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Posts posted by SparklingCascades

  1. I quizzed some Thais about it, and I was quite surprised that nobody was able to tell a couple of jokes.

    Seems their humor is composed of only of wordplays, double entendres and slapstick.

    Here's a Thai joke - "Why did the Thai go up on the roof ?"

    Answer - He was told drinks are on the house !


    On the subject of 'friendly jokes about nationality' -

    An Englishman, Scotsman and Irishman were travelling through dense jungle when a tribe of cannibals attacked them & took them captive.

    They were taken to a clearing in the village center and placed in a cage. After a week there was lots of shouting, singing & dancing, then a fire was lit and above it hung a great big pot. A group of tribesmen came to the cage, grabbed the Englishman and dropped him in the pot. They feasted well into the night. Some weeks passed and another celebration took place. At nightfall they came to the cage grabbed the Scotsman and dropped him in the pot. The feasting went lasted till the wee hours of morning.

    Several weeks passed, then a month passed and nobody bothered with the Irishman. Confused & upset by this the Irishman demanded to talk to the chief. He asked "You killed my good friends the Englishman and the Scotsman... ate them, what about me, when do you drop me in the pot". The chief looked at the Irishman and shook his head "Sorry, but the last Irishman we dropped in the pot.....he ate up all the potatoes".

  2. Its normal for countries worldwide to deport farang who no longer meet criteria for residency. Its normal for local NGOs to offer help like food, clothing, shelter.....to people left homeless or hungry. So a first step before deportation already exists as NGOs are providing it.

    The truth is that often farang who've lost-it-all in Thailand don't want help from NGOs and don't want to go back to their countries - so they stay "out of contact" in whatever way they can. Khun Natee Saravari is talking as an NGO looking for more government support in managing the "farang poverty" problem.

    Another first step which Khun Natee fails to see is this - troubled farang can always go to their embassies for help before deportation. But many are simply determined to hang on even when things look hopeless. Khun Natee we don't need more resources, we need a little common sense before you start making wild claims that the AEC and 2015 call for change. Thailand has lots of bigger problems leading up to the AEC and 2015.

  3. Reading comments here it reminds me that today the West is largely inhabited by "atheists or Islamists".

    The other religions seem to be in a minority.

    I have no religious views but cannot help noticing that the Western switch to a largely "atheist or Islamic" population coincides with the economic decay many of these countries are wrestling with. Maybe prosperity or the lack of prosperity is the price people pay for their beliefs?

  4. So many theories from arm-chair detectives. The last time I saw the 'U-turn theory' was on the Muppet Show.

    There there's the 'truck braked suddenly' theory I remember from a Maxwell Smart episode when Maxwell reached for the shoe phone.

    The 'truck with no rear lights' and 'poor road conditions' theories come from the fiction movie 'The Haunting'.

    The 'poor quality jeep rated the 6th riskiest in the U.S' theory is straight from a health insurance advert for Obamacare.

    Then there is the theory of farang with lots of drinks inside him, speeding like one would on the M5, suddenly farang sees truck but too late and pow-bang.....we have rear-guard action. Now that's a theory I saw on reality TV. Speeding jeep goes flying after impact. Amazed Thai driver discovers milk is safe and so is he.

    Totally understand where you are gaming from, a delusional contented watcher of TV REALITY SHOWS, unfortunately life goes a long way ahead of such shows. Reality is the word, the M 5 as you quoted is a dangerous fast moving road, this killing accident Was not on the M5 so what's you point, your argument and your reasoning for such a post. Grow up

    hehehehe.........another theory that "M5 is a dangerous fast moving road" and this just happens not the be the M5 (for those who did'nt know it) but...but....but.....Thought there would be a logical intelligent ending.

    Anyway your theory is noted. Last saw it in the Pink Panther. What will you come up with next.

    Inspector Clouseau - I'll grow up and maybe U'll get a real life.

  5. So many theories from arm-chair detectives. The last time I saw the 'U-turn theory' was on the Muppet Show.

    There there's the 'truck braked suddenly' theory I remember from a Maxwell Smart episode when Maxwell reached for the shoe phone.

    The 'truck with no rear lights' and 'poor road conditions' theories come from the fiction movie 'The Haunting'.

    The 'poor quality jeep rated the 6th riskiest in the U.S' theory is straight from a health insurance advert for Obamacare.

