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Posts posted by Milo

  1. It would never occur to me to acknowledge another farang on the streets of Bangkok...or Udon Thani for that matter. There are tons of them. Now if I encountered one in Na Klang, it might be a different story

    I like to know the farangs that live in or near my Ban (outside Udon) we have,maybe,something in common.

    Some farang in the Supermarket?No chance.And he may even be English or from the Us of A!Brrrrr........... :D

    When first came to Udorn 8yrs ago it WAS different, stopped and chatted for a reasonable conversation rather than pidgin English! Few years later, the 'nod' came in as Farang numbers rose, now so many around only go into town if I can't possibly get out of it! Manage to keep my visits down to around twice a year with a little careful planning...

    Not the Farang per se, just 'progress' I suppose, traffic/parking's now hard work, far easier to send the missus in on her scooter! I'll just sit here with the half dozen we have in our village & sink another cold one!! :)

  2. I am looking for some place that has good furniture. Do I have to drive to Bangkok? I have not found anyplace in Surin, does Khorat or Buriram have any, Looking for a nice leather sofa, bedroom set, mattresses, dining table and chairs.

    Hardly local, but always worth a visit to Phrae, well over a Km each side of the main highway selling loads of teak. Slung what I could in the back of the pickup, they posted the rest to me! One each, a two & three door solid teak wardobe, 32,000b the pair, 1,500b postage, saving me the 6,000b tax on them. Also Hang Dong near Cm, but they've become very pricey recently. And no, not from Chiang mai but Udon, well worth the trip, 7yrs ago now and not even a sticky door!

  3. is there some sort of recycling going on?

    Ms. Bino brings them all home.

    Mrs. Tango7 does the same. I look under my kitchen sink and find bottles and bottles of the stuff.

    She tells me she's doing this to save money but I wonder why we still buy all this stuff as well. It just keeps piling up. I could open a shop !!

    My wife does the same, personally get embarrassed about it as we have to visit the same hotels on tour month after month :) Her point "We've already paid for it", now taken. She also brought in empty water bottles for the places with the large 'Not Complimentary' dispensers, nigh on split my sides one day when she took a swig of yellow shampoo one day mistaking it for juice :D Som nam naa :D Oddly enough haven't seen her with the bottles since...?!

    I digress, spend as much time in hotels as we do, often see decidedly 2nd-hand bottles, suppose she's doing the other guests a favour by forced replacement :D :D ?? As to what she does with them, found no stockpile yet, maybe the family?

  4. You'd have to tell a bit more about what you think of as a decent life.

    If you've spent some time visiting you should be able to work it out yourself really.

    If I was living alone, I could probably manage very well on 30,000 baht/month

    Living in a village North of Khon Kaen with my gf and 2 kids, we can live quite well on 20,000, but there's always something new to buy etc etc.

    Now I'm married can get away with 30k/month, the single life was FAR more expensive :D:) Happy days...!!

    No way would ever consider paying 15k each for food/entertainment, caviar and just how many mia noi's??

    I've a few mates here who live very well indeed on 40k/month, I need to make choices every now and again, but hardly a burden, more getting out of parties you really don't want to attend anyway!!

    As Loong said, always something new to buy/replace/repair, keep a decent reserve in the bank and no worries, can always save some next month :D or usually not :D

  5. Another desperado who wishes to stay in Thailand long term, but doesn`t have the funds.

    My advice is, come back in another 20 years if and when you have some financial security.

    Shame nobody's allowed to live here without independant financial support isn't it? Always looked at my time teaching here one hel_l of an apprenticeship to Thailand and her ways. Know I shouldn't rise to your bait, but sure taught me a great deal more than simply propping up the local farang bar with my 'funds', feeling I was superior to all! If any of us here REALLY had money, would be living it up in Monaco/Biarritz now wouldn't we? Clown.

    Go for it OP, even if after a couple of years it isn't working out plenty of time to find something/somewhere else.

  6. Not really ontopic, but in case of an accident eventual traffic rules will have no value, as a foreigner you must be very lucky not to be held responsible, simply because of the color of your skin.

