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silver sea

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  1. Errr… you forget that he is a 20 year old student! That’s what they do. But having woken up, his reaction was immediate and strong: he began to kick the windows and clawed his way out just before the van exploded 3 or 4 times. The only survivor. Amazing
  2. As reported in the UK papers: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11609131/Tuxedo-wearing-gun-fanatic-admits-shooting-British-pensioner-death-Thailand.html
  3. It is now being reported in UK newspapers: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11605829/British-pensioner-70-shot-dead-riding-scooter-Thailand.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490
  4. Yes “loan” becomes “gift” in 5 easy steps. Loan —-> Loon —-> Loot —-> Loft —-> Lift —->Gift Sorry, but you won’t get the money back. Don’t waste time finding a lawyer because you will be throwing good money after bad. If you go to the police, they will say it is breach of contract and not theft. As it is not a crime they won’t help you and will tell you to go to lawyer.
  5. Does anyone else have experience of transferring with XE? I am registered with them as UK resident and my bank is HSBC UK. I have just done comparison between WISE and XE and what you receive at the other end in your Thai bank account is similar. My experience with XE: so long as the transfer amount is over £250 then XE does not charge a fee. My Thai bank account is SCB. Although the transfer from HSBC to XE is straightaway, the money is sent to SCB HQ in Bangkok. SCB will transfer to my account in Hua Hin on a working day and not at weekend or public holidays. So if I transfer on Friday afternoon, I will not get the money into my account until Monday or Tuesday, depending on public holidays. OK for me, so I continue to use XE, but I appreciate other people are not so patient. If I transfer on Tuesday, I will get the money on Wednesday. Again not XE’s fault as any delay is by SCB in Bangkok. There is a legal requirement to give reason for transfer. I always choose “living expenses” on XE’s drop down list. Never a problem with that. XE customer care works ok too. I had a problem with a transfer because the WiFi cut out in the middle of the transfer. Their care team member was very quick to answer my questions about whether the transfer had gone through or whether I needed to start again. I have heard only good reports about WISE, but I am happy to use XE as I am used to their system and screen layout. XE has app to check currency exchange rates. I use their app to do the transfer as well, but they also have a web page for those who don’t use the app: https://www.xe.com
  6. It happens in Farangland too, although the guy in the example below is not a cop https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11413045/EXCLUSIVE-Pictured-Senseless-irresponsible-driver-avoided-jail-blocking-ambulance.html
  7. anterian does not need to guess. If he had read the whole of webfact’s report he would have found the answer to his question straightaway.
  8. Periodically, people wonder out loud why there are so few posters on this site; it’s the same small group of people who always post. Why is that? Your post ^^^ is the answer. No one likes to be publicly flamed so they remain silent or they join another website which is more polite and tolerant. if in doubt, you should feel able to ask any question on this site. Better than going to Immigration and then causing a blockage in the queue because you have not prepared your paperwork properly. Never assume that your common sense is perfect. If you assume you may make an “ass” out of “u” and “me” (ass + u + me = assume. Yes, ok I’ll get my coat)
  9. You did well with the drunk. Well done. In my reply to your earlier post, I was going to include a paragraph which tried to make sense of their hostile feelings but I deleted it because my post was getting too long. I had included words like yours: sheeple and being controlled. Also I would have included one of Lenin’s favourite phrases: “useful idiots”. Wearing the masks, we are helping the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Anthony Faucci to destroy the economic systems with a “reset” where we own nothing etc etc. These farang maybe in their home country had to stay in their homes in a Lockdown, wear masks and to have injections and boosters. Maybe they spent a lot of their time on the internet discussing the various Covid conspiracy theories. Now finally, after 2 or 3 years they are having a holiday and they are not wearing masks and they feel free again to have some fun. They look at me and I’m wearing a mask and so their instinctive reaction is that I am a threat to their freedom as a useful idiot and a sheeple for invisible members of the Deep State conspiracy. So I can sort of understand where they are coming from, but I don’t care anymore.. I have spent most of the last 10 years of my life in Thailand and for the last three years as a full time resident. This is my home now. Of course, I still feel ties and affection for my home country but I am glad that I wasn’t there for Lockdown. There is a Thai coffee shop I go to on a fairly regular basis which is run by a young Thai couple with two young boys. The wife’s mom and pop are next door as opticians; and on the other side is her elder sister with a husband who is an artist. Three families together and none of them wears a mask although the young assistant, who helps out in the cafe wears a mask, maybe for legal reasons as they sell ice cream too. The young man and his various cousins use the coffee shop to sell cannabis products. Plenty of Thai and farang customers come in and none wears the mask. Sometimes I meet the young man in the street but he is always friendly and polite to me even though I am wearing a mask. We respect each other’s viewpoint. So basically I no longer care about the farang negative energy. I refuse to react to it. Initially, I did, because I didn’t understand what the problem was. In Hua Hin, farang tourists only started appearing in large numbers last January, which is when I caught Covid. Over the last 9 months, I have given it a lot of thought and I feel that I have a clearer idea of why they react as they do towards me. Now that I understand, it is not such a problem. Slowly I am reaching the point where I can ignore them. My positive experience with the young Thais who don’t wear masks is a useful lesson on how to behave towards others with a different viewpoint. For me, that’s the way to go in the future.
