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Posts posted by SparklingCascades

  1. Am always surprised by the number of farang who wish to rent direct from home-owners and then moan when things turn sour. My family own a few office spaces & condo's in Bkok, Phuket, Phnom Penh.....and leasing is done through "proper" real estate agents. Saves everyone lots of grief in case we get the wrong sort of tenants, have rental delays or find damage etc....It works well for both sides. Cannot understand why farang take on lots of uncertainty (and possible grief) which comes with dealing direct with any landlord - in trying to save a nickel or dime. More often than not smiles quickly vanish once the landlord gets his deposit and things are no longer sabai-sabai. I think we can expect to hear lots more such stories as farang rarely learn fast.

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  2. Why are we having a debate about Thai wai's?

    Just like people shake hands, land a peek on a cheek or nod, smile.......Thai's, we, work out instinctively when to wai and when to wave.

    No great science to it and not a great deal of analysis !

    Importantly, nobody is offended if there's more substance to people than meets the eye.

  3. Khun Leshar decided to leave early due to his intoxicated state and was about to leave on his motorbike......he was approached by a security guard who may have assumed he was attempting to steal a bike. The guard shone a torch in Leshar's face which angered him. He is thought to have punched the guard twice in the face which caused the guard to fall to the floor. While on the floor Leshar is accused of kicking the guard."

    If true - drunken idiot, some people need saving from themselves.

  4. Friend you are lot more experienced than me but in my short life I see the men in my country give the gals notice - esp. if gals play things the way you describe your g/f does. Also, isn't love a 2-way street - in and out of bed - so apart from free lodging and maybe meals I am at a loss to understand why you would pay car installments (unless you've signed as guarantor or partner somewhere) and a monthly Bht 12k allowance to boot? For example Dad is guarantor for the new car I bought. I know I'd get out off an ATM-relationship, all the more if one is 62 yrs old. Usually girls pay me to hang around.tongue.png

    Friend, from a local, here are 4 things I'd do - 1) I'd talk to my employer (the school) and win their trust. Thai people understand tragic love stories, since everyone here has a few. 2) I'd approach a lawyer who has some police connect and make a statement covering all bases. 3) I'd approach the car company only if I'd signed something previously to find out your legal status. 4) I'd download forms for immigration/visa renewal from the internet and fill them in. English is allowed. A visit to immigration will show you how easy it all is - although, farang seem to fear that immigration is some kind of 'special expertise area' with dodgy Thai immigration officials. A visit to immigration will quickly show you how easy it all is. If your unsure take along any Thai friend who can communicate on your behalf.

    Finally, I'd gently touch this babe's adam apple (trust me this one section remains intact operation or no operation) and say goodbye Mister, your ATM card is cancelled.

    Work quietly and over 2 or 3 days so that your response is - swift, severe and a surprise.

    I learned much from seeing my family operate here. You can run circles around a trouble-maker; like I've described. Try not to stroll around with the word victim on your forehead as people are quick to take advantage. Take care brother. goodluck wai2.gif

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  5. My family has businesses in Thailand & the Mekong countries. Dad has a 2-man team in each country to manage the Community Initiatives as part of keeping an image. A month back I was approached by a fellow soccer player from Sierra Leone who wanted rent money. It was a tiny amount - just THB 3,000 for one month. Said he would be okay to repay after some weeks. I gave him the phone number of our 'Community Initiatives' dept. Some days later I ran into the Manager who said that he is tired of charities (and churches) in Cambodia & Thailand referring help cases from Africa. He told me not to refer Africans to him as he says almost every day one or two contact the office for help - unlike maybe poms, yanks, euros......So I can understand the tone of some people writing here. I am told 80% of Africans who are referred by churches & charities come from Nigeria.

    So last week when a fellow soccer player from Nigeria asked me for "USD 50 or more" "urgent for rent & food" - I explained gently that I was only a student but I was happy to arrange with the abbot at a nearby Thai wat to give him a place to sleep for a month or two plus one or two meals a day. This Nigerian soccer mate was not happy and backed away.

