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Posts posted by SparklingCascades

  1. On 25/04/2017 at 7:35 PM, clockman said:

    Most Thais are stone deaf!

    We have weekend home in Hua Hin. I know if my papa/mama are disturbed we go speak to the Thai party people & promise to shut them down if they don't keep their voices & music down. Happened 2 times. So far we've not had to call police but we wud if they did not listen & noise kept going past 11 p.m

  2. 'Old man marrying young girl is like buying book for other man to read'. But it is common practise among Thai-Chinese families. My dad has a 18 y.o mistress TIA whom we - the main family -accept. Had her for 2 years. TIA has a younger sister who I keep happy sometimes. Kinda like father, like son. 

    But chasing-off competitors with knives & guns is shocking. 

  3. Such rubbish.......As Thais we are to believe that within 24 hours of Songkran the Dept of Tourism & Sports has received turnover figures from various hotels, shopping malls & entertainment outlets showing a jump in Songkran spending. This announcement will come as a surprise to the Finance Ministry which collects data from outlets each month-end and then takes up to 3 months to release a summary - which even then is often incorrect.


    Fast & feel good announcements like this do nothing for credibility.

    Sadly some in govt. continue making grand announcements with no cold data to back it up.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    SparklingCascades.......An alternative view is not upsetting if written in respectful and considered way.

    What can be upsetting is when people like yourself feel the necessity to add moronic smiley faces to make those views ......but of course you know that already which is why your post was removed as a "troll post" :)



    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    Yes, home truths can be painful esp in pictures. But don't really know what ur talking about. Goodbye :) :) :)

  5. I am not sure why an alternate view is upsetting -

    If people are so terribly surprised that a farang did not have 'valuables' when found, there are other people - many Thais like me -  who do question if in fact the farang did have any valuables to begin with. My country is a low-cost destination & attracts lots of tight-budget travelers or as we Thais sometimes say 'Cheap Charlies'. When raising questions about 'valuables found' why is the alternate view that there may in fact have not been any valuables to begin with considered offensive ?

    Also, why is it considered unusual to be naked in ones room ? This was a rented room above a well known sex shop in a seedy part of town. I know many who would be naked in the privacy of their rented room. Quite normal. So why is this alternate view offensive ?

    At 4 a.m. after a late night out the possibility of alcohol & possibly other substances cannot be ruled out until a post-mortem is complete. So why is it offensive to suggest that we do not know reasons why the man fell ?

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  6. gdgbb replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Phuket News

    Your unfounded suggestion was, that because certain parties are familiar with one another they must all be corrupt and prone to, in the main, convicting innocent people. You made a generalised comment, you didn't state that it was only applicable to your case and your generalised comment was unfounded.
    2 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I didn't say any or suggest any of the above. Stop trying to  bait me into breaking computer crime act.


    Well said Greenchair.  You've spotted a full-time troll with no life beyond the keyboard.

    Just read comment-history.......does lots of baiting, lots of silly questions, LOTS of conflict, no intelligent comments, maybe borderline IQ.  Have BLOCKED this joker from everything I see (clicked Ignore user)  :) :)

  7. 12 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    I read the article, and the previous articles. I see no reason to deviate from what was in any of that.

    I am not going to read 4 pages of comments about things that might be, could be, or anything else that doesn't stick to the subject like personal jibes, grammar mistakes and typos.

    Thai psyche is to grab what you can before someone else gets it. His wife doesn't care what he did, or who shot him. Her money tree just got cut down, she's after whatever she can get her hands on now.

    Well said :) :)

  8. 1 hour ago, gdgbb said:

    "Now why would anyone go with your thinking and ignore successful past experiences of trusted law enforcement..."

    Because that's the way to get caught, scammers generally try not to leave a trail.  Also, it's been well documented that the boiler rooms do not operate by email and it's very unlikely that they would have clue-leaving computers in a place accessible to police!   5555, it seems that you've fallen into your own no-hope-thinking trap as a result of being a crazy armchair analyst!

    No plans to go with a "no-hope" tale of Clue-less computers & boiler room ghosts. We'll use as our reference point successful, breakthrough stories released by trusted, professional law enforcement the world-over. Believe whatever u please, we have no further comment. Goodbye.

  9. 5 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    So you really think that these scammers, or any others, taking in millions will keep details of their thefts on computers for any visiting police officers to see, are you crazy?  Surely common sense would dictate exactly the opposite, how come you don't know that?

    Computers (and hard disk's even after a cleanse) carry details of emails exchanged and other info. This has helped law enforcement in scores of countries, scores of times. I'd like to rely on break-through stories put out by law enforcement in past cases - world over - rather than on "crazy" armchair analysts or old-age no-hope thinking.

    Now why would anyone go with your thinking and ignore successful past experiences of trusted law enforcement (which does not always include Thailand) the world-over ??........5555

  10. Thailand has both good & bad visitors (and farang). Being a low-cost destination Thailand - and our neighbors - attract a fair number of low-budget types searching for cheap (and possibly free) shopping / extras. These are farang types who would find Singapore or Seoul or Tokyo out of their reach. So yes its a mixed bag...many good farang and quite a number of bad farang arrive here. Take nobody at face value is the best way to run a business. 

  11. On 2/11/2017 at 1:42 PM, gdgbb said:

    How would anyone know who he scammed, do you think scammers call victims and identify themselves and their location?

    Yes scammers do hold data on their computers about Bank Accounts from which transfers came in and names of victims. In fact often scammers have lots of useful information on their victims. Police can (if Thailand had clever police) get hold of this information. Its the victims who usually don't know the true identity of scammers.

