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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. This is another Olympic standard BIB f..k up as the Maj. General leading the investigation gave 4, count them, 4 possible motives including the love affair aspect. Why don't they keep their mouths shut , say as little possible, be nice and vague as in " following several lines of enquiry " and expand on it later as appropriate rather than indulging in verbal diarrhoea and looking complete fools.

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  2. Surely their is cctv, why don't the BIB release pictures of the suspect for the press to print on the Thursday?. In all fairness other news sources may have pictures but with pictures it's highly likely they will have Western friends, or better still for the BIB Western enemies.

    There is CCTV footage which has been shown on TV but it's not too clear. The suspect has a cap on and kept his head down but it could be enough for someone who knows or thinks he / she knows him.

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  3. Something is wrong, if he applied for a passport and was supposed to collect it in Bangkok, he had to know that he will be passing through Thailand. He had to be certain he could escape to collect the passport. I think he planned this in advance and have support from someone he knows.

    Keep in mind that he's reported to have been in Thailand since 16th May. Ten or eleven days to process a passport in-country would seem feasible.

    Small point but I don't think any of we conspiracy theorists have suggested yet that the escorts were paid to fall asleep and a sound sleep too as he was supposedly wandering around the airport, had a foot massage, and possibly waiting for someone all without a care in the world. Just a thought.

  4. This story also states that he applied for a new German Passport but failed to collect it on Monday. That would indicate that one was granted which I find very hard to believe. [...]

    He was not granted one. You have to show up in person to apply for a passport and apparently he had realized that he was already making headlines in the media and would not get one, so he didn't show up.

    exactly and that is why I said, I find this very hard to believe. I don't know where the Nation would have got this idea from.

    Passport applications vary from country to country. I did not apply in person to get my new British passport a few months ago but was inconvenienced by having to send the application to Hong Kong.

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  5. You better leave...you better leave....if you don't I'm going to get really mad...please, please won't you leave. OK, they are not leaving...I've filed a police complaint and the police still don't do nothing...I guess I will bump this problem up to Yinluck's level...please, please won't you leave. I give up.

    The BMA says no force will be used but just how are they going to get the protestors out if they flatly refuse to move ? All the court orders in the world mean nothing unless they are enforced. Will the BMA try to make conditions intolerable, prevent food etc being taken in and other such tactics which could take time ? Looks like everyone has painted themselves into a corner.

  6. BKK Post reports that the two security guards were Australian civilian security staff, hired in Australia. The guy was deported from Australia after serving a prison sentence for robbery. It is claimed he exited after disabling an alarm at a fire exit in the G concourse.

    IN Channel said they were German civilian staff hired by Australia which just doesn't fit. Germans hired by Germany yes because Australia was finished with him and he became the problem of the country seeking his extradition.

    As is so often the case news agencies rush to get things out before another agency scoops them so facts and accuracy aren't important.

  7. One article mentioned that he followed airline staff through a fire door which had its alarm disconnected. IMHO aircrew have found a way to bypass immigration, this could have been happening for some time, and security inspections (if any) haven't detected this, or tolerated it.

    Aircrew quite likely have been doing this for their own convenience but it can't be assumed some didn't have other motives, and all using this bypass should face disciplinary measures. More importantly, there needs to be a serious revision of airport security measures. Security alarms and cameras need to be checked and monitored on a regular basis.

    This story becomes more amazing with every minute. IN Channel news reported that he disabled the door alarm system himself and simply walked out through the airport being seen on security cameras. Can anyone suggest how much of a knowledge of the airport electrics that would need ?

  8. Usual Thai shortsightedness, there's big money to be made from F1, does anything else matter ?

    Big money to be made? By whom? Certainly not Thailand, the government or BMA. Most Formula 1 events run a heavily deficit and can only survive with government subsidy. The only one who makes money is Bernie Ecclestone.

    Hotels, restaurants, airlines, taxis, tourist traps etc. providing the usual F1 followers arrive

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  9. Looks like Michael Caine. Seriously though the headline seems all wrong as it reads that the man who reported the incident spent the night in jail. " A businessman spent the night in jail having been reported by ... " ?

    Yes a very misleading headline, more slapdash journalism just to get the story out.

    Agree, poor journalism, very misleading heading etc., plus why post any let alone two, basically identical pictures, of the man who reported it to the police. If any picture was warranted it would be a picture of the guy on bail who reportedly was beating the 13 yr old boy.

    Definitely as it does a great disservice to the public minded citizen who made the report since we tend to associate photos with those of the criminal.

    • Like 1
  10. For the second time in about as many weeks a bomb situation is described by police as " not intended to injure ". Why then was it allegedly packed with nails ?

    The BIB are regarded as being pretty useless and stupid at the best of times and nonsensical statements like this don't help their cause.

    TIT so death and injury fromthis incident will be as a result of karma not a criminal act.

  11. But legal action would be taken if there was a complaint of damage from the state agencies or individuals involved.

    Does "damage" include causing them to lose face? Expect a defamation charge from the government soon.

    with what we seen of an intolerant attitude to even the slightest criticism it's hard to see this being allowed to go on unanswered so perhaps a two pronged attack, if possible find out who is involved and start defamation proceedings and the ICt Minister throws his authority around in respect of the sites.

  12. Will be interesting to see who is telling the truth here. Will the 20 witnesses provide details?

    What a story, the best script writers in Hollywood would be pushed to get anywhere near this amount of intrigue. I'm sure there will be a final version of this sometime but what's the bet it won't necessarily be the truthful one ?

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  13. Do Thai government ministries and departments have special staff whose job it is to come up with the most ridiculous, pompous language possible to make their representatives sound important and give the impression they are actually doing something positive. I don't know how it sounds in Thai but in English it makes them sound even more stupid than usual.

    The type of language being used here was banned from the wartime civil service by Winston Churchill who was so annoyed by a briefing paper that he wrote a marginal note " this is the type of English up with which I will not put. "

    • Like 2
  14. cheesy.gif TAT always come out with these comments whenever anything happens in Thailand.

    It didn't effect tourism because the tourists were already here when the power went off.

    What is a "Brownout" as opposed to a "Blackout" Is that like turning the switch 75% off so the lights are only dimmed?

    Spot on, tourists already here and how many overseas cancelled their plans when they heard there was no power ? The TAT, like so many agencies, feesl obliged to be reassuring when something happens but always open their mouths without engaging what little brains they have.

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