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Posts posted by Espinete

  1. This happens a lot on forums like this one; Kurnell asks a relatively simple question, Brasco comes back with a long story including car washing or driving skills (?).

    -Burmese nanny's; dedicated to the work but often too scared to take responsibility to take a taxi to visit a doctor / hospital. Most of them are illegal here and the ones with a 'visa' ask incredible amounts not in line with the work.

    -Thai nanny's; enough dedicated if you keep being consequent and check regularly no negligence comes in......do not expect growing affection for your children. It is the salary what motivates.

    -Filippine nanny's; reliable, better communication skills and no easy job hoppers.

    -Khmer nanny's; idem Filippino's

    Nanny agencies; they promise 'the world' but better do your recruitment by yourself and place advertisements or ask your network.

  2. I remember a Dutch swimmer found couple of months ago on the Phuket coast dead with a huge injury in his neck.......only note from the police the man had a waterproof bag with some Alprazolams in it and most probably hit by a boat propeller. End of the story. If a police superintendent gets annoyed and has time to express his feelings about this video, perhaps a training in time-management and priority setting is something over there......?

  3. Okay, my Italian is not bad at all. Let me drop a phone call to Ferrari's head quarters and start the initiative followed by e-mails. I am prepared to put time in it and try to convince the name of a famous brand should not be matched anymore to Cavallino.

    Sure there are hundreds of potential candidates willing to start official dealership.

    Makes more sense to me to invest time in an online campaign for this then, let's say, Anuchit Pomthong and Nok with the 3 mobile toilets found in the south of Holland with Buddha images as decoration. I keep you all posted........"Manufacturer shall not be liable for damages resulting from Force Majeure, fires, floods, wars, sabotage, accidents, labor disputes or shortages, plant shutdown or equipment failure, voluntary or involuntary compliances with any law, order, rule or regulation of governmental agency or authority"......" Just a part from a dealeragreement.

  4. Can't Ferrari Italy please take the official importership away from this horrible family? First it was the security guard driving the thing, then a bunch of lying & cheating. Now after 9 months more investigation needed on the driven speed (assume the car had a board computer with average speed details etc. / or brake tracks on the tarmack). And what about the cocaine? Disgusting class justice.

  5. One shouldn't jump-start to conclusions. Chalerms RR is a resto-mod. It has been fitted with a Toyota 4 cilindre on NGV and only has the looks of RR. Gearbox is a 4 speed manual and the wood finish inside is plastic. And the private driver is an inflatable doll (forbidden by law in Thailand at least for sexual entertainment; they produce millions for export but not allowed to be sold here......).

  6. In Thailand all is possible; I remember my ex-wife phoning me in an enthousiastic tensed mood, she had been walking on the local market in Roi Et with our (then 1 year old) daughter. An older lady who just won a substantial amount in the lottery and who was building a big new house, offered my ex wife 1,000,000 Thb. for our girl. Because the mix of Asean - Western eyes were so beautiful........ My ex-wife considered the proposal seriously. Luckily I keep always all documents myself in a safe place such as birth cert. etc. Now I have custody over my daughter after paying approx. US$10,000 to the 'family'. Later a Thai man owning a construction firm once offered me money for my daughter: "we have two sons but I always wanted a daughter". Bless the day we both left Thailand........

  7. Most of the cars got their engines in flames....... Very strange. Why would some cars on a trailer have fire starting at the engine (at the same time). For me it looks more an insurance scam which suddenly draw attention now from Customs side. It is nonsense to say these kinds of cars can only run idle on eventual gas installation fitted. NGV / LPG generates better efficiency then petrol and with installation fitted you can turn the engine up to as much rev. as wished (for e.g. emission testing).

  8. "Where you come from?" 'I'm from jail' "Oh, long time?" 'Yes, long, 6 years' "What you do?" 'I am a very terrible child abuser' "Oh, you buy drink for me?" In our company I see resume's, resume's, resume's.......all applicants speak perfect English. Even approved by their 'university'. When it comes to the point, they do not have a clue where one is talking about.

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  9. Phnom Penh is horrible. Few years ago they stapled a 'warning' through the cover of your passport when collecting: "Never apply for visa again in Phnom Penh". And a red colored stamp through the visa itself: "Never apply for visa again in Phnom Penh". I checked, it was not only me, no all foreigners collecting their visa that day. First of all; I obeyed all law- & regulations as stated by the Thai Government. Nothing illegal. Just obey the pathetic rules to apply for a new visa. Secondly, they do not have the <deleted>..... right to damage my passport with stapling through the cover. Phnom Penh; fire some megalomanic 'officials' out of your offices and treat customers normal in the Thai way = polite with a smile............

  10. Does anyone take The Nation serious? Objectivity? Not present. I once gave them a 18 million baht fraude story 1st handed......no reaction, not interested, no investigation done. Because there were high level influences involved. The Nation buys interesting (international) articles from Agence France Presse, Reuters etc. and publishes. Fair enough. But to fill millimeters about TH they come with this cliche story about the Struggle against Corruption. And when there is a story to investigate they are not home......Good night.

  11. After 9 years here I think it is just the 'destiny believe' of Thais. Accident, bleeding, dying?......destination to a next life. Saw once 2 school children dead on the tarmack nearby Surin. The pick up had a minor collision with another car and both boys in schoool uniform were launched from the (unlashed) back of the pick up. 2 Completely unnecessary deaths. They lied there and nobody cared. No sheet, no protection from 'hungry photographers' with their imbecile smart phones. I agree with other posts; if you have a child and wish the best, get out of Thailand for her/his future. If you are alone, it is your choice.

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  12. As a test I once applied for an airport pass in the office down next to the Thai restaurant. They were very busy, didn't smile but after 20 minutes I got an airport pass valid for 4 hours!! You are able to pass Immigration without showing any doc's and can enter any pier / plane that you wish. Amazing. I tested it for 3 hours and then kept it at home as a souvenir. This airport is leak as a sponge and it is waiting for the 1st big terrorist blast. An El Al or Egypt Air plane..........

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