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Posts posted by Milo

  1. Hi All,

    just had a very frantic phone call from one of my ex-students here in Udorn thani, her farang dad's in AEK Udorn hospital after some kind of accident and needs blood very quickly indeed, had to put her onto my wife so flustered. Can anybody in the Udorn area help? I'll get further information ASAP

    My phone number 086 231 0097

  2. We had our place sprayed for termites, killed EVERYTHING, rats, mice, chingchoks, tookays, moths, the lot! Not saying this as a reasonable means to get rid of them, more that within 3 months we had 3 new ones move in to replace the old, seems to be the effective population for our place. You'll be fighting a losing battle, after 3 years here my wife just remains happy they're outside not in! If one gets in it can be trapped/picked up with a good set of welding gloves, or tricked outside again by leaving the door open & outside light on, will go out for the food. Get up about 3am and shut the doors while it's still out. Only works the first day/night though, otherwise they start looking at inside as their home and won't leave. Seem to be attracted to the flickering light from the TV I reckon, sliding flyscreens easy for them to squeeze past, just shut the doors proper at dusk.

    Fighting a losing battle trying to control a population, tried and failed dismally, you'll all get used to the noises, bit like living next to a trainline/airport, give it six months and you won't remember what you were whining about.



  3. Non-Thai citizens do not have the same rights and privileges as Thai citizens, just like every other country in the world. Don't expect the 30 baht health scheme and 40 baht admission to National Parks to apply to you. You can cry racism because you are from Zimbabwe or some other country with a race that is different from the predominant race of Thailand; but its just a citizenship issue. Complaining will get you no where. A big smile and decent Thai language skills and a bit of humility and respect will get you into the national park for a pittance 90% of the time.

    Too true, my Thai driving license gets me in for Thai price every time without a quibble. My spoken Thai's pretty poor too, just bluff it and finish the conversation as quickly as possible!

  4. Big bikes sure seem to stop the soi dogs, that's for sure. Putter round the town nice and quiet on mine out of consideration for others, but when those ###### dogs come flying out chasing me, get a good right-handful of loud! Never yet had one continue the chase, always cry off yelping!!

    Not been so lucky otherwise with the bugs, one of those B52 black wasp thingies hit me on the shoulder, dropped onto my leg stunned, luckily was able to brush it off before really stung me, still couldn't walk that evening.

    Pruning, stung on the lip by a hornet, after the 30min pain, went completely dead for about a week. Pruning again, bit on the ankle by one of those centipedes, now THAT hurt! Off my foot all swollen up for a week!!

    Luckiest escape was the missus, I'm downstairs on the computer when this bloodcurdling scream comes from the upstairs bedroom, mentally shrugging my shoulders thinking Gecko I strolls upstairs to see what the problem is, and there's a 4' long green snake in her wardrobe! Quickly shut the doors and get one of the security guards to come and give me a hand. He's a pick-axe handle and I've a shovel, let me tell you they take some killing, broke the ###### thing's back in about 3 places (could see the dents!) and still coming at us!!

    Same time, same place next morning, same again, unbelievable, figured out later must have been a breeding pair doing a bit of nest-building. Now a couple of T-shirts stuffed under the fly-screen door to the upstairs balcony, and the missus makes sure her wardrobe doors stay shut too!!

  5. Hi all, know quite a few of you out there speak, read and write Thai. Mate of mine Mal (can't seem to post here for some reason, keeps getting the 'inelegable to post' icon for some reason), having a little bother with the mother-in-law. He and wife have a 6-month old daughter, MIL's staying with them to take care of her, poor kid's got the sniffles, not even a proper cold, and recovering as I write this. Bit of a power struggle's developed, MIL berating his wife daily as to how she needs to go to the hospital for medicine. As we all know too many antibiotics aren't any good for you, especially in these younger years when building resistance to disease, do any of you have anything saying this, or even a link to something in Thai that both his wife and MIL could read?

    Thanks in advance, anything you can offer would be much appreciated


  6. I assume as you have always dreamed of a marine tank you haven't actually kept one before? Problem being you can't use the seawater (too many pollutants that can quickly screw up your filter), must mix up your own saline, and that MUST exactly match the HG, temp, alkalinity etc of the water they've been removed from. I've been led to believe the commercial operations use a kind of 'hafway house' idea slowly changing the fish from natural seawater to the commercially produced salt mix to acclimatise them.

    Not really sure about the licenses and stuff, or fish that you couldn't legally take, all I do know is you can't go hacking off lumps of coral!!

    Remembering how much trouble my 6'x2'x2' reef tank was for the first couple of years back in England until it really settled down, still had the odd spike in one or another value, marine fish and especially corals are just so bloody touchy. Can't use copper based medications for the fish as they're highly poisonous to the corals etc, etc. I'd advise don't even think about it unless you can get your hands on the correct marine testing equipment here and have a great deal of spare time to begin with!