    I was cut off on my motorbike by a very arrogant Thai woman in a car who crossed my lane from the other side and hit her car, she was 100% wrong, but the Chiangmai touristpolice treathened with long and complicated trouble, chance to loose visa etc. if I would not simply accept responsibility (it's only 7000 bath, more easy for you...) very weird. I hate Thailand for that.

    They are just not fair. So do like me drive like an idiot like the Thai and you are most safe, rules are nothing here, even owners of drivingschools don't know how to drive... :)

    You just said it yourself, you "hit her" frontal impact to your bike, cut & dried, your fault no matter what stupid manouvre she just pulled :D These days have eyes in my arse...!!

  7. Another option is to stay in Thailand and "Home school" your kids. Home schooling can be better than public school as your kids would be more focused on learning instead of other society related distractions. I read of a father in the US who home schooled his 2 daughters and they were ready for the local community college at ages 14 and 12. You can use older revision textbooks and supplement school courses with the internet for educational material--saving money and time.

    Agreed on the home schooling;

    Your 4y/o going to have to learn quite a high standard of Thai very quickly indeed, though as kids do will probably pick it up exceptionally quickly. Had foreign exchange kids at the school I used to work at, even at 16-18y/o, their progress was unbelievable; hanging around the English Dept Staffroom first couple of months like a fish out of water, soon integrated though, would see them in the dining hall etc chatting away like a native!

    They'll always be Farang no matter how they've grown up, the Thai education system pretty poor, and I'm being polite. With these two factors in mind, best giving them the best possible education for a leg-up, best of all leave it 15yrs for their sakes?

    Sorry to be so negative, but having spent four years working within the education system here at a large (3,900 pupil) government school, considered the best in Udorn Thani I was less than enamoured. Helped one of the Thai Teachers through his Masters Degree, walk in the park, equivalent to the 'O' level English exam I took when 16. I'm certain there must be far better schools/universities out there, especially in the likes of Bkk, but never forget the whole system is based at a far lower level than our own. Western degrees begin at 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and so on, was amazed to learn the highest one can possibly attain in Thailand a 3.5? Stand to be corrected on this of course.

    Aside from that, wishing you the very best, can fully understand (though no family) your desire to move here, I've never regretted it for a moment!

  8. Pay attention...I'll only say this once!

    When you transfer your money from your country of official residence, transfer it in the original currency into your Thai account, where the bank will gladly change into Thai Baht. The money will arrive within 24 hours.....You only pay the initial transfer cost usually $20-$30 regardless of the amount! Then you can take the Thai Baht out of any ATM and only pay the ฿20 standard fee! On the upside, your money is changed at the T\T rate (which is the best you can get!). OK? :):D:D

    So your saying that I can't access the money for 24 hours if you transfer from country of residence? If you take the money out of the bank you transfer it into say the Siam bank, if you withdraw from there ATM's you DON'T pay the 20 baht charge only if withdrawn from another bank i.e. Kasakorn or am I wrong again :D

    No, what I am saying is that the money normally takes from "instant" to "24 hours" to transfer depending on what time you do the transfer from your home bank...You need to have the money transfered into a Thai account...then you pay the normal Thai charges for every withdrawel, you don't get slugged 150 baht for every withdrawel plus the home bank charge for an "another bank ATM" and the charge for transfering to a foreign bank! OK?

    I wouldn't use the 24hr service either, our bank in the UK has 24hr, 5 working day and 7 working day transaction fees. Send the cash in plenty of time and save even more. :D:D



  9. Friendlyguy,

    You reported:

    "You can do this if you have a Thai bank account. I have a Siam Commercial Bank account. I setup a Paypal account noting the country as Thailand during the setup. I added my Siam Commercial Bank account to it. It was listed as a bank in the drop down. I also have an American Paypal so what I do is transfer money from my Paypal American account to my Paypal Thailand account. If i do over 5000 baht there is no fee otherwise it's 50 baht."

    If you could post the US$ amount that was debited from your US account and the amount of Baht that was credited to your SBC account - as well as the date of the transaction - We could calculate the Exchange Rate that you received vs. the rate that you would have received from a Debit Card transaction at a local ATM.