    Then there is the theory of farang with lots of drinks inside him, speeding like one would on the M5, suddenly farang sees truck but too late and pow-bang.....we have rear-guard action. Now that's a theory I saw on reality TV. Speeding jeep goes flying after impact. Amazed Thai driver discovers milk is safe and so is he.

  6. \People looking for romance don't go to Pattaya.

    However, if your unfortunate to be in Pattaya and looking to create a romance then try a sunset cruise.

    Its easy to organize with a boat-man sitting on the beach or pier. I had motored over to Pattaya with a girl from Uni last month. Since she is 16 years none of the nightclubs will allow us in & we wanted to do something special. So we paid this boatman to take us out on a 2 hours private trip. We carried some drinks & stuff to eat. Left at 4.30 p.m. and got back about 6.30 p.m. A smaller craft (in our case jet-ski) is used to take you to the slightly bigger boat anchored off Beach Road. Apart from the views, sea breeze, smell of salt water, sunset, sounds of water - it was nice being alone on an entire boat and able to do ones own thing smack under the open skies.

  7. I think Russian girls are nice to spend time with. Keep me busy.

    Even introduced my family to a one Russian girl some weeks back when maman & papa suddenly decide to come for weekend in Hua Hin and surprise us.

    Think it was surprise for everyone.

    So I cannot complain about Russian people. Also - they spend lots of money on condo's, shopping, restaurant.....so good for business. The older ones past 40 years I think can be ugly and cranky but if they spend money why complain.

  8. Thailand shoots itself in the foot every few years. Our 'leaders' need to try Implementing just half of the several thousand laws already in place. It will deliver wins to Thailand. Instead we now have a planned amnesty to get around the law.

    In Thailand we have laws for everything and keep trying to push through more laws - as though with more laws gathering dust people automatically become law-abiding. Such nonsense given that only 1/10th of all laws are ever implemented.

    Doing business in Thailand becomes a nightmare IF one tries to obey every single law given the meaningless legal maze successive govt's have wrapped us in. Leaves business with no choice but to obey the rational laws and ignore the rest. And yet - we have more laws being passed like this amnesty for violent, thieving people who dressed in the colors of a political party to look half-decent. shame.

  9. Neither Pheu Thai nor Democrats need to "push" this or push that. They need to try Implementing just half of the several thousand laws already in place. It will deliver wins to Thailand.

    In Thailand we have laws for everything and keep trying to push through more laws - as though with more laws gathering dust people automatically become law-abiding. Such nonsense given that only 1/10th of all laws are ever implemented.

    Doing business in Thailand becomes a nightmare IF one tries to obey every single law given the meaningless legal maze successive govt's have wrapped us in. Leaves business with no choice but to obey the rational laws and ignore the rest. And yet - we have more laws being passed like this amnesty for violent, thieving people who dressed in the colors of a political party to look half-decent. shame.

  10. One of my family ask me to write this. Plse excuse -

    We have buildings at Jomtien and Cozy Beach. Noise, activity & foot traffic in the common areas (lobby, lift, corridors, pool area, gym) is restricted, managed, controlled - just like in a hotel. It means that people can live in peace within their apartment and not become a bother to others when in the public areas. Banning families and promoting adult only condos is difficult to enforce in Thailand esp. when some buyers wish to re-sell and therefore ignore the 'adult only' requirements or a condo is occupied by an "adult" who has his Thai girl's mama, papa & kids arrive each Friday evening for weekends or a long time resident suddenly has a baby and refuses to move etc....If tested in court a family-ban will not hold. Because of this its easier to enforce rules (in a well-managed building) than to enforce bans. "Family ban" also limits and stresses out people wanting to resell esp. where a building is over 5 years and therefore the fittings & fixed assets - dated. Making it adult-only dries up investors as buyers often want a condo-title with no "family restrictions" so that they can easily re-let it. It would be ideal if there were several hundred (or thousand) buyers all looking to be owner-occupiers in an adult-only development. Sadly, this is not the case as the bulk of farang-owned properties in Pattaya (and other beach towns) are investor-type and as far as Thai's are concerned "family" is central to everyday living. It means there is no critical mass to make such developments financially feasible long-term.