    That being said, that tank of mine was worth every penny of the (probably over!) 10,000 pounds I spent on it over the years. Don't foget you'll also need a larger filter and protien skimmer before you set up than for a freshwater system.

  7. I assume as you have always dreamed of a marine tank you haven't actually kept one before? Problem being you can't use the seawater (too many pollutants that can quickly screw up your filter), must mix up your own saline, and that MUST exactly match the HG, temp, alkalinity etc of the water they've been removed from. I've been led to believe the commercial operations use a kind of 'hafway house' idea slowly changing the fish from natural seawater to the commercially produced salt mix to acclimatise them.

    Not really sure about the licenses and stuff, or fish that you couldn't legally take, all I do know is you can't go hacking off lumps of coral!!

    Remembering how much trouble my 6'x2'x2' reef tank was for the first couple of years back in England until it really settled down, still had the odd spike in one or another value, marine fish and especially corals are just so bloody touchy. Can't use copper based medications for the fish as they're highly poisonous to the corals etc, etc. I'd advise don't even think about it unless you can get your hands on the correct marine testing equipment here and have a great deal of spare time to begin with!

    That being said, that tank of mine was worth every penny of the (probably over!) 10,000 pounds I spent on it over the years. Don't foget you'll also need a larger filter and protien skimmer before you set up than for a freshwater system.

  8. thanks to careless people like you (guess majority of the world), we'll all be sending our sons and daughters and their children into a lot of trouble. Great let's continue all like this, wait until the problem hit's our face. :o

    This is exactly what we should try to teach ourselves and especially the Thai people. Let's start thinking ahead and stop being stupid! :D

    The Scientists are abandoning the man made global warming ship. A few of the more rabid and long term are French scientist DR. Claude Allegre who was sounding the claxon 20 years ago has sifted position, Canadian Dr. Bruno Wiskel Univ. of Alberta, who a few years back built a "Kyoto" home in honor of the UN accord has now authored the book "The Emporers new Climate,"Dubuking the Myth of Global Warming. Dr. Nir Shaviv a top Isreali scientist. Australian Dr. David Evans, Canadian Dr. Tad Murty, Dr. David Bellamy,a UK enviormental lecturer, Dr. Chris de Freitas, Univ of Aukland NZ, Dr Reid Bryson of the US, Dr, Zbigniew Jaworowski, UN scientist et al

    Listing all the converts away from manmade warming bandwagon is a quite lengthy process needless to say. Most simply say the science is faulty and what ever the mechanism causing warming it isn't what the press and antiwestern pundits are decrying. Planck inst of Germany and top Russians scientists simply say the sun is hotter, I like that idea as it allows for the reason that Mars and a couple of other planets are getting warmer.

    So while the Earth might be gaining a bit of heat, theres no reason for people to go Al Gore. Remember the warming period at the end of the Dark Ages brought us into the middle ages, allowing a longer growth period for food, allowing for more free time to expand mans knowledge, rather than scrabbling for food only.

    I think most people (apart from the ones with their heads up their bums :D ) agree that Earth is warming up. People just don't agree about the cause and rate of it. The Gore fanboys seek causality in CO2 emission. Loads of "proper" scientists blame the sun (for an interesting angle on this, watch "The great Global Warming Swindle"). That things will change is clear. How we deal with the changes is the real challenge. Goverments are meant to anticipate and take precautionary measures, and this makes things interesting as we all know how capable certain goverments are of this....

    Too true, I too watched 'The great global warming swindle', certainly an eye-opener. For those of you who haven't yet,


    Co2 emissions following temperature rises, not vice-versa, scientists jumping on the band-wagon because its the only way they can get funding etc, an hour and fifteen minutes but nonetheless very interesting viewing.

  9. I love this country, but explain to me I have a Telephone post on my property and the neighbor

    acrossed the street has a phone running off of my pole,I have been trying to get a hard line phone

    installed in my house for over 6 month now and was told they ran out of number and I may have to wait years for a phone,so I am connected with satillite to run my computer.

    Does anyone else have the same problem not getting a phone hooked up?

    Had the same problem myself when trying to have a line installed by TOT, told me no numbers, have to wait at least two months. Went across to TT&T, turns out they buy all the numbers from TOT for resale, line installed within a week!

  10. Good job I checked,then! So I must apply for visa to visit whichever country I intend to use to leave Thailand for stamp on passport for re-entry? Only on 6 month tourist visa at present,but will be changing to non-imm O in August-am assuming the same rules will apply?
  11. Hi,all! Firstly,a word of thanks helping me with all my visa requirements a couple of months ago-have been here a month now and loving it! (If any confusion-it's Miles here,just couldn't seem to log on with my old email address,so had to set up new id,etc) Based in Udon,somebody has told me I will need a visa to visit Laos and where to get it,but is this really necessary? Surely can get one of those 30 day things at the border? My only other worry is am I going to get any trouble trying to get my pickup out the country as it's in my name not the girlfriends?
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