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Posts posted by Milo

  1. On a BBC interview with Mr Korn, last night, she tried desperately to have it portrayed the government crackdown was really bad but Korn was far too clever for her. In the end she asked if he believed Mr T was the cause of all the problems. Without hesitation he replied "absolutely".

    Seems strange entities like BBC like to portray the Thai govt in a bad light without truly evaluating both sides of the story.


    No surprise at all the good ol' Beeb just love sensationalising Thailand. Last Oct I had a phone-call from a 'researcher' ostensibly for the production of a 'Human Interest Piece' Started off well enough, but all she really wanted was to blame the Thais for the idiots coming over here on holiday, renting a scooter, getting pissed and crashing it, then not being covered by the Thai insurers. The 'human interest' part being how, oooh, DANGEROUS, OOOOH it is on Thai roads. Told her these clowns get all they deserve, I wasn't having a bar of it, silly cow. But my God she didn't half push, trying to make me trip over my own words!

  2. I can understand the Govt's restraint over the last few days/weeks not wanting to be accused of jumping the gun during the protests, and will wholeheartedly agree Abhisit's a pretty sharp cookie, mostly allowing the red clowns to play into his hands, certainly as far as the history books will assuredly agree later. As many others have stated, even on this topic, his reforms and improvements in structure have been overshadowed by these thuggish idiots, dam-n shame. At the same time we've now unrest in the provinces, in my humble opinion purely because he allowed them the time to retreat & regroup in their home towns, I for one am very worried indeed this latest unrest may take quite a while longer to stamp out?

    Unsure about you other ex-pats in the tourism game, but our numbers are well down since these clots began their unethical, unwarranted (now obviously ineffective), led by the incapable and therefore quite frankly pointless; so-called 'class struggle' for the one against the many? Makes me sick it does, the ramifications of these selfish, cowardly & stupid acts will reverberate long after the troubles themselves die down. A crying shame so many allowed themselves to be duped AGAIN after Thaksin had already stolen billions from each & every Thai's own pocket with his swindling ways. Never mind the many other abuses of power...

    They always say a country gets the leader it deserves?

    I don't believe the Thais deserved this little lot, foisted on them by a megalomaniac's lust for power! Pioneered by the greedy & assisted by the uninformed. Abhisit, highly (and appropriately awarded too, not with some bought on-line degrees, lol! You couldn't POSSIBLY earn any kind of degree honestly with Thaksin's garbled/mangled English skills!! Could you??) educated and reasonable though he is, should have acted more quickly, his only mistake thus far IMHO. Too many on TV here alone calling him weak & worse, consider this; with his background and therefore inherent sensibilities, knowledge of the global scheme included, he really is Thailand's last, best hope. Worried now? Like it or not this country needs an honest, decent & upstanding leader demonstrating the wherewithal to make it as a world player. Alternatively a xenophobe only out to line his own pockets? Jeez, it really IS that simple folks, or are some of you honestly that misinformed?!?! And still wondering WHY the Baht stays so strong on the world stage? Duh...* The current PM will indeed shine once the Red Lights have been extinguished, mark my words.

    My best wishes to Thailand and her good people, praying for an end to this fiasco before too much longer. I for one am looking forward to greeting our guests with a smile & relaxed attitude come next touring season, ready once again to display with pride some of the wonders that are Thailand's alone. Could quite possibly become more than just a little cynical if these flaming red idiots continue to shoot themselves in the foot with such spectacular aplomb, lol!!

    Me, I'll just stay here - 9yrs & counting, enjoying the good weather & company, never forgetting; wealth is only an illusion created by those who want you to buy something off them! Enjoy what you have over here folks, worth it's weight in gold.


    *Yes, of course I'm fully aware there's more to the Baht's current strength than purely Abhisit at the helm, but that's for a different thread. However, it still stands as a poignant reminder that the country isn't disappearing down the tubes as the naysayers would have us believe.

  3. who are under paid and over worked

    Don't know even one such of person (I am an employer).

    MOSTLY they are much MUCH relaxed at work, always pay a HUGE attention to their off-duties - and, of course, snacks-aftersnacks-gossips-sanookdotcom-online games-snacks-skin whitenings/blackberries-iphones blahblahblah.

    Following by very irresponcible even on their direct duties. Should I call this all "overworked"? Or should I pay for that?

    It took me more than 8 yrs to find just a COUPLE partially-responsible persons to be the project's leaders....

    why is it us farangs who have businesses have to pay the minimum, wage regardless and so many other businesses pay what they want to some less than 50% of the minimum wage.

    The answer is simple: because you'll fail to name me even ONE world-level THAI businessman. Even the beloved Thaksin has chin/sin roots.....

    Most of mosts of Thais are NOT suitable for this task. Nothing offencive - just a soft and relaxed mentality by their born.

