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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. A lot of empty-headed weak-dicked jokes aimed solely at Yingluck's being a female.

    If the military are happy with the PM, whether male or female, it is not at all a good sign. Whichever country you come from, how would you react if the top military brass of your country came out and said they approved of the PM.??

    If you can stop making jokes at her expense for one moment, try to think of the implications of this expression of military power.

    The military should not have a role in politics, running the country or anything other than defence but they do because they have been given it by government and after government who want the guns on their side and now it's an expected way of life for the military.

  2. Putting Jatuporn in charge, could be a problem. Thiad and Wong are CT, and support people. Jatuporn is a hit man for Big Brother. Lets see if the government can protest the freedom of speech of non Red Shirt people, Will the BIB do their jobs or in the past support the Red Shirts. Cry havoc and release the dogs of war. ph34r.pngph34r.png

    What's the end game, give him a cabinet post and he will keep the thugs in order ?

  3. A wise move by KY not to interfere in military matters considering what happened when her brother tried that.

    Do you think she will be able to resist getting involved with the annual re-shuffle, as directed from Dubai of course ?

    I'm sure they would love to have " their people " in position. Remember how Mr. T promoted a relative up 17 places in the seniority list and had him ready to become Supreme Commander and he did the same with another relative in the police.

    Can't see her not getting involved with the re-shuffle etc. it's just too tempting.

  4. Have they arrived at the " Final Solution " and we will see Einsatzgruppen travelling throughout Thailand rooting out all who hold any official position ?

    Hilarious. Nothing like a holocaust joke...

    Well the Khmer Rouge instigated a holocaust and just where do you think or rather WHO do you think Thaksin and the Shiniwatra clan are getting their inspiration from. Those people on here that admire and support the reds clearly have no clue about what is happening, and if they do have an idea and continue to support them, then they deserve no place in society...just like their leaders.

    I don't understand your post or why it is (apparently) addressed to me...

    There is little in common between the Third Reich and the Khmer Rouge - even the nature of their crimes bear a significant difference.

    Thaksin and his clan are getting their inspiration from the KR? That's one of the oddest things I've heard. I could spend pages writing of my contempt for Thaksin - and have in earlier times and beginning even before he was PM - but I confess I am ignorant of how he was or is inspired by the KR - can you explain? And how does that relate to corruption? And in specifying only him and his clan, are you implying that corruption is confined to them or even has existed primarily among them?

    They deserve no place in society? Are you actually suggesting that they SHOULD be the victims of execution squads?

    I stand by my post: there's nothing at all humorous about the Einsatzgruppen or the Final Solution.

    No matter how it's couched something desperate is needed to attack corruption rather than the games that have been played by government after government who talk the talk and leave it at that.

  5. There was a video posted on this forum last week that was taken in Hong Kong where Dr. Thaksin was meeting with mendicants wanting this or that. As Dr. Thaksin's car was pulling away, Mr. Chalerm appeared on the video, staggering and having to be pulled back to the curb. I believe Mr. Chalerm has let the demon 'ear medicine' control his life, loosen his tongue, and ruin his health. I believe the Big Boss noticed this and became afraid that Mr. Chalerm was losing his grip.

    Mr. Chalerm cannot admit to himself that he has a 'ear medicine' problem so he is looking around for other reasons for his demotion and the person who probably stands up to his unreasonable behavior the most is Gen. Thawee. Gen. Thawee is a serious man with a hell of a lot of responsibility, with soldiers and teachers dying regularly under his jurisdiction. He probably had many arguments with Mr. Chalerm but who, on this forum or in Thailand, believes Gen. Thawee has the clout to unseat Mr. Chalerm from power.

    Having scared Dr. Thaksin with his excessive drunkenness, big mouth, and failing health, Mr. Chalerm should be very careful in the future how he bad-mouths Dr. Thaksin's government. Mr. Chalerm is a loose cannon and may have to be permanently retired for everyone's safety as he is jeopardizing the entire operation.

    Permanently Retired, could that be with Extreme Prejudice ?

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  6. Yes I agree he's telling the truth but it didn't stop him filling his boots up for the last two years.

    I've always wondered why politicians think they can run departments that they have no knowledge or experience of. It seems a recipe for chaos, and that's not just in Thailand.

    & it didn't stop him from 'fillin' up with booze' either! Despot should be on the hit list.

    If he doesn't watch his mouth he may well be.

  7. Is he a civil servant rather than a politician ? It's a rhetorical question but why were people jumping the gun and signing contracts that perhaps they had no real authority to do ?