    You may have discovered the best kept secret in international money transfer, or - as someone suggested, PayPal may be giving you a very unfavorable rate that may be costing far more than the confiscatory 150 Baht ATM fee.


    Sorry, it's late, couldn't be bothered to read all 10pages in case repeating an earlier post! Apologies if so.

    Too true, we use PayPal a great deal, the exchange rate is absolutely abysmal, fair enough they advertise free transfers, but then charge anywhere up to 3% to withdraw from your PayPal a/c to bank a/c, you missed this? Was in fact so disgusted on the last transaction from an Aussie booking I emailed them. Usual story, 5 different emails from 5 different 'Advisors' denying it all. I sent them the SCB's rates for the day, proving we'd lost around 8% in total. Again, complete denial even with the evidence right in front of them.

    Cash transfer, flat rate, have the Thai banks perform the currency conversion, lose buttons. We have a mid-market rate converter on the website, tell folk they'll have to pay maybe an extra 1% as our bank wants something out of the deal.

    Alternatively ask their own bank how much the tour would cost if they performed the conversion at home, anywhere up to 10% extra! A bit more work for me doing the conversions for folk manually, then they have to get down to their bank sharpish before the rate changes too much, but all really appreciate the effort involved, nobody wants to give those grabbing barstewards a penny if can help it.

    In conclusion, at least the Thai banks don't rob us quite as blind as their western counterparts? Hoping they don't catch on just how much money there really IS to be made!!

  10. So where does the real embarrasment lay, with Abhisit or Thaksin. In the eyes of world leaders and indead the world at large, Thaksin has once again proven that he cares for no one other than himself, and he is in fact Thailands biggest embarrasment and cause for embarrasment. Thaksin sits in a plush chair in a five star hotel pushing people to their deaths with false hope and promises. How can a man that loves the people he wishes to lead incite violence and bloodshed on the joyess occasion of Songkran and a time for celebration by the Thai people. He has shown the educated world that he has no love for the Kingdom, the King, or the Thai people. He should never be allowed to grace the world stage that Thailand sits upon. He should no longer be allowed to set foot into the beautiful country who's democracy he has set out to destroy. He has displayed nothing other than evil and contempt for his countrymen. He is inciting a poor and simple section of the community to take up weapons and have their blood spilt only for his political aspirations, an attempt to regain control of what would end up a dictatorship. One to only pad his pockets, wallet, and bank accounts. Abhisit is an educated man, an Obama style leader that has good intentions to take Thailand to the world as a wonderful tourist destination, a wonderful place to conduct business, and is determined to take Thailand to the next level where all of Thailand would benefit. He is a leader of vision, a young man with something to prove to the world, and he is prepared to do all he can to secure a better Thailand for all of Thailand and its people. He is determined to drag it out of the dark ages and proclaim Thailand as a destination of beauty, culture, friendliness and commerce. Thaksin, shame on you for choosing to incite people with your emotional blackmail. You have no care or respect for your contry, your King, or the Kings people. May a royal decree be drawn up that you are never allowed to step up onto Thailand stage again. Forever live in excile.

    Very well said! :o

    Indeed, nothing to add. :D

  11. I know most of the company's who make those armored vest sell the knee,elbow and butt pads seperately.How about buying those pads and have them sewed into your regular vest and pants?

    Have a very nice seamstress lady over the road who's currently copying the RJays mesh jackets pictured in my avatar. Armour from Yellow Corn courtesy Fast corner, Chiang mai. Also including zip-in waterproof liner and she's quoted me 5,000b all in. Not bad for tailor made? Been so hapy with those over the last few years (even keeping cool while just wandering around due to keeping the sun off), decided to go for a copy rather than buy similar and be disappointed!

  12. i wonder if people really like it here, or it is just a default position.

    i rarely ever see westerners looking happy, except, of course, in the bars when they are in the company of people they know. the lists many have made are all good and agreeable, but still, when i am about town i see westerners alone and looking lonely, or with their significant others and although some are happy, most do not seem so - just observations.

    I understand exactly what you mean, and that is why I don't meet westerners here (by choice) unless they are introduced by trusted friends who already know they are ok.