    That's why.

    lazy to pay overtime to the labour departments employees.

    It is not the overtime to be paid, but over-production. :D

    Noone is going to pay you if you sit overtime and doing completely nothing (i.e. same as you do in your in-duty time too).

    Or may you think that Thaksin will pay this? 55555 he (as a businessman in his roots) is the 1st to count his money. Dont be naive.

    :) oh how true, this one just HAD to be repeated!! I'd love to know what you're asking of them to be actually satisfied with their work ethic, lemme guess, you've a bar in Pattaya and your ladies are very, should we say, accommodating?? :D :D

  4. Thai Government should get a Red Corner Notice against Thaksin from Interpol and his trial should begin asap

    Do you think Interpol people are idiots ?

    Would you appreciate a democratically elected Prime Minister being deposed by a military coup in your home country ?

    Would you appreciate the main airports of your home country being seized for weeks by terrorists ?

    Would you appreciate democratically elected Members of Parliament being unseated by some shady judges in your home country ?

    I see your point, but this is not that simple. As for democratically elected, the votes were paid for, I have friends in Isaan and they explain this this way, if they come to your home and offer you money and you accept you are obliged to vote for the person who paid you. At least he was not trying to be elected for free but made the expense. This could be one way of looking at it. It obviously worked as a lot of people still like him.

    I've always seen the 'Vote Buying' as just the same as back in the west, usually your chosen party gives the greatest tax cuts to your social structure, what's the difference, before or after? At least with cash up front the buggers you voted for can't renege on the deal 2-3yrs on with a flimsy excuse! :D Don't get me wrong, I'm no Thaksin supporter, but this vote buying lark has me in stitches, my missus has taken money from both sides before now, and continued to vote exactly as she would of anyway...as I'm sure did many, many others; not only politicians who take the money & run in this country! :)

  5. This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

    From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

    What a mess

    Since you are "new", we'll give a break. Please check youtube for arisman's video urging supporters to bring empty bottles to bkk with them so they can fill them up with petrol. this was BEFORE they arrived - as in the beginning. They knew what they wanted, and now they have it.

    And you do know about the Abhisit govt programs like free education, debt forgiveness for farmers, extension of Thaksins health care plan, program to cut-out middle men in rice sales, etc right? You did do your research before you posted so you wouldn't look like, well, uninformed?

    Thanks, took the words right out of my mouth...

  6. The Gov't really needs to a do a major PR campaign about Thaksin.

    His being dead would probably be a good thing but you just never know.

    The reds up North years ago replaced all the pictures in the house of someone truly worthy of their respect and loyalty and replaced them with Thaksin. Many tend to see him in a worshiping fashion. I believe there is one women at the red camp who told CNN she wanted to die for Thaksin.

    Bottom line it is a delicate road to go down but first and foremost is the law much be upheld.

    When we're touring 'oop norf', especially around the Golden Triangle area, there are many businesses with the usual picture of a certain famous monarch (hope I've been careful enough?) who shall remain nameless, but the usual instantly recognisable yellow jacket they were wearing for certain celebrations in their honour awhile ago have been photo-shopped red? I'm certain this honoured soul would not be best pleased to discover their respected & revered official photos of this event had been, sorry, but, bastardised?

    Please PM me with any necessary changes for posting rules, no offence meant but thought the truth should out?

  7. How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

    This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

    Uh-huh? There speaks the voice of intelligence/the well-informed/reason, oh take your pick, I've never read such absolute and utter drivel! :):D :D

  8. The missus has just come in with the news that here in Udorn there's a 10pm curfew & any meeting of more than 5 people not allowed

    I was in Surat Thani when the same was imposed a couple of years ago. It simply meant that people went out and had their dinners as normal and that they did meet more than 5 people as normal, BUT, not is sensitive places and not discussing politics and not arguing with the police or soldiers if they are told to go home :)

    I believe the same restrictions were imposed countrywide during marshal law a couple of years ago? Never noticed any change myself...

  9. I think there are a number of (ex)military- or police-specialists in this forum, so a question to them: It was reported that the hospital operated on Seh Daeng this morning and removed a bullet. If he was shot by a sniper, assuming from some distance, wouldn't the high-speed bullet have passed through his head and made a sizable exit.wound instead ? Does the fact that he had a bullet in the head imply a shot from a less-powerful weapon, perhaps closer than your typical sniper would use ?
    I think so. Or, if it was a hollow-point small caliber from long range, the internal damage will be irreparable.

    Isn't that thread available here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Red-Shirts-L...ot-t364824.html ?

