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Everything posted by koele2

  1. You just have to laugh. Pay us a million dollars so that you can work and make a million dollars in Thailand.
  2. It’s pretty obvious. The Thai govt does not trust people, Thai and foreign, to self quarantine if covid positive but asymptomatic. So they force all covid positive people to be isolated to keep it from spreading. They are correct to assume a big chunk of people will not follow the honor system and stay home for 14 days if covid positive. And so we are all stuck with this current policy.
  3. Shouldn’t it be called the test and go wander around for a few days, but don’t go too far, and then come back to test again program?
  4. You have to always assume the authorities are making decisions based on how to wring the most money out of the tourist. Health and safety is a distant second. If you look at things in those lens, everything will make sense and you will never shake your head in disgust and astonishment again!
  5. The wheels are already in motion for this guy to serve maximum 5 yrs in prison and then enjoy his freedom. Higher ups have picked which cars they liked and everything is in order. Just go through the motions, don’t rat on anybody, and he will be free in no time.
  6. Did he see how many cars Joe Ferrari had? All of Thailand saw it. What does he expect from the public when they see things like this?
  7. If the manager of the hotel is not the owner, the manager will probably be losing his job pretty soon. This is way too much negative press and the hotel is gonna lose customers. The hotels response went way past normal.
  8. Oh, so now they are cracking down? Maybe 30 years too late. Are they cracking down because it’s wrong, or because there’s no money in it for them, or because their country is known for it and it is an embarrassment? Sad the question even needs to be asked.
  9. They will make a show of it, but we all know they will be arresting the shops that haven’t paid up their bribes. Lower supply, demand stays the same, someone makes more money. Who could it be?
  10. Well, at least now they can blame omicron virus for poor tourist numbers instead of poor planning and governance. Another high season with low numbers. Oh, it was omicron virus fault, not ours with all the paperwork and rule changes every week that made tourist heads explode.
  11. I see he’s been using the North Korean dictator’s polling firm.
  12. Don’t worry, it’s all part of the plan to have only wealthy tourists come to Thailand. They only fly private jet, so nothing to worry about.
  13. They want the tourists, but not the ones that come for bang bang. Yet, this is the image they have sent out to the world for the last 40 years. This is what they are known for. And they willingly provide it with a wink and a nod. They complain about the image but really don’t do anything about it, so the sex tourists keep coming. It’s like the Catholic Church telling the world they don’t have a problem with priests and young boys, but everyone knows the what the deal is.
  14. Probably some connected rich kid got the contract to develop this latest round of tourist website. Got paid millions of baht, and the site works sometimes, doesn’t make any sense, and is pointless overall. All the bosses released it to the world because they know his father well.
  15. Useless kid never worked a day in his life can literally run over normal people with fancy cars and not suffer any consequences because his family is really really rich. Money drives everything here. Everything.
  16. Wonder why he’s smiling? Maybe he got a good deal on one of Joe Ferrari’s ferraris.
  17. Don’t worry, a deal has probably been made already. My guess is 5 yrs, all his fancy cars and money distributed to the higher ups, and he gets to keep a little when he gets out. All contingent upon him not ratting out his bosses and how rotten to the core everyone at his level or above are. If there was no video, he would have gone free.
  18. Wow, an actual video of policemen killing someone that is tied up, and they still haven’t been dismissed from the force? Wish they work as fast as when some students speak their mind. Priorities people!
  19. All these ministers and high level officials probably don’t even know one expat living here. Nor do they mingle with the foreign tourists. They stay in their comfy little bubble acting smart and important.
  20. He basically said Thai airways can mess up as much as they want, they will always be saved. Incompetence rewarded again.
  21. If everything had run smoothly with the Thai pass, the person in charge of it would have made all the other big wigs here look bad and lose face, thus earning a future demotion when least expected due to jealousy and fear of that persons competence. All Thai big wigs intuitively know this. This is the way it is and always will be.
  22. These guys always have online problems when they launch something. The reason is very simple. The people they hire to handle all the online stuff are friends and/or some sort of kickback scheme is going on. They do not get the most competent people to do the job. Not all Thais are incompetent, only the ones that make it to the top. That’s the system they created for themselves.
  23. Chinese tourist money go to Chinese citizens operating Chinese tours for Chinese people in Thailand. Thais do benefit, but barely. Thais make more money off hippie backpackers than the Chinese tourists. Chinese tourists have awful reputations for a reason.
  24. This is not a public health safety issue. It’s a you did not pay off the right people issue. Very simple.
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