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Everything posted by koele2

  1. These guys always have online problems when they launch something. The reason is very simple. The people they hire to handle all the online stuff are friends and/or some sort of kickback scheme is going on. They do not get the most competent people to do the job. Not all Thais are incompetent, only the ones that make it to the top. That’s the system they created for themselves.
  2. Chinese tourist money go to Chinese citizens operating Chinese tours for Chinese people in Thailand. Thais do benefit, but barely. Thais make more money off hippie backpackers than the Chinese tourists. Chinese tourists have awful reputations for a reason.
  3. This is not a public health safety issue. It’s a you did not pay off the right people issue. Very simple.
  4. This reads to me like that hotelier is saying foreigners are more responsible drinkers than regular Thai people, who can’t control themselves. This won’t be received too well.
  5. Most of the big wigs here never got past basic algebra in school. They all graduated top of their class in butt kissing and nepotism. That’s why we have millions of tourists expected to arrive next year apparently with no airplanes to transport them here.
  6. That safe country list looks a lot like the ones who spends the most money list. The US has a ton of documented cases and deaths, yet make the list. I’m not saying keep them off the list, I’m just saying relabel the list.
  7. That’s all he’s been working on these past few months. Getting Thailand off the UK list for banned travel. Great work!
  8. The guy loved money so much, he carried around 300,000 baht and still decided to rob a guy for MORE money. And he told his mom he was carrying around all that money, in case something happened to him.
  9. People who run this country don’t like to reinvest money into the country. Instead, they are more interested in buying nice cars and watches so their friends and underlings can be jealous of them.
  10. The sandbox is and always has been a scheme to keep money flowing to wealthy Thais first and let the other peons scramble for leftover scraps. Make tourists stay in a limited selection of expensive hotels for a set number of days, geez I wonder how you get selected to be one of the few hotels authorized to house tourists?
  11. The man is in his own home defending himself. Let’s see what the Thai authorities do and see if they try to spin this or not. Or try to extract money from the Swiss guy somehow before they make a decision.
  12. This is what happens when the powers that be hate foreigners but love their money. You get all these awful restrictions fearmongering about foreigners bringing in covid when it’s already spreading locally. Bite the bullet and vaccinate the population. But they always looking to skim and line their pockets, mucking up everything.
  13. People who have no abilities except butt kissing make it to the top here. That’s how you end up with that new slogan. I read it and shook my head.
  14. Whenever someone who hasn’t been to pattaya asks a question to someone who has been there, it’s not “where is a good place to eat?” or “what temples or beaches do you recommend?” it’s always some version of “Sex. Where? How much?” Won’t change no matter what they say.
  15. It’s the US senators fault. She should know to give a little extra on the side for some high ranking official and his friends who have to distribute this free vaccine. Whos getting paid? It’s hard to do all that work and get no compensation.
  16. The U.S senator forgot to make two photocopies of each page and then sign each page in blue ink. But seriously, she could have avoided all this misunderstanding if she had just figured out a way to funnel some money to certain people. It may be free vaccines for regular people, but someone high up gotta get paid. Otherwise what’s the point of public service?
  17. Yeah, but when the Chinese offered up sinovac to him, it was just some random rich Chinese guy looking to make some connections. And the vaccine wasn’t even donated! But when the Americans want to donate better vaccines, it has to go through the “proper” channels.
  18. A handful of positive covid cases from foreign tourists in Phuket and everyone gets all scared. Lock them down, don’t let them travel! Make them stay in govt approved hotels to keep the rich Thais happy, but also to stop the spread! Meanwhile, hundreds of local cases everyday, no one bats an eye. Is the virus more dangerous when a tourist has it but not a Thai? I guess so.
  19. How many policemen do you need for a reenactment of a murder? I guess the answer is 200. What if it’s just petty theft? 40 policemen?
  20. The powers that be don’t care if foreigners support the local economy. It doesn’t line their pockets. Or not enough. They want more. Money should not go to locals and working Thais, it has to all go to those in power. Nice watches aren’t cheap.
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