  12. This story is an good example of 'fake news' sometimes by sources we would normally trust. The on-ground reality in hotels, restaurants, bars & souvenir shops is very very different to the "increase", "influx" of tourists reported in this fake news story.


    The Thai tourism industry is facing an uphill battle given-

    1) Newly opened neighboring destinations ie: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar which are able to replicate the Thai holiday experience,

    2) Once attractive beaches in Thailand are now over-developed, water polluted or strewn with trash which means what tourists paid for many years back is no longer an attraction,

    3) Regular attacks on foreigners are highlighted on Facebook & Youtube painting a picture of mounting violence & law/order problems over the past 3 years. This may be incorrect but Thailand gets measured relative to neighboring countries and tourists opt for worry-free violence-free settings after seeing regular news items on social media,

    4) Off-the-beaten-track holidays are picking up in demand which means less-trodden destinations in Asia now sound attractive especially since information and access to these off-the-beaten-track areas can now be gained at the click of a phone button.


    My country is facing a tourism crisis borne out by anecdotal evidence from hoteliers, restauranteurs, bar-owners, shop-keepers..........so how this story comes up with its huge positive spin about Thai tourism is quite a mystery.  I can only guess that this story counts number of people arriving (whether in transit or whatever) and fails to recognize an important truth about Tourism Income/Revenue IE Low Budget travelers do not make significant contributions to Tourism Revenue/Income no matter how many millions of them arrive in a country. Sadly, my country is a magnet for low-budget travelers on shoe-string budgets. So tourism numbers do not translate to tourism revenue/income for Thailand. The news items (or World Bank data release0 is not well thought of and contains misleading information.

  13. 7 hours ago, Alive said:

    To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.

    So according to you this is not "the most shocking" since violence is "often used by parents". Also maybe the kid is a "criminal" or needs to "shape up" or is possibly an "orphan". Among educated, civilized, well-bred people the thinking is that none of these are good reasons for adult-on-child-violence. Your views seem to pre-date the Stone Age.


    If the intelligence (or lack of) in your comment, is anything to go by then a nice whipping could possibly up your intelligence levels. After all if - as you claim - violence is widely used on "criminals" and "kids who need to shape-up" and "orphans" then why not use it on people displaying borderline IQ.

  14. 1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

    Bet he and the school are well happy about this detail being published.


    Though the school may wonder what he was doing out until 2 a.m. on a school night...

    He was a hard-working, decent farang teaching English language to little bar-girls & big mamasans before they went to bed at mid-night. School will be proud of him & give jobs to more farang able to behave in same way.

  15. Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

    Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

    Really? ......not to Push, slap and punch Thai guys......?? Where did u get that from???

    The men arrested confess to being drunk & violent when they set up 3 harmless British tourists who were strolling past.

    Try not to sound anal.

  16. Clearly Mad Max lives on another planet. We do not need 'Farang Apologists' for Thai corruption plse. Keep that for where u came from Maximilliam !!

    The difference between the private sector you condemn & the Thai police you make excuses for are -

    + Thai police use my THB tax money, the private sector does not,

    + Thai police demand tea-money to do everyday simple jobs which police are already paid for by tax-payers. Its called a monthly salary. Sadly Thai police operate like it is a business; when the only business I know is the private sector.

    + Thai police can stop me or anyone for real or imagined problems (be it over-speeding or laughing at a policeman or questioning a policeman's story). The private sector will need a bit of effort & help to stop me or anyone for squeezing tea-money. In fact the only time the private sector can contact me is if I 1st contact them for a product or service.

    + Comparing like-with-like is the way we address issues of corruption. Comparing apples with oranges as you are doing to make a foolish point seems childish & lacks intelligence.

    Hope your 'Apologist rant' wins you some friends among the Thai police whom you are clearly seeking to get on-side....because ur IQ level needs all the help it can get. Shame.

  17. No wonder things only "begin to happen" when the EU or U.S blacklist Thailand or ban imports. Left to clean-up on its own Thailand does nothing.....in fact politicians, police & the Army try to kill or jail people who raise their voices against corrupt practices. For the 'head investigator' of the people smuggling investigation to flee for his life tells us how low Thailand has dropped when it comes to being able to clean up corruption. It tells us that the Army has been for 10 years or more (and most likely continues to be) in close collusion with people smugglers.

    How can the Thai Army which has corruption in its DNA, a police force which charges protection-money & takes bribes to look the other way or a Justice system where many judges have a price for giving out favorable judgments - be good for the Thai people. In many countries (Thailand included) the politicians are corrupt but the Army, Police & Judiciary can be trusted. In Thailand all 4 work in collusion to build up bank-balances.

    No wonder when a rare situation arises when a voice is raised against corruption - like the 'Lead Investigator' in people smuggling - the poor man has to flee. Bloody disgrace my country has become. Kind of the laughing cow of the AEC.

    Who will rid us of our trash??

  18. There is something very seriously wrong in Thailand - if people fleeing persecution & certain death are not given either refuge or safe passage to another country. Given the 'people-smuggling' we have seen over the past 10 years (with the Army involved at Senior, Middle & Lower ranks), given corruption which is institutionalized, given 2 sides in politics who easily resort to violence..........add in Thailand's betrayal & brutal attitude towards helpless people like North Korean refugees. Shame. I weep for my country coz' things seem to get more corrupt & more mindless with each passing day. Thailand is becoming the 'basket-case' of Asia.

  19. At least he has a conscience. Other scumbags would have fled the scene and never returned to face the music.

    Next you'll be telling us that the killer was thoughtful to kill the victim whilst he slept.....other scumbags would have shot the victim when awake. The man has no conscience. The killer turned himself in since he knew that he'd found & apprehended since the bus company knows which driver is allotted which bus. Better to surrender peacefully than disappear in a hail of police bullets.

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