    Some comments here call others expressing an opinion racist. I don't think people are being racist. People are simply saying that in percentage terms for every 100 Africans there seem to be 80 or 90 in trouble - far, far higher than the other foreigners in Thailand or even Thais. To try to stamp out honest debate by labeling opinions or experiences one may not like as "racist" is plain anal. People as free to be politically incorrect. Importantly only Thais have the final say of who comes to beg (or scam) in Thailand - even if such black and white thinking gets called racist.

  6. The poorest man i saw was a retired ex Doctor, he had 100.000 baht per month in pension,

    but his aggressive thai wife had her claws in his ATM card and didnt give him enough allowance

    for 3 full dishes of kao pat, so he came once in a while borrowing 100 baht so he would make it through the day.

    He was over 70 years old, what a way to go.

    Ed: his rent was 5-6000, drank no beer at all, only ate his rice when he could afford

    Baht 100k per mth equals USD 3,000-. Many Thai beach towns offer 1BR condo's with gym, pool, security for THB 20k - 30k per month. To this add THB 30k for singles living exps, maybe THB 50k couples. Maybe this old doc lived at the Hilton and scraped to get by on Baht 100k per mth. Talking to a foreman in one of our factories he looks after extended family for less without scraping the barrel for 100baht loans.
  7. Vast majority of the girls working in the bars in Pattaya/ Phuket/ Samui can read, write, add subtract both English and Thai, at least the ones I have talked to in last 17 years. How many need 50,000 per month?, how many get 50,000 per month? Now go 30km East of Pattaya to Bowin and Pluak Dang and the the industrial estates, 100,000s of ladies earning 14-15k per month with the circumstances you describe, they prefer to work 10-12 hours per day rather than lay on their backs, or sit on their <deleted> on bars seeking out farangs. Working in factories on a production line requires speaking Thai that's about it, so simple 100,000s of non Thai speakers do it

    Entry level jobs at Ford other auto companies and the Oil and Gas companies pay what? What is the minimum education level? How much does a go go dancer make?

    With this kind of logic well - lets keep Thailand the world's brothel since money is the ultimate decider, if education level does not work. Funny why large parts of Africa and Asia (outside of Thailand) don't apply this logic & get their names up in lights Thailand-style. I guess they pushed choices which the poor do have & where money is not the central theme - important as money is. Its a cultural shift many Thai people want for this country, no matter what farang feel.

    If the Thai people had less than 90% of the business your argument might hold water. The fact is you are taking it upon yourself to decide the morality of Thailand. 90/10 split Thai and Farang means Farang have little to do with the overall effect.

    The reality of the situation is since Western people have visited Thailand in the 1600's the Thais have been offering this service. They don't want to change. You do. However you are not Thai or if you are you are not the majority of Thai people.

    People are allowed to have aspirations even if it rocks the status quo and old mindsets around what is "service". And yes, lots of things pulled off in T/land are without a "majority".
  8. "She had been drinking heavily with her Scottish boyfriend, who went back to their room to sleep."

    He left his gf alone and drunk? <deleted>?? I wouldn't do this in the US let alone in TL!

    Agreed. In the U.S. one wud never leave a gun or girl unattended. laugh.png Maybe Thailand's becoming as bad.
  9. Vast majority of the girls working in the bars in Pattaya/ Phuket/ Samui can read, write, add subtract both English and Thai, at least the ones I have talked to in last 17 years. How many need 50,000 per month?, how many get 50,000 per month? Now go 30km East of Pattaya to Bowin and Pluak Dang and the the industrial estates, 100,000s of ladies earning 14-15k per month with the circumstances you describe, they prefer to work 10-12 hours per day rather than lay on their backs, or sit on their <deleted> on bars seeking out farangs. Working in factories on a production line requires speaking Thai that's about it, so simple 100,000s of non Thai speakers do it

    Entry level jobs at Ford other auto companies and the Oil and Gas companies pay what? What is the minimum education level? How much does a go go dancer make?

    With this kind of logic well - lets keep Thailand the world's brothel since money is the ultimate decider, if education level does not work. Funny why large parts of Africa and Asia (outside of Thailand) don't apply this logic & get their names up in lights Thailand-style. I guess they pushed choices which the poor do have & where money is not the central theme - important as money is. Its a cultural shift many Thai people want for this country, no matter what farang feel.
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