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Everything posted by koele2

  1. Could be a case of mass suicide. Either they are religious nuts or maybe money issues. Or someone poisoned them. Who knows. Let’s see what the authorities say. Surprised PM had to talk about the effect on tourism. Always about money for these guys.
  2. Pretty sure if he pays enough money to the right people, he will be given a stern warning and set free. No one really got hurt. Money makes important people happy here. This is the way.
  3. Can someone walk me through the printing up tm30. I just got back, input myself into tm30 system, but can’t figure out how to export and print up at home. It isn’t working for some reason. Do not want to go to immigration and ask them to print up if I don’t have to.
  4. Did I read that correctly? 17 year old mother and 30 year old grandmother? Wow!
  5. If they don’t throw them in jail, those Chinese guys gonna tell their mafia friends they can buy off the police in Thailand and then we are going to see worse things happening. Thai authorities better take control or else Chinese and Russian gangs going to run things here with more violence.
  6. Chinese gangs have infiltrated Thailand and myanmar. They run those call scam centers with human slaves, probably branching off into other illegal schemes. The gangs work with or pay off local police so they think they can just sexually assault the women here and do what they like. Thailand needs to crack down on these criminals instead of accepting their bribe money.
  7. The messed up thing about this whole farce is the family actually believes they have been wronged. Remember, if you hit and kill a cop in Thailand, you should be able to get away with it if you have enough money. In Thailand, this is the way. This is the society they have created.
  8. Please let the cigarette companies first decide where they are losing the most money before coming up with a final policy on e cigs. We have to make sure the Thai cig makers get their money and of course the politicians they pay off. Only then will a good e cig policy be made. Maybe just figure out how to give them a cut, then the kids can smoke e cigs all they want.
  9. An educated population is NOT what the elites running this country want. Never have, never will. The goal is to keep them as servants to the super rich. That’s it.
  10. Most European countries get 6 weeks paid vacation. On top of holidays. And pensions. How much work do they really do compared to Thais?
  11. Why should van driver be held responsible for her death? She is a pedestrian, which means she had no car and therefore no money. Not an important person if she is walking. Only poor people walk, and poor people are worth less than rich people, who have money and status. If you have a car and money, then you are more important than pedestrians.
  12. Did they file their tm30? And they better report every 90 days!
  13. All the Thais are saying it was the rich family’s son who did it. Probably because he lost face or some dumb reason where he didn’t get what he wanted from her. Lots of witnesses but no one came forward. Too scared. That island is run by mafia Thais from what everyone is saying. The family or families own the cops, the govt officials, the land, everything. But farangs don’t know this so they keep going for the nice beaches. And then some get drugged and raped, even killed. All the Thais and long time expats know the stories about koh tao.
  14. This is a case where the truth will not matter. A farang has a Thai cop in a headlock. They cannot lose face like that. Once they avoided the police checkpoint and the cop chased them, it was bad enough. That picture will seal their fate, regardless of circumstances. Pictures of tourists with the cop in a headlock is very bad.
  15. The only logical step for the Thai govt to take is to legalize gambling. This will keep the masses entertained and hopeful while the rich get richer. The destruction of families and meager savings of regular people has never been something to stop the rich from accumulating more wealth. That has never been a concern, so of course gambling will be legalized in Thailand. The right people will get rich off of it.
  16. Why should the authorities do anything about the pollution if they are receiving tons of money from the polluters? The common peasants don’t pay them anything, but the rich families and companies give them so much to look the other way while they pollute. This allows them to buy nice things like houses and watches. Oh, and nice cars too.
  17. At least the Chinese men are letting the female fetuses live by abandoning the mothers, instead of aborting. So that is a step in the right direction for Chinese society.
  18. They want tourists spending more per day because that means they are spending on higher end stuff. The stuff them and their cronies own and run. When tourists spend less per day, that means more going to regular working Thais with no connections. Can’t have the less wealthy Thais making more money than them and their buddies.
  19. Why did China have to make an announcement? They could have easily got their way by just paying off people who can do this. They would have gladly taken the money and do what they were told. They love money.
  20. Somebody higher up with lots of money always lets it be known that their interests will be affected if they stop the burning in certain areas, so the authorities let it go and crack down on some poor farmer. And so we breathe the same polluted air every year so some billionaire families can make their profits and the cops get their picture taken with a lowly farmer with the headline of cracking down on pollution.
  21. Might be a Thai thing, of course not all of them, but I would say maybe more than you would like. It was like a disdain for my appearance. Like that is more important than a kids life, because now I look ridiculous with all the wet clothes. It was not a look of relief on his face. It wasn’t his kid, it was someone else’s. Made me realize what a certain segment of the population places their values. Sad really.
  22. I was once at a house get together for kids both Thai and farang with a pool. All the kids were excited to go swimming. One little Thai girl jumped in without any floaties and just started sinking. None of the other adults were paying attention. I couldn’t reach her so I had to jump in with my clothes on, phone, keys, to save her. I got out soaking wet, stuff ruined, but saved the little girl from definite drowning. One of the Thai fathers looked at me like I was disgusting since I was soaking wet. Like I was embarrassing myself. I’ll never forget that look on his face. And he knew I just saved the kid from drowning.
  23. Putin can come to Thailand and meet with all the draft dodgers. He can hear their concerns and address their fears. Or he might just poison them all.
  24. Do these captured or killed Thais have any money or high status? If not, why would Thai authorities care about them?
  25. Just let him go and stop wasting everyone’s time.
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