home. I am a foreigner and had decided to walk along the highway frontage road to a nearby Big C for groceries and just knew it would be a wet trip. So I dressed in drip dry shorts and hawaiian shirt, wrapped wallet in plastic and got watered and pasted by nurses and attendenats at the hospital next to Big C, both coming and going. All were polite, cheerful, and almost a little too careful not to upset me. But when they saw I smiled and shouted good luck, they cheered me. In Big C I got a lot of approving looks as well.

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