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Posts posted by gerry123

  1. I always carry an 18 watt fluorescent lamp (equivalent to 100 watts) to replace the dim bulb in the bedside lamp so I can read. The last hotel we stayed at In Krabi over Xmas had the bedside lamp by the TV. I had to pull the bed out from the wall to locate a receptacle and move a chair by the bed to get a reading lamp.


  2. I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

    But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

    Surely thats not so disturbing...

    In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

    second hand smoke within 30 meters.coffee1.gif

  3. Moving to Bangkok forum for local knowledge and imput.

    Sorry Charlie but you know as i do it is so easy to take said phone to any local shop for unblocking/factory restore

    new sim so location not relevant to the op the phone has gone go buy another sad but true world wide

  4. I wear rubber shoe shoes around the house because nothing seems to be grounded. If you don't, then you get a little tingle if you touch something metal that is plugged into a live power point. For example, Mr. Bitey always does a little shake when he climbs up onto the ovens to stay warm because he's getting a shock. But he persists. He's good at figuring out the exact time after the oven has been turned off to make his move. Never been burned, and he's willing to put up with a little shock to get warm. The calico climbed up on the oven once, trying to push Mr. Bitey off, got a shock and basically said "scr@w this". She's never gone back. Maybe that's why Mr. Bitely likes the top of the oven. To get away from her.

    attachicon.gifMr. Bitey on the oven.JPG

    Your cat needs to find somewhere warm in Thailand?

    it might be that if the electricals deteriorate further mr bitey will be toast

  5. i await the comments of the senior forum electrician/adviser to comment, i rather think that you will be told that you and all around you have caught thai ittus life seems to be so cheap considering a small professional rewire job in a wooden home would amount to approx 60.000 bht labour/materials

    I think 60K THB would be way above the requirement to re-wire most rural Thai homes. Most would just need proper sized wiring with circuits protected by RCD (Safe-T-Cut) and with radials to receptacles in all the convenient places so the terrible daisy-chain of extension wheels are not necessary. Ground would be a plus of course, but whatever. Just eliminate the crazy adaption of extension crap would be a big improvement.

    a small professional rewire job in a wooden home please re read

  6. fortunately this time my pension falls on a date not affected by uk or thai bank holidays however during the year it does get caught up in the system for instance pension gets early payment to avoid uk holidays the cti banking transfer system stops work weekends and b/holidays

    before i have experienced the normal transfer times ie 3 days plus up to 4 days when uk/thai holidays coincide presuming you have been receiving normally up to now you will just relax in the sunshine and wait

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