    They took the 350B just after the floods under emergency legislation as I recall and did nothing with it. Big interest bill

    Is he a civil servant rather than a politician ? It's a rhetorical question but why were people jumping the gun and signing contracts that perhaps they had no real authority to do ?

    They took the 350B just after the floods under emergency legislation as I recall and did nothing with it. Big interest bill

    Did nothing with it is a moot point ! Nothing perhaps that benefits the country.

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  8. This happened yesterday and the BBC are actually covering it which is unusual as they rarely mention the carnage in the south yet all but suspended normal programming for the Boston Marathon bomb.

    Just a thought though, does anyone know if the government restricts international reporting on the south maybe seeing it as some sort of failure, bad publicity ?

    How would the government restrict international reporting?

    When something IS reported that they don't like, they'll usually complain and make it bigger news.

    With the Thai attitude to face and showing everything is just so the south represents the fact that Thailand is not completely tranquil and that the government and security forces are not in full control. Not the sort of thing Thailand wants to be shown.

  9. This is an intriguing double edged sword in that when, if ever, will Thaksin stop taking his supporters and their support for granted and when will the grass roots PTP and reds finally realise they are only having their plonkers pulled ?

    The later is more likely as I can't see Mr. T accepting he could possibly be wrong and seeing the need to change.

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  10. I bet he doesn't actually handle bribes as the cash will magically move itself from an offenders wallet and end up in his and if it's supernatural it must be ordained by a higher power so it can't be a bribe.

    A large amount of money has just appeared in my back pocket / bank account etc,. it's a miracle !

    Cue The Monkeys singing " I'm a Believer " !

  11. How about a report showing how the existing tablets are going?

    Maybe they could answer these questions, and more:

    1. How are they being used?

    2. How many are still working? Is there an after 'sales' service?

    3. Is there a central location (website/forum) where teachers and students can share ideas on which software works and strategies on how to use the tablets effectively?

    4. What information does the govt have that these tablets are being used at all?

    Then again, it's not about the effectiveness of the system, it's about the handing out of 'sweets'.

    Congrats as always to the caring sharing selfless acting government of Thailand.

    Can you imagine the reaction if a school suddenly announced tomorrow will be an all day tablet day ? How many Somchais and Somyings would turn up without their tablet and be unable or unwilling to explain why ?

    How many tablets already issued are " missing " as they have been swapped, or taken by a family member to be pawned or sold for more important necessities and I don't mean food or paying bills, other than maybe keeping the loan shark away from the door for another day ?

  12. How about a nice little conspiracy theory to start the day correctly ?

    It's hinted the Director General of Customs may be promoted to the cabinet as Deputy Finance Minister so can iIstart the ball rolling by suggesting this is a thank you for services rendered or under the dictum " it takes a thief... " or to keep the DSI from getting ideas above their station and pursuing a cabinet minister for past deeds, not that they ever would of course.

    The forum is yours !

  13. A democratically elected government is supposed to run the country for the benefit of all groups of people, including those who do not support it. This government needs to work harder to convince critics that it also cares for other groups of people, in addition to its supporters.

    Wake up and smell the coffee (or rotting rice) . . . they don't give a cr@p about anyone or anything except themselves.

    This is all so true yet understandable here with the attitudes surrounding power, privilege and the like.

    As has been said so many times in these forums it's been pointed out from within the ranks of PTP and the reds that they are in charge now and can do what they like.

    It takes something special to change an attitude like that which is derived from culture as much as anything.

  14. Once again The issue is education. There needs to be structured, open and frank sex education classes and discussions incorporated into the national curriculum age 11 years upwards..... not just the 'embarrassing and funny' one hour a week that I understand goes on at the moment, where the teaching medium is woefully inadequate. Social media has its place to reinforce formal education, as does TV. Until the Education Ministry get their head out of their <deleted> the issues of unwanted pregnancy, STD's (and child sexual abuse) will remain a taboo subject amongst the vast uneducated majority.

    The morning after pill can only be a good thing if all of the above is in place. Otherwise the kids will just use it as a convenience NOT to use condoms...... Especially the Thai young men who wouldn't know the difference between a condom and a balloon, and the submissive young girl who will do as she is told..... It being 'normal' not to use a condom.

    It's sadly funny that in a society where sex exists big time it must not be spoken about.

    Like many others I have worked in schools where sex education is unlikely to ever be on the syllabus voluntarily and it's no good leaving it to parents who rarely talk to their family about anything of importance anyway so sex is a total No No and should be dealt with in school. Back to Square One.

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