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Posts posted by gerry123

  1. .........................................i expect you already know shipping of gas containers is not allowed

    What? How mean! Next you'll tell me I can't bring explosives, drums of petrol etc!

    Seriously - yes, I got mobbed when I put two full 19kg bottles on Freegle here just to get rid of them.

    sorry i couldnt quite get your point or gist of your jest

  2. the only gas bottle regulators i have seen here are of the screw in type but having said that i have not looked around for any others

    there maybe camping shops that would sell the disposable type bottles with different connections

    my advice wpuld be to bring everyhing you have and hope they fit if not replacement valves do not seem to be exspensive here

    i expect you already know shipping of gas containers is not allowed

  3. Please, let's not let this thread wander off into all the usual stuff about agents and how it's better elsewhere.....etc. There are several other threads running that are more appropriate for those posts and it might be helpful for anyone else seeking the same information as I'm looking for to not have to wade through 8 or 9 pages!

    I really need to have my new extension tomorrow so all the alternatives are out. I don't mind doing an early morning once a year if necessary and really just wanted to get a feel for the time I should turn up at Promenada without either standing there on my own in the cold for a couple of hours or missing the boat and being handed ticket number 998.

    I do have a question: Do you get a number and then have to get a queue ticket later (as was the case at the airport) or do they hand out the numbers in some way that gives you an idea of the wait time so you can go off and do something useful?

    standing there on my own in the cold cheesy.gif cheesy.gif really come on now

  4. also good at Sakhon Nakon just completed my second and approved after just a few hours

    i realise that many applications have failed either at the first hurdle or even at the last ie getting final approved notice

    the only advise that i can offer is to be meticulously careful that all the data entry is a correctly correct

    its seems this may become L.O.S, second lottery i think given time the system wiil reach its running in time soon

    then all it needs then is to regulary servce and maintain maybe the last item is down to lottery luck also

  5. Lets spin the following question to the OP whats your reasoning for doing this ?

    Do you already run a sucesssful chain of restaurants in Aussie and wish to expand into Thailand ?

    Or is this just another variation on the classic cliche of buying a bar ?

    I am thinking of opening up a healthy restaurant/cafe with a nutrition friend of mine. I would like it to be in Phuket close to the where westerners go for bootcamp/physical training. We both have run businesses before. I love thailand - I love the climate/people and way of life. We don't want to be millionaires but want to make enough to cover our costs and live comfortably.

    And have you done your research to see if there are already similar business already being run ?

    " i love the climate/people and way of life" suggests to me you have spent that much time living in Thailand and certainly in Phuket which has some very dark under tones in the business work

    Yes I have done some research and visited the areas I like 4 x in the past 18 months. My main concerns are whether it is worth it and whether there are many obstacles that could be encountered.

    Any undertones you could warn me of? - I am open to all input. I don't want to make a decision about doing this without being informed.

    Any undertones you could warn me of? i think the post about shark cage should be suffient but companies do make good in Thailand but none in the in the cafe/ restaurantthat i know of

  6. I do believe that a special kind of brick are required .

    edit - bricks that will not explode in the heat

    if you get bricks that hot you will be cooking not smoking i constructed a smoker from concrete block for the fire box topped with a steel drum for the smoker part with a flue outlet the problem i found was scourceing the correct wood chips

  7. Beer was Chang - Draft, They served by the jug. and yes, the waiter didn't do me any favours. I left with a sway, but so, so happy. There is NO limit. There's no holding back here. Bye the way, the service was excellent. I tipped him 200B, Hmm! I must have been a little pissed. LOL.

    Yahoo, support so I can visit on a regular basis. Oh! Children only 189. but no beer. LOL.

    And the price for adults is ?

    BBQ seafood and unlimited Beer. B399gigglem.gif
  8. Very unusual here but yes its called nycon multimesh and is specifically used in connie to prevent plastic shrinkage and cracking.

    As a tensile reinforcement its useless so the base needs to be top notch

    connie ???? oz terminolgy i guess

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