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Mickey Cohen

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Posts posted by Mickey Cohen

  1. Cams are indeed a double edged sword... However, they can only be used against us when / if we are in the wrong...

    I have dash cam in my car - If I am in the wrong the cam will quickly disappear ! I've not tried the CAM excuse on the BIB yet (its been over 2 years since my last stop other than my Wife and I getting stopped and waved on at an alcohol checkpoint).

    Its likely this Policeman was just trying it on and once facing a little resistance where so many cave in decided easier pickings are elsewhere...

    Question: If you suspect you were stopped because you have out of town plates: How did the Policeman recognise your out to town plates when you were driving towards him? (unless another Policeman you'd already passed radioed on ahead).

    Unless I am certain I am in the wrong I never accept that I am - I haven't paid a bribe in many years (In a Car: but I guess I've only been stopped about 3 or 4 times of the past 6 or 7 years).... Then again, the Police pull over Motorcycles far more frequently than they do cars...

    Most time's I get stopped when entering/leaving the expressway so they have time to spot Plate's well that's been the last three four time's.

    I wouldn't mind if I had been in the wrong but on all occasions I've had BKK car's in front of me and at my rear so please don't tell me I'm the only one that has been wrong as the others get waved through B/ll shit. Twice using the same pay booth I've had the same copper waiting just the other side and as I go through over he come's and shouts that I'm wrong yet again, First time he took my licence and demanded 500bt to get it back I was in a hurry so had to pay up, he was the first plonker I showed the S/Nav to and he shut up at once and waved me on as well. It worked for me so worth a try.

    Maybe you re just in the wrong line!! Duhh

    u need to know your spots in bkk where bib is always there

  2. Cams are indeed a double edged sword... However, they can only be used against us when / if we are in the wrong...

    I have dash cam in my car - If I am in the wrong the cam will quickly disappear ! I've not tried the CAM excuse on the BIB yet (its been over 2 years since my last stop other than my Wife and I getting stopped and waved on at an alcohol checkpoint).

    Its likely this Policeman was just trying it on and once facing a little resistance where so many cave in decided easier pickings are elsewhere...

    Question: If you suspect you were stopped because you have out of town plates: How did the Policeman recognise your out to town plates when you were driving towards him? (unless another Policeman you'd already passed radioed on ahead).

    Unless I am certain I am in the wrong I never accept that I am - I haven't paid a bribe in many years (In a Car: but I guess I've only been stopped about 3 or 4 times of the past 6 or 7 years).... Then again, the Police pull over Motorcycles far more frequently than they do cars...

    Most time's I get stopped when entering/leaving the expressway so they have time to spot Plate's well that's been the last three four time's.

    I wouldn't mind if I had been in the wrong but on all occasions I've had BKK car's in front of me and at my rear so please don't tell me I'm the only one that has been wrong as the others get waved through B/ll shit. Twice using the same pay booth I've had the same copper waiting just the other side and as I go through over he come's and shouts that I'm wrong yet again, First time he took my licence and demanded 500bt to get it back I was in a hurry so had to pay up, he was the first plonker I showed the S/Nav to and he shut up at once and waved me on as well. It worked for me so worth a try.

    Maybe you're just in the wrong line!! Duhh

    I drive almost everyday in bkk. They are just spots where u need to be in the right line bcause BiB are always there.

  3. I was the same as you. My daughter here has just turned 3 years old. Neither

    the mother or myself had ever taken care of a baby, and there were no in-laws

    close by to help. So the first thoughts after coming home from the hospital was

    " wow, what do we do now ?". Google became my new best friend as there is endless

    advice for any problem that comes up. My Thai wife calls me the internet dad. :-)

    Advice ?

    1. Most important is to breast feed the baby. My daughter has never spent one minute

    in a hospital from being sick. One year at a minimum, two years is about right,

    any longer is just icing on the cake. My daughter will stop now at three years.

    If breast fed, would not feed any solid food until the baby is about 1 and a half.

    Lots of stuff on the internet about the dangers of feeding food too soon.

    2. Do not use a pacifier. They are not necessary, and can distort the mouth if

    used excessively. My daughter has never used one. If the baby has a need,

    then address it instead of sticking in a pacifier.

    3. Sleep with your baby. But be very careful to roll over on it. I would put my wife

    between myself and the baby, or use a long pillow to protect the baby.

    When new to the world, it must be terrifying to be put in a dark room by yourself. Far more

    comforting to be next to the mother. With this system, getting sleep for the

    parents is no problem. The baby wakes up hungry, gives a little whimper,

    gets the breast, feeds, and goes right back to sleep.

    4. Of course ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS put the baby to sleep on it's back to help prevent

    the horror of SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome. To my astonishment at the

    hospital the nurse there told my wife to be sure to put the baby to sleep on

    her back. Guess the nurse was a bit behind the times medically...

    5. Ignore all the village superstitious nonsense advice, which can range from comic

    to dangerous. A friend of mine has a Vietnamese wife. On a trip back to her

    village the baby became sick. While he was standing outside, he heard his baby

    screaming. Rushing inside the house, he discovered his well meaning in-laws were

    cutting the baby to bleed it, thinking that would make it well... :-(

    Needless to say he went ballistic.... You can agree to cut the hair at one month,

    which is a pointless but fairly benign village ritual....

    6. When the baby is being given inoculations, go over with the doctor about what

    is being given. There are some that are mandatory, and some that the hospital

    tries to sort of slip in. The last time I went the doctor tried to slip in

    a bird flu shot. I laughed and said my daughter did not live on a bird farm..

    7. Whatever country you are from, get her a passport from that country. I did it

    at 6 months for my daughter. If you are run over by a bus before you get her

    a passport, she will then not be able to ever get one.

    Enjoy your baby, for me it has been the best experience of my life !!!!!!!!!!!!


    My baby doesnt always sleep on the back tho.

    Actually its hard for him to fall asleep like that.... It does kind of worry me a bit.

    But he only gets mums milk and we sleep all together.

    Why wouldnt u advice to mix it up with food starting at 5 or 6 months?

  4. Bus was coming from the little bridge (rachatewi) i was at the red light opposite the Art center. Lights went green and wooooft the bus passed so fast. I was surprised and then heard the tires break and boom in a bike... He stayed on the ground without moving at all. 10m from the police station

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