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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. The clocks thing was all over other news sources. Somebody tracked them down, they are normally sold for a handsome profit at 16000 baht each. Not a bad mark-up really from 16K to 75K. Should there be an investigation? Absabloodylutely !

    The Hose corruption committee will probe and that's about as far as it goes. Irrespective of party politics Thai politicians do not go for each other when it comes to corruption, for obvious reasons they can't afford to.

  2. I thought PTT already accepted responsibility and stated they will pay for damages and clean up. If there were PTT engineers out there then there would be cries they are skewing the numbers.

    It wouldn't do any harm for a couple of PTT people to turn up now and then but they made a statement about responsibility and compensation then disappeared.

    • Like 1
  3. Do we really need a breakdown of his financial status?

    This is to "place" him in the pecking order. So elite privileged class readers will know who he is and what he is all about and how much clout does he have or how big is his big swinging you know what.

    This is a good point as if it was quoted that he had a low salary he's nobody and not worth considering.

    Don't think so. This suggests he's willing to forgo money for principles.

    Many Thais would happily " survive " on up to B40,000 a month and his family are in business. He may have principles about what's happening but I don't think he has to worry about survival, not on the money front that is.

    • Like 1
  4. GREAT

    but fat lot of good it will do since he is not in Thailand

    So easy to lay on so many more charges

    To bad the powers that e will not request he be brought back to face justice

    Guess to many rich big names wold come out if he came back

    Despite allthe stupidity and incompetence we are so used to it's hard to think anything other that the DSI and a whole host of government departments haven't put the brakes on. If they stopped talking about seizing assets that are long done and playing pass the parcel over the passport issue this could be well on its way to being resolved.

    I believe the US has been asked to cancel his visa but even if that happens the Americans can't direct where he goes next just simply tell him to go.

  5. There's that word " independent " again but there's no such thing in Thailand


    If the government was to set this up they would both directly and indirectly exercise control over terms of reference, membership and so on.

    By definition a " watchdog " would be in the business of handling complaints, pointing out errors and flaws and when necessary perhaps criticising in no uncertain terms but in the current climate how can anyone do that with the ever present threat of a lawsuit ?

    Why do people who you would think should know better insist on throwing " independent " around, it doesn't even make them sound clever ? This government especially will never allow anything they can't control or influence.

  6. BANGKOK: -- The Foundation for Consumers yesterday called on the government to set up an independent consumer protection organisation following the discovery of packed rice contaminated with the pesticide methyl bromide.

    How dim are these guys? An independent organisation asks the govt to set up a non independent organisation?

    The essence of " Thainess "

  7. Does anyone here understand what "virtues and morality" means?

    It is not about sueing cartoonists and keeping quiet, whenever a woman is raped or enslaved or a 10year old gives birth...

    It's just as well Thais don't really understand or an opinion poll like this would be very dangerous as the rsults would be major loss of face to many. In fact the poll would probably not be undertaken.

    • Like 2
  8. Last sentence says " future decisions will likely remain the same " but same as what, have they been decided in advance ?

    The courts's work must be affected as 9 judges allow for a majority decision not a lot of 4 - 4 " hung " splits.

    If they keep getting hung decisions I would suggest the laws are very badly written.

    It's not the laws it's interpretation. How about 4 red and 4 other colours judges ?

  9. All unis ever do is apologise after the fact, they never try to prevent any of the nonsense that happens.

    Mind you it's common practice to deny anything is excessive and hide behind culture, teaching teamwork and other weak excuses.

    The uni"s know only too well what goes on but choose to do nothing about it. It's easier to wait, deny all knowledge and issue a poor and less than sincere apology.

  10. Typical behaviour of engineering students. Although, I'm impressed as there is no alcohol in the picture, and none of them are vomiting. It's a fact. that civil engineering students drink a lot and have the highest vomit per student production on campus. They also have the worst skin, and are sexually frustrated for their entire time of undergraduate studies. Mechanical and chemical engineers are usually cool. They also can do amazing pranks. They have good skin and do not vomit as frequently as the civvies.

    Science faculty freshies never engaged in such activity. There was the ultimate Frisbee drinking challenge to compete in. whistling.gif

    Anyway, what's the biggie? A bunch of adolescents engaged in homoerotic activity. It happens.

    In a few years these potential national leaders will be in another picture similar to one we saw a few days ago, they will be with a woman but this time they will be in bad military uniforms.

  11. If somone is going to lenghts to record a conversation they surely could find a better on than this.

    This will die a death anyway, as people don't want the judge issue brought into the public again for scrutiny;

    If someone wants an incriminating conversation I think they would take any one they could get and if something is too perfect it becomes suspicious unless it's been done by a government agency with all the right gear. It's unlikely anyone in government is spying on Taksin but maybe later when they all fall out.

  12. If somone is going to lenghts to record a conversation they surely could find a better on than this.

    This will die a death anyway, as people don't want the judge issue brought into the public again for scrutiny;

    If someone wants an incriminating conversation I think they would take any one they could get and if something is too perfect it becomes suspicious

  13. It seems the SRT Governor has been taking lessons in making public statements from Tarit of the DSI with his " knew about it and we're on it " statement. I would like to see a " genuine " copy of the proposed maintenance schedule, if it exists, to see when it was to be done.

    At least he hasn't used the lack of money excuse, so far anyway. This is all about peoples's safety and I bet he never travels by rail.

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