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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. Yingluck needs to be very carefull.

    The only reason she is in power is because her brother made a big difference in issan with improved infrastructure and the like, since he went this has all but stopped in certain areas.

    Do not upset the natives I would suggest.

    The early Post is reporting she promised a 4 lane road in the area etc. WHEN the infrastructure budget is sorted out.and handed out credit cards to farmers so they can get themselves deeper into debt.

  2. Here we have a guy who has a vehicle fitted with bullet proof glass for a reason but he walks around alone without personal security. Why? Anyone else notice the impact point on the glass. It is in the bottom left hand corner. You are hardly going to you target there as the seat was probably forward as Thais are shorter and need to reach the pedals. Rounds would probably of completely missed their target and gone into the rear.

    If they catch this guy a good defence lawyer will argue that his client only intended to scare his victim, that is why he didn't take him out prior to getting into his vehicle and why he fired into the bottom left hand corner of the window instead of more central where the main body mass would have been.

    Why not take him BEFORE he reaches any sort of cover even a tin box pick up, bullet resistant glass or not, and any delay and the vehicle is moving ? Like your points

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  3. There are " good " whistle blowers and " bad " ones and the media are often complicit in which title is to be used but often don't make up their minds until they see how public and political opinion is going.

    The Thai media isn't the most decisive or investigative probably with good reason.

    What is a "bad" whistle-blower?

    The only definition I can think of would be a whistle-blower that is lying.

    I agree with the idea that it's what the media especially makes them out to be.

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