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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Hey.. I am homosexual for thousands of years now. I worked as an AIDS educator in.gaols and i have bren around the traps.

    99% of these underage pervert are MARRIED WITH A FAMILY. I can assure you we hate these bastards as much as anyone.

    Before condemning ALL people as deviates and scumbags... Consider this... Not all heterosexuals are rapists.

    Put the child molesters to death by pubic firing squads i say

  2. Well people... Everyone is thinking about the currency. .big payers control the forex swaps. Eait.until approx April this year and see the revolutions in the streets. You know what is coming. Some people are not week and others want control.

    See the currency devalue in a,zillionth.of a second.

    Thailand is living in the oat. Cheaper or compatible in malaysia. Myanmar beckons. Thailand us more executive than our own countries per income dollar in many things like cars..internet..electricity..petrol.

    The twighlight years are upon Thailand as a cheap destination now. Watch the next few years.

    Those of you from the EU will see you cannot buy as much her or get as good a return and you may leave and seek fredh new patures.

    I am here on business so.it duress not really affect me but i see so many retired paying too much.now compared to give years ago. Home could beckon you to return if this pace continues along this path

  3. Hi people. I am looking at buying a cheapish car to run around in bad weasther and to see places in thailand. i was looking at the Almera NEw or a sexond hand Mazda 2 with 32000 klms on the clock. Now i saw a post her saying the almera can not have enough power to te up a hill with passengers... I live in Chiang Mai and many people visit me here from Australia and that is one placxe they ewant to go. That is a hill! Now will the bloomin car fail me or should I go with the Mazda 2 which is 100,000 baht cheaper and warranty expired? HELP!!!!!

  4. You can fly Thai or fly AA or Bangfkok or Nok or for that matter Orient thai - it is YOUR choice but I agree Thai DOMESTIC has dropped severely in service and fares are NOT cheap.

    I fly Bangkok Air for the same or CHEAPEr with Full baggae and service which is good.

    AA and Nok are competitve dependant upon your needs for badg or no bag.

    Thai International is dropping in service too as I fly about 15 flights a year (yes too many) and some of the CJEAP{ER airlines are giving BEtter deals and more in flight servies and NOT using cruddy old planes like tThai.

    People FLY THAI expecting what they were once upn a time not so long ago.. almost Like Singapore Air and now they are worlds apart.

    Siorry thai but you have good staff and SHIT planes and rules. And this is from MANY flying hours international and Domestic.

    I choose NOT to FLY THAI domestic because it is now so bad even for 1 hour.

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