  10. Found this here Thailand Emergency Decree:

    "Upon declaring the enforcement of a emergency decree, the prime minister has the power to issue the regulations including:

    to prohibit any person from departing from a dwelling place;

    to prohibit the assembly or gathering of persons at any place or the commission of any act which may cause unrest;

    to prohibit the press release, distribution or dissemination of letters, publications or any means of communication containing texts which may instigate fear amongst the people or is intended to distort information;

    to prohibit the use of routes or vehicles or prescribe conditions on the use of routes or vehicle;

    to prohibit the use of buildings or enter into or stay in any place;

    to evacuate people out of a designated area for the safety of such people or to prohibit any person from entering a designated area."

    The missus has just come in with the news that here in Udorn there's a 10pm curfew & any meeting of more than 5 people not allowed

  11. Bought a 400cc Suzuki Desperado Cruiser to help a mate out a few years back (same old, needed to leave sharpish), decided it could be the missus' bike. She's ridden it a few times but doesn't really like the geometry for long rides, loves posing on it down town though :D

    Consequently the bike really isn't getting enough use to warrant keeping it around, I fire it up once a month and go for a short run just to ensure it stays in order. Fires 1st time every time.

    She DID used to like my little CBR 400 before I totalled it and bought the Fazer, plus I kinda miss the little crotch-rocket; it would certainly get more use than the Desperado, I never did like cruisers!

    No book, no plate, no tax paid. When we went down for the Fazer & Bandit the excise folk didn't appear to have a category for it, and couldn't say how much it would be? They promised to have the necessary info by the time we returned for the other two bikes' paperwork in a week. Knowing full well the pace of life here we returned after a fortnight, guess what, they still didn't know! Returned last week, no joy yet either, but they're estimating around 8-11,000b. Prepared to deal on this.

    I figure a cruiser in decent nick such as this appears to go for the 60-65k mark, CBR's these days 50-55k with book & plate, must be worth a straight swap to somebody who maybe wants to take it easy a little?

    Up for offers though, no rush whatsoever but I am getting fed up of cleaning the damned thing! Straight pipes, sounds wicked and frightens the holy hel_l out of the soi mutts :) Apologies for the poor photos, all I could find currently!

    Pm me with any reasonable offers;




  12. Oh gosh ANOTHER crackdown! violin.gif For the folks living here this is just more rhetoric! One poster said it's probably new muscle somewhere. So true, "The new broom always sweeps stiffer!" The idea of restricted times on alcohol is one of the most ludicrous laws here. It is simply an annoyance which fails to have any effect on drink driving or any other alcohol related problem or disease. annoyed.gif

    What I find most amazing in "Amazing Thailand" is the shear indulgence of government officials and/or the BIB constantly having crackdowns on useless laws like alcohol selling times or the left hand lane rule for anything other than a pure sedan car! This would be normal if this was a fully developed nation but as usual in LOS it’s let's avoid whistling.gif the overwhelming issues of poverty, low educational standards, corruption, motor vehicle accident rate, influx of yaa bah from Myanmar, social injustice, lack of real employment prospects for women at the bottom end of society (i.e. typical desperate for money bargirls), massive wage divergence between the ruling elite and "slum" class labourers, appalling animal rights (that doesn’t even rate a mention here, even though Buddhism is the major religion; though perhaps too many Thais only pay it lip service to wai at the right moment and visit the temple on auspicious occasions, or when they want something from Buddha!) and the list goes on...

    Sorry Thailand is an NIC (Newly Industrialized Country), it’s still NOT a developed nation. As long as the government persists in ignoring multiple social injustices, political instability as witnessed by the continuing insurgency in the South and Red Shirt discontent will persist. Sometimes the smile at everything and lets avoid direct confrontation of an issue means that serious problems are never really likely to be addressed. Until major issues are addressed Thailand cannot possibly reach developed nation status! Instead the bureaucrats neus.gif prefer to attempt to copy Europe and other developed nations in enforcing laws related to very minor issues. sad.gif

    This style of government is the typical hallmark of a developing NIC, so until politicians and big business change the attitude to take on greater social responsibility we will continue to see nonsense crackdowns on who sells a “Spy” at 2.05 pm in the supermarket. Yes, send that young sales girl to jail and fine her B50,000 or some other totally ridiculous amount! Gosh wake-up 1zgarz5.gif politicians, do something worth doing with all the power you have to do good; forget worrying about rot. Help your poor countrymen to improve their daily lives and their education!

    Can I have the soap box now??? :D

    And amongst all the vitriolic rhetoric FierceSnake, your point was? Past, long established socialist ideals are hardly likely to gain a foothold here I surmise? I can see the proletariat gathering arms already as the ripples spread from such a stirring speech!! :) Right. Nothing like getting all hot under the collar at the blatantly obvious? Somebody needs a beer methinks!!

    I for one await with baited breath for next week's instalment of those in power's fiendishly cunning scheme to keep the masses crushed underfoot!! :D

  13. Some years ago,it was THE thing to do here in Isaan,where I live.Actually looked into it myself,but never got started for different reasons.Lots of people started doing this,but after less than a year,everybody stopped.Not sure of the reason,except that it didn´t live up to people´s expectations...By the way,I agree with others,that just giving money to "family" to invest,is usually lost money..