    There's a lot of mental illness, a lot of escapism, a lot of fantasy-roleplaying, and a heckuva lot of projection going on.

    Wherever you go, there you are- and if you weren't happy to begin with, you won't be happy there either.

    So true, why DO so many have the alter-ego fantasy past? Do they honestly believe we can't spot them a mile away? That's my only complaint about the country anyroad!

  13. Sweet FA, nada, nothing. Similar situation, 15y/o neighbour's kid, wife gives her some old clothes now and then (maybe cheaper to pay her than buying wifey new clothes constantly?!), let her borrow the scooter on occasion, give her & our daughter 100b once a week to go out and play computer games/few sweets on a Saturday morning. Ring her any time for an evening's sitting. Job done.

  14. I fail to understand the attraction of Vientianne. I went only once and found the same problems as everyone else. For 6 years I used the crossing from Mukdahan to Savanakhet where the Thai Consulate Office is quieter, offers the same visas, more friendly, close to the river. Just be sure to take the correct paperwork. Obviously the town is not as big as Vientianne; but if your main reason for visiting Laos is your visa then Savankhet is far better.

    My own experience along with other posts is that they have gotten unfriendly. It may depend on what visa you are getting. For a non-o married to a Thai they are saying only one visa a year and putting a stamp in passport saying not to come back. It can also be real busy and they give priority to Lao applicants because they issue their visas the same day.

    Only one visa a year on an 'O'? First I'd heard of that, just had three 90dayers back-to-back, last one collected last Friday, nothing untoward in my passport.

  15. Hi :D

    Hey - that thingy (Loobman) looks good - and they DO ship international AND accept PayPal! So i could actually get one! The "mode of operation" also looks simple enough - that would mean "no more hunting for those Kemex cans" (which are almost always sold out when i need one).

    However my bike does NOT have an O-ring chain. Does this work for ordinary chains, too? Does the sprocket need to have a certain thickness? And, judging by the only available picture of the unit itself (instead of the bottle), this kind of "clamps" the sprocket. Does it work if the sprocket is dirty? Or will it require cleaning the sprockets every couple of days? because if that's the case, i rather keep on spray-lubing.

    I would appreciate some first-hand info from a user of such device.... many thanks in advance :D

    Kind regards.....


    Works on all types of chain. Correct, clamps the rear sprocket to deliver the oil, which then works it's way out from there, all over the width of the chain. As with Scottoiler takes a little while to set up and get the feed rate just right. Yes, your sprocket needs to stay fairly clean for correct dispersal, but then again should be anyway, saves wear. Also of course, oil a great deal easier to clean off than that sticky spray stuff. Don't wash your own bike when it only costs 30b for a scooter/50b for a full-size bike do you? Bugger that, better things to do, like chugging a beer or two with the carwash owner while watching his lads do the dirty work! Oi, you missed a bit :o

    Off-topic, but why do they INSIST on putting that silicon spray all over the bars/seat/wheels even after telling them not to? After a tour always take the fleet down, can watch the first one or two, but every time your backs turned the silicon's all over the flaming place. When I say I don't want it, that means ALL the bikes! One clown even managed to get it on my front brake disc, that was a fun ride home!! Needless to say never went back to that carwash.

  16. Use WD40 which works great, spray it on weekly and have no issues at all. Cheap available and stays on very well, tolerates rain and don't end up on the rear rim.

    Cheers Bard

    My O-ring chains have always come with a warning never to use any kind of penetrating oil. It penetrates the O-rings and thins the grease held inside them, lose it quicker and your chain won't last as long. So they say. Out on a run one day, wanted some chain lube and the local dealer 'Big Cycle' here in Udorn recommended that Sonax. 70km later the bloody chain was squeaking like a flaming hamster on a wheel, had to replace a 6-month 5,000km old chain due to that excellent advice. Not impressed.

    Tried many types of spray lube but damned expensive and still only lasts 300km, some nice dirty old engine oil's just as good, and easier to clean off your rims if you overdo it.