    Then there is the mayor, City Hall, business groups, hoteliers, tour companies and many others who are keen to promote Chinese, Russian & Indian "family tourism" - as we are told at every meeting relating to upcoming developments. So getting local govt buy-in for permits which "age discriminate" is not easy.

    Finally - there are buyers & renters who want condos where "bar girls" do not pop along for short time - like a hotel. It means that some residential buildings in Pattaya now lease for a minimum of 1 year and make it clear that they are looking for people in established relationships. Most of the 'committee' are owner-occupiers. Along Wongamat Beach there are some great apartments which make this clear at the onset. Its difficult to find a vacant condo in these developments since there is a growing demand by investors for a "home feel" rather than a "hotel feel" when they splash out cash. This suggests that there is support & sympathy for family-type living. Maybe this will grow given the plans of City Hall & powerful business groups.

    The answer is probably to have adult-only zones like the gym and sun-deck providing one can get the Building Committee (and management) to vote in favor of this.

  11. As part-Thai I can say that the 3 biggest disadvantages for Thailand come 2015 and the AEC are :

    - Thai's are easily offended and so often cannot see the wood from trees. Saving face is more important than saving money or even saving lives,

    - Poorest English language skills in Asia. Easier to take on Burmese migrants or Cambodians who speak better English than my countrymen.

    - Deeply ingrained corruption at all levels of our society. Business must pay tea money for every little thing. shame.

    None of our AEC partners carry all 3 baggage-classes; maybe one or at the max two.

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  12. Fortunately you are thrown to front and hit the cab. Imagine if you were thrown out the back and landed pop on car behind. Would have damaged windscreen & paint work of car.

    I am told that in case of accidents one must take baht bus number, remember time & route and have immediate police report - so that compensation claim can be made. Phone up insurance company after you've got stitched up, bandaged or whatever. Then smile and say TIT.

    I have never been inside baht bus but think there must be some place to hold onto in speeding bus.

    As for speeding driver I know what he get from me - Not 10 baht but slap in the face and a kick in the bxxls.

  13. Ladyboys are not transsexuals.

    (Although about 1-5% do eventually become transsexuals)

    You are mistaken. One doesn't need to have a genital change operation to be a transsexual. It just means that a person does not identify with the biological gender of their birth.

    Ladyboys are not transsexuals.

    (Although about 1-5% do eventually become transsexuals)

    You are mistaken. One doesn't need to have a genital change operation to be a transsexual. It just means that a person does not identify with the biological gender of their birth.

    Without op she's called transvestite. With op she's call trans-sexual. To save U investigating she's simply called tranny. I've been touched by a few lady boys. Some aggressive ones even ask if they can pay me to spend time together. They always hungry. Makes me sick :-) Some months back I return to my car outside Gullivar's on Beach Rd. 2 strangers; both lady boys open my car doors and jump in saying I must take them for ride. First I bluff them that I am only 17 and my papa will soon be coming out of the restaurant. When they refuse to go, I reach into glove box and point something more serious at them. They looked frightened and left in a hurry calling my family Thai mafia etc.etc.. :-) Usually, some abuse yelled at ladyboys is enough to warn them off. There have been a few times when a kick in the groins or landing a black eye is needed. Be careful of ladyboy gangs when doing this. Have'nt had to shoot one.....so far.
  14. Thailand does not have property bubble but property glut. This is set to worsen over 2013 & 2014. Just ask any R.E. Agent about time taken for a property to sell. Then watch the price movements. In beach side towns studios are selling well and to some extent 1BR condos, the rest move slllloowly, very slowly. The man from Kasikorn Bank says there are 130,000 units unsold each year confirming the property glut.

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  15. The guy has nuts. The guy is nuts. He is lucky he still has a head at all.

    Why does this mean to some people, that now everyone around the world will think Thai people are stupid?

    This individual has never watched youtube.

    Get an education buddy. Go watch youtube and just check it out how people everywhere do the stupidest, most

    dangerous, idiotic things, all over the world, on camera and usually they're not even being paid for it.

    They're doing it for fun!!

    At least if this guy is not trying to feed the croc, he is trying to fee his family.

    Hehe would of be funnier if you wrote "The guy has nuts, the guy is nuts! and he's lucky he still has nuts with a head attached... "

    Thai man have nuts and need baht badly. Lucky for Thai man that croc let go after a gentle chomp. Think croc was looking for big nut with brain inside.
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