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Posts posted by utalkin2me

  1. 8 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    We were talking about Thais and their minimum wage .

    To prove your point about Thais earning less then minimum wage , you bought illegal Burmese workers into the equation!!!!!!  

    Minimum wage really is not very important. Walk down the street in downtown Bangkok, and you will pass 20% motorbikes, 30% taxis drivers, 20% street vendors, and you’re gonna pass maybe 30% people working in banks and restaurants. Meaning… these people have no association with minimum wage. It’s not as important a stat as it is in other countries. 

    Have you talked to any taxi drivers? They are making diddly squat right now (and the little they do make they spend frivolously, which was my initial point). 

  2. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    No, I agree that low income workers shouldn't go into bars and buy 90 Baht beers , my point is that they don't usually do that , they usually buy moonshine for 10 Baht .

       If they are earning money, they wouldnt be receiving any welfare and they can spend their wages on what they want to, IMO

    Yes Thai whiskey <deleted> is a big thing, but many of them go into 7-11 and buy large bottles of Leo for 90 baht. Not into bars. 

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The labour laws are quite stringent in Thailand and you cannot legally employ someone and pay less than the minimum wage .

      Yes, some people do work under the table cash in hand , but even in villages , they would expect and require more than 350 Baht per day for a days work . 

       Most of the low earners tend to drink 10 Baht moonshine or sometimes bottles of beers from mom & pop shops . 

       The instances of them going to bars and paying bar prices are extremely infrequent 

    And so, what exactly in my original statement do you have a problem with? I basically said Thais would be much better off not spending 70, 60, 50, 40, 30 % of their daily wages (or whatever the hell % you want to put on it) on their alcohol consumption for the day. Instead, they should save it. And, this would make for less welfare. 

    I swear only on thaivisa can a perfectly common sense sentiment become controversial. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Did you read and understand the article ?

    The 5 million figure includes people who have lost their jobs and do not work and self employed people who have had a reduced income .

       We were talking about the minimum wage , which is a different subject to unemployed people who do not receive a wage .

       Minimum wage and peoples income are two different things

    My original statement stands: they would all be much better off saving their money as opposed to buying a beer for 90 baht at the end of the day. 

    what exactly is your refute? That no employed Thais make less than 330 baht a day? Lol You can’t be that naive. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, bradiston said:

    A way to help? What, "maybe the wife works"? "Why don't they put it in the bank?" "Hey, they could cut out the Leo". And who's suggesting they have nothing else to spend their ($5) a day on but a bottle of Leo? You could try it yourself. $5 a day. Report back in a year's time, if you're still alive, and have an internet connection. That'll cost you!

    You need to actually make a point or some kind of logical sense in conversation. That post does not make the cut. 

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  6. Just now, bradiston said:

    How do you save $5 if it's all you've got to live on?

    Maybe the wife works.

    This isn’t that difficult. Thread is about large number of Thais under poverty line. I simply suggest a way to help, and someone says “what else do they have to spend their money on other than beer” lol In the running for post of the year and humanitarian award.

  7. 6 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    Not sure what else there is to do with $5. And more likely to be a shared bottle of Lao Khao. In Philippines you can see it everyday, in the supermarkets at 5pm, people shopping on their way home from work. 150 PHP per day. A tin of sardines, whatever else keeps body and soul together. Duterte's murderous attacks on these people for daring to admit defeat and take to a pipe of meff, just showed what a total fxxx he is. It hasn't got that bad here yet - or has it? 

    Saving $5 for a year is $1800

    Saving after their daily Leo is $730


    im not sure what anyone is on about


  8. 3 hours ago, Petey11 said:

    One long season then, 12 months of the year. Get everyone vaccinated is the key.

    It might help, we all hope it does. But it’s not possible for one, and two it probably would not even work like you think even if we did it. 

    For example, we have a vaccine, yet Thailand infections are spiking. If I would have told you that months ago you would call me crazy. 

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