    Scottoiler's good but bit pricey, paying for the name, try these guys instead; http://www.chainoiler.co.uk/ Unlike a Scottoiler this needs a daily pump before setting out in the morning, but this is handy because you can't miss how much oil left in the reservoir. Many forget to top up their Scottoiler. And at 17.99 including postage and packing worldwide, about 1/3 of the price?

  17. If you have a Thai missus then before you even contemplate involving her, you have to know her position and how she will react. Some women will more or less screw you over to agree some bullshit "fix" with the other Thai rather than have a full blown argument.

    If someone speaks some half passable English then just wear them down. Threaten to sue them for wasting your time at gazillions of baht per hour. Get Head Office worldwide in on it ASAP. Do not, never give in to the bastards as they will just continue their shoddy crap service.

    However, if someone had dropped a minor clanger and offers to make it 100% ok and they do, then praise them.

    Too right, my missus won't hesitate to stick the f**ks into anybody for a poor job, yet so many mate's wives giving it the mai pen rai jai yen bit? So much so we get calls to sort out their problems. Only once though, cos then their mussus gets it in the neck for not standing up in the first place, LOL!

    Personally think the nonconfrontational Thai way, and don't even question authority begets this attitude. Just how is your car dealer an authority figure? Seems the lower classes are meekest here, won't say boo to a goose?

  18. If you have a Thai missus then before you even contemplate involving her, you have to know her position and how she will react. Some women will more or less screw you over to agree some bullshit "fix" with the other Thai rather than have a full blown argument.

    If someone speaks some half passable English then just wear them down. Threaten to sue them for wasting your time at gazillions of baht per hour. Get Head Office worldwide in on it ASAP. Do not, never give in to the bastards as they will just continue their shoddy crap service.

    However, if someone had dropped a minor clanger and offers to make it 100% ok and they do, then praise them.

  19. I would think any normal, well-organized visa applicant would go to the consulate early, when the temperatures are lower, rather than take a chance of getting stuck in a long line and eventually turned away. This is pretty much the norm in any country. It is their consulate and they can do what they want with the gates but it was very nice for the consular official to actually come and make a statement and try and make ammends. Maybe there's a trend of applicants coming in later and later since one does get rather laid back and relaxed in Vientiane.

    I would guess the OP had traveled to Nong Kai arriving that morning. Getting to the consulate late is a risk you take when doing that. IE: Late arrival Non Kai, Tons of people trying to get across the bridge creating long lines at immigration, full buses, delay on lLao side with long line of people wanting visa on arrival and etc.

    Never on Monday or day after holiday is a rule I follow for any consulate trip. I normally try for Tuesday or Wed. that way if there is a snafu you don't risk staying a weekend.

    I would suggest an overnight in Vientiane the day before or overnight in Nong Kai and start trip very early across the bridge.

    I would call the consulate officers actions Saintly.

    Bridge apparently opens at 5.30 am, I usually arrive at 6.30-7, means I miss the 8am rush, through quickly, always at the embassy before 9. Again at the embassy always appears the queue behind me mushrooms around 10am, out of the gates.

    Somebody mentioned the queue behing held up by folk with stupid questions or incorrect paperwork, surely a simple sign or two of what's necessary for which visa would alleviate this? Admittedly haven't looked very hard for such a sign cos know what I need! Somebody else on about queue jumpers, the only folk I've seen going straight to the front are those who've been sent off for something they've forgotten. IMHO fair play, shouldn't need to queue in that heat twice.

    All a moot point now, able to apply for extensions from next week on, no need for that pain in the arse again! :o:D

  20. I don't see this as a matter or gloating or schadenfreude.

    It is quite simply doing the right thing, I believe you should always let a person know if they are getting done wrong, doing otherwise would make you a party to it.

    That said there have been times where the person I tried to set straight didn't believe me or worse, confronted his wife/gf with 'this guy said that' rather than trying to investigate for themselves. Obviously uncool.

    I myself had my eyes opened to things that had gone on while I was out of the country and will always be grateful to the person that let me know. 

    Silence is Defeat.

    Exactly. Know I'd feel pretty sh*tty if further down the line she takes him for everything and I'd kept my mouth shut. Wouldn't have been much of a mate, would I?

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