  10. I am sad to read about your recent experience. He was a drunken farang though; I’m glad for you that he wasn’t violent too. i have posted two fairly long posts just above yours so I won’t repeat them here, but I want to continue to wear masks too. But you are right, it may get worse. For some reason, farang who don’t wear masks can, sometimes, glare at me in an unfriendly way. So far, nobody has challenged me, but if they do then I will simply repeat the points I made in my earlier posts on this thread. I will avoid getting into a long conversation with them about it. I will keep it short and simple. There is nothing I can say that will change their minds but I will remain polite, I hope ☺️ I have wondered about this negative energy that they give off. I am glad you have posted your experience because it shows that I am not imagining their hostile thoughts. I sense that most of them are tourists and will soon be gone, so, as a long term resident, do you really care what they think? You will never see them again. You say that you have health reasons for wearing a mask. So you should continue to wear your mask. If you are challenged then tell them that you have health reasons; you don’t need to go into great detail about it. Be concise and repeat yourself if necessary. Remember: K.I.S.S., K.I.S.S., K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short and Simple) With drunks, it may be best to just get up and leave if it is safe for you to do so. I appreciate that if you are the only person in the room wearing a mask, you will feel isolated and alone. That is sad and is not a nice experience. Maybe you need to find somewhere else to hang out. Good luck
  11. My experience is that there is more to Thais than the smiles behind their masks; their tense body language is very clear. I sit opposite Thais of all ages every day on the small baht buses in Hua Hin. More Thais are beginning to stop wearing masks. The younger ones, especially those who smoke or sell cannabis, are not wearing masks and good luck to them. I am happy to continue wearing my mask each day and I don’t mind the stares I get from farang who don’t. A mask is pointless to you I know, but it is useful to me, because it reminds me that it is important to remain careful and to wash my hands; Covid is still lurking in its various sub variants. I have had Covid once, and once was enough, but I accept that I will probably catch it again.
  12. I live on the edge of Hua Hin, about 10 km from Clock Tower in town centre. I have been living in Thailand full time since September 2019. The Thai and international rules and regulations kept changing and it seemed safer staying here. Each morning when I leave home and walk to the green baht bus terminal, I am happy to wear the mask; it has become a habit. The area I live in is popular with long term farang, and farang tourists. Most of them these days, including Thai girlfriends, in that area, do not wear masks. No problem for me; their decision which I respect. I use the baht bus every day which is 15 baht each way. It is really for Thais and schoolchildren and 90% or more of them still wear masks. Farang tourists get on and don’t wear masks. I get off the bus in town and walk around the food markets and use the Thai cafes and restaurants (very few farang owned places remain in the centre) 90% + of the Thais in this area wear masks. The last 3 years I have been wearing my mask each day. It is part of my habit of daily living. It is no big deal wearing a mask; it is not like being made to swallow a tablet each day. I have had AZ injections x 2 last year and in January I had a booster. Last year there were no foreign tourists. In January, the foreign tourists started returning to Hua Hin and the baht bus was full all the time, and many of the tourists made a point of not wearing masks. They were on holiday and they wanted to have some fun and enjoy their freedom. It was in January though that I caught Covid. It was a very unpleasant experience but I did not need hospital or ventilator treatment and so the injections had given me some protection. I am pretty sure I had caught it from somebody on the baht bus. Like everyone else I have read the “literature”, mainly Joseph Mercola, so I am aware of the arguments against wearing masks. I still wear my mask because: 1. I am a guest in this country and the vast majority of the Thais who use the bus and live and work in the centre of town still wear masks. I can see sometimes that they are not happy when people don’t wear masks on the public buses. I live here; this is my home and so I am happy to integrate. After wearing it every day for 3 years it is a habit that I no longer think about; 2. the mask reminds me that Covid variations are still floating around and I accept that I will probably catch it again. The mask reminds me to be careful by washing my hands and keeping a safe distance from others; 3. some days I don’t shave and so the mask covers my unshaven chin. Also although I live in LOS, I can be deep in thought and not be smiling so the mask covers up my unsmiling mouth. The reason for writing this piece is that there are times that I can sense the negative energy of farang who are sharing the bus with me and who are not wearing masks. They seem to feel insulted because they are having to sit next to a Westerner who is wearing a mask. In their minds, of course, I am an ignorant fool (a ‘sheeple’) For the most part they are short term tourists and will soon be gone anyway.; I will never see them again. I am happy in my own life and respect their choices but sometimes feel sad that I can sense their negative energy, including their anger, being directed at me.
  13. Yes very true: Quote: “She simply adored him. ‘She never looked at anyone else,’ said her first cousin and close childhood friend, Margaret Rhodes, who died in 2016. ‘She was smitten from the start — a one-man woman.’ ‘That famous first meeting came when Elizabeth was just 13 and on a visit with her parents to Dartmouth Naval College. While the King and Queen were taken on an official tour, Philip was the blond, handsome young cadet deputed to entertain her and her little sister, Princess Margaret. ‘He exuded a brash confidence that made her almost breathless. Years later, as Queen, it was his same certainty about everything that made her feel secure.“ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11195679/The-Queen-Prince-Philip-chapter-romantic-royal-love-story.html And the crowds gasped at the sight of a double rainbow over Buckingham Palace after her death had been announced.. When was the last time you saw a double rainbow? So it must be the Queen and Prince Philip together again: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11194625/A-sign-Incredible-moment-RAINBOWS-appear-Buckingham-Palace.html
  14. Prince Edward is the Earl of Wessex. Prince Andrew is getting nuffin. He’s Duke of York, but because of his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, he may have to give up the Dukedom. He has already lost the Freedom of the City of York https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisadellatto/2022/04/27/prince-andrew-stripped-of-york-honor-amid-calls-for-him-to-relinquish-duke-title/?sh=5b7881d53c73
  15. On Koh Samui, garbage trucks and motorbikes do not go well together. Some readers may remember this sad story from March 2016. Early morning, young Frenchman smashed head first into the front grill of a parked garbage truck. He was not wearing a crash helmet and so died immediately. Samuitimes included photo in their report: https://www.samuitimes.com/french-man-dies-in-samui-after-embedding-his-head-in-a-garbage-truck/
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