    Agreed; they've no idea of reinvestment.

    Rubber/Eucalyptus trees appears to be 'the' thing to do now, the bottom will fall out of that market due to overproduction soon too.... Supply & demand, what's that?!?!

  14. Is this a 5day 5night trip?

    If it is most of what you will see will be through the winshield i think.I was in Isaan last year and a couple of young thai guys in the family drove it in 22 hours straight one way. So if it was me I think you are looking at 2 days just driving.2 days none stop.

    one day for getting there one day for coming back. that is 18 hours of driving each way. but this was Nong Khai province. So stay Burriram and southern Isaan. Maybe Mukdahan is farthest you want to go. But these areas arenot the same as the true northeast believe me. If you want real Isaan go to Seka. Or around that area.

    Hope this helps.

    ??????? Bkk to Udorn thani in 6hrs late night no traffic.

  15. why would she come back with the police just to get some stuff?

    only she knows why

    Fear of him kicking off.

    She can't sell the house if he has the 30yr lease but have (hearsay only) heard she can borrow against the property if she 'neglects' to show the bank the lease.

    There was another tale very recently about the wife forcing hubby out by moving the entire family in, sitting drinking Laocow until 2am and the rest. He notified the police, they said nothing they could do as was her name on the deeds & her family, never mind the lease. Know I could certainly have made life far more difficult for the family than they were for me! Then again, it's only 6months since the guy here in Udorn on the 30yr lease was killed for it. The ex may have received 15yr in the monkey house for it, but she's won a house, not a bad salary if you look at it!!

    The age-old adage "Only a fool invests more in Thailand than he can afford to lose" comes to mind. Walk away, why not? It's only bricks & mortar Alternatively do what that Danish guy did upon catching his missus playing around. "We need to do some renovations darling", then promptly bulldozed the place while hopping on the next flight home!

  16. Thanks for your reply.
    Iv not seen Toyota come with Panasonic batteries before, so I think its already been replaced once.

    This is a second hand car bought in Feb 2008 and used by me since then. So, I am not aware if the battery was changed before.

    What battery make Toyota Vios comes with originally?

    Comes with a Toyota own brand battery. Ran my pickup for 4 years on the stock battery, but I'm always careful not to run the a/c for the first 5min after starting first thing in the morning. DON'T buy that Panasonic crap, especially from the small independent guys, they're usually reconditioned plates in a new case, I learned the hard way, and was only wised up by a mate who's job it is to truck them to and from Bkk, big business.

    You must have a major retailer close by? The likes of CarCare/Cockpit or TyrePlus/similar? You don't want to go forking out for a Toyota original, but you can trust those guys not to give you 'Farang price', a brand new battery and decent warranty. If you're doing lots of short hops, town trips it's well worthwhile upgrading to a larger, proper heavy duty battery, the a/c knocks holy hel_l out of them. You can tell a pukka heavy duty simply by size rather than what it says on the box, go for as big as will fit in the battery compartment.

  17. New here in thailand bought a great bike and wanted insurance against theft. I was told that you can not get that kind in Thailand as with everything I hear here..I thought I would ask at least 5 ways.. Is it true... I am in Chiang Mai..

    Absolute nonsense - if you have a legal motorcycle you can obtain insurance for theft.

    Please go Here to request a quotation.

    Unless of course it's an unregistered 'Big bike', Porobor only.

  18. If you don't have a yellow book then you don't have a registered residence. If you don't have a registered residence you can buy a car but not in your name.

    Obviously deluded, of course you can obtain proof of residence from immigration, just need to show up with a copy of the wife's/landlord's blue book and they'll rattle you off a standard letter. The only time you can't buy in your name is if you're on a tourist visa, allegedly. Immigration tried to prevent me from having the pickup in my name while still on this visa when I first arrived by saying they couldn't provide it for this purpose. However, my friend told them it was none of their business what the letter was for, just that I required one and it was their responsibility to provide it, no matter the purpose. Toyota themselves then tried to simply put it in the G/f's name, I baulked when they were having her sign ALL the paperwork. "Just for insurance" they said so I acquiesced until I saw the delivery note, and promptly grabbed my cheque, returning it to my pocket! They got the message, a flurry of paperwork reprinting everything, my name on the documents in English, and oddly enough she wasn't required to sign a flaming thing second time around? :) Was it legal? I still don't know but the blue vehicle book has my name on it.

    Admittedly the yellow book is invaluable for me running a business here, I use it 2-3times a year, doors seem to open when it's on the desk in front of them, even if not a requirement for that particular application. Though can hardly see you needing it if the blue book for your condo is in your name? As you suggest, getting it on the family's address would be better.

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