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Posts posted by gerry123

  1. A lot of money plus they will switch the diamonds if any good

    You will know where it was in America

    The repair stop the man who gives it to shipping company the people on the plane

    You will lucky if you get a ring of real gold

    Maybe Diamond already switch in America

    Good luck

    i have an acquaintance sounds just like you mr half empty all the info you gave maybe so but your experience of such matters is more than likely a big zero

  2. I have a Tuna that allows you to switch off the beep thing. As I have a reversing camera left it off.

    Fatal I reversed out of a Hotel car park didn't bother to look at camera. There was a small wall round a flower bed you've guessed it, clumped the rear not a lot of damage but there all the same.

    Now the Beep Beep is on permanently suggest you leave well alone. How often are you going backwards anyway.

    I opt for switching it off on the Tuna, for the reason that I've other cars that don't have the sensor beepers and therefore I don't get into the habit of relying on hearing the bleep. Of course this was only decided after having reversed one of the other cars into a post.

    Tuna,???keyboard malfunction rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif

  3. I think the biggest problem Thailand has is the country has so many dialets/ versions of the Thai language that the teachers teaching English in a provience school may/ likely come from the an area that their Thai is not fully understood by the students in the English class, much less their use of english.

    It is my opinion the teachers are not assigned to teach in areas where they are familiar with local (not their home provience) language althought its all referred to as Thai.

    So they are fighting 2 language barriers in many cases, thus a self infliicted hurddle that the ''brain trust'referred to as Ministery of Education seems to have overlooked .

    I have listened to some aussies, Irish, Welsh, etc speaking English that I could only pick up on /understand about 1/3 of what they were saying, much less understand what they meant. Just my thought on the topic.

    hey don't leave out the Devonians /and our mates the Cornish

  4. great idea if you are bright /intelligent enough to come up with an idea like that why can you not adapt that knowledge to

    the editing aspect ectfacepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    "...if you are bright /intelligent enough..."

    If he were, indeed. I think your sarcasm went over his head.

    i think you're correct but not written as sarcasm hence the smiley just a little banter

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