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Posts posted by Fiddlesticks

  1. Malaysian Police: "Hey, how much did you guys make this past month from human trafficking?"

    Thai Police: "Wow, made a killing! But worried about all this bad publicity."

    Malaysian Police: "Ah, don't worry, lots of noise but soon our governments will raise other issues to obscure what is really going on."

    Thai Police: "Always worked in the past."

    Malaysian Police: "Glad we had a chance to get together to discuss this problem."

  2. GH....You are not alone with this dilemma. The missus was out doing town stuff while I was

    shooting the bees. When she returned I was vocalising the birds call to the dogs, who btw,

    must have thought their main human just flipped out by the looks they gave me. Rin asks

    me what was that sound so I vocalised it for her after explaining the fleeting glimpse of

    the bird it comes from. She had me doing it for many minutes then I cought on to her prank.

    It was a good giggle to say the least. giggle.gif

    She has absolutely no idea what bird it comes from either.

    The colours I made out in that fleeting fly away were red, yellow, a greenish-blue and black

    brown for the underside. It's appears to be about the size of a pidgeon & has a normal looking

    beak. This was the first time I have "seen" it and have only heard it around 5 or 6 times in

    the time we've been living here. If any help the vocalisation is about half as loud as a Koel

    and like the Koel...this birds noise carries a long way.

    Sounds like you are describing a coo coo. But I have no idea what the bird is you are talking about! cheesy.gif

    • Like 2
  3. Hi TP1,

    I don't believe you will find anyone on this forum that has used this particular camera. I have a Nikon 3100 with the same kit lens but do not use it much (actually I haven't touched it in a long time) as I opted for the Canon products a while back. Now the 3100 is an older generation with far fewer pixels. My impressions of the 3100 were that the kit lens was too restrictive for me. I found that I constantly wanted either a wider or longer lens. I also did not like the fact that I could not auto bracket (not sure if this limitation exists on the 3200 or not. Apart from that, it took nice sharp photos and was quite good given its price point.

    To really evaluate a new camera selection, it is helpful to have some idea of what area of photography really gets your juices flowing. Is it street photography, portraiture, landscape, sports, macro/close-up, bird photography, travel . . . etc. Each of these areas has its own best fit equipment-wise. For example, if you want to do sports or action photography then the 3200 with that kit lens would likely not be a great choice.

    If you just want to get your feet wet and find out where your interests lie then I would say the 3200 is a fine camera which will allow you to add additional lenses as your need evolve.

    Hope this helps a little bit. I think if you are able to articulate your photographic area(s) of interest then you may get some pretty good suggestions from the helpful folks on this forum.

  4. What is wrong with the combined intelligence of the Thai legal system? Why can't they understand that laws are useless without enforcement and not just AFTER a tragic event but BEFORE to help prevent tragedies? In the US, police are constantly moving around their precinct keeping an eye out for violations of laws in an effort to prevent mishaps and protect the citizens. Let's be honest, citizens in the US (most not all) fear the consequences of being caught violating the laws. They know that the law enforcement folks are watching. What do you think would happen if the citizens no longer worried that law enforcement officials would be patrolling and watching? Very simple, just look at Thailand. Without law enforcement actively patrolling, citizens would do what they wanted and lives would be endangered. THAT is the problem here in Thailand especially on the roads. More laws will not change anything.

  5. Putting a different shade of lipstick on the same old pig!

    No matter what they try, after one year it will still look rundown because no one will take care of anything. How many projects have you seen that looked good right after construction but soon looked like crap with trashy sidewalks strewn with street vendors and trashy shop fronts where plastic tables and chairs abound?

    Same, same!

  6. Most of the Thais that are fleeing Nepal were there trying to get jobs as sherpas but were experiencing difficulty getting hired. Many found that their motorcycles were getting stuck in the glacial snow especially when they tried to carry 4 additional climbers on the back of the motorcycle.

  7. I have been using this wonderful app for a while now to look at a site I want to photograph and preview where (what direction) the sun will rise and set at that location. Yes, I know, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! BUT, I can't always figure out what the east/west orientation is for a given location. So, I simply locate the location on the map and then I can see a visual representation of where the sun will rise and set. Helps a lot with the planning process for sure. I also use it to store locations that I want to visit for photo opportunities.

    Anyway, anyone else using this app? Would like to here your comments and whether you think it is OK, poor or the greatest thing since perforated toilet paper.

    Another point is that there are a host of very good tutorial videos available for this app to make the learning curve less painful.

  8. Finally bit the bullet and purchased the X-Rite i1 Display Pro off of eBay. Price was about 15% lower than B&H Photo and the best part was that shipping from UK was FREE and when I received it from the post today, there was no duty! This is a new unit in the original package.

    I have been using my MacBook Pro for processing my images and was always a wee bit concerned that the color calibration on my display was a bit off. I used the manual calibration to try setting up the color the best I could but after running the calibration through the i1 Display Pro I am seeing that the manual calibration was definitely cooler than the Display Pro calibration. I actually like the warmer tones I am getting now.

    Anyway, thought I would pass this along.

  9. I just went Geek to the first degree and acquired a Nikon P900 today ,as soon as I work it all out and set up a decent tripod configuration I am going to the moon !

    Cam seems ok , it is not a wiz-bang unit really . If you have been following the reviews I think that they are a little sugar coated tbh , just a plastic telescope imo.

    Still onward and upward I guess , I wonder what else this telescopic image taking machine is capable of ...smile.png

    See you on the dark side ...

    Congrats ! ! ! ! And wish you great success with your hand-held-hubble. thumbsup.gif

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