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Posts posted by Wei

  1. If you don't have the skills to make yourself easily employable or the bank roll to do your own thing, Thailand can be cruel and quality of life poor. Just ask a few English teachers.

    This is not only in Thailand, its in every country. I guess you still need to have some money to live comfortably, but of course the amount of money will depend on how much and what will make you feel happy.

    Well working in Bangkok is definitely less stressful compared to back home, and your colleagues can be helpful in a truthful way (without politics etc). But then again, that's only my personal experience. work on weekdays and enjoy  the weekends... there are so many interesting things to see.... or get involve in some volunteery job... em.. talking abuot that.. anyone has any suggestion on that.... ?

    At the end of the day, Thailand shows you what life can be even though you don't have a big car and a grand palace to live it.  :o

    It's the strive for a great career so you can prepare for the future, but everyone seems to forget the present except the Thai's, this is something i've noticed.

    I like that! taht is soooooooooo true......

    Qestion to those with kids, do you feel that your children will have a cool childhood in thailand compared to back home? Since most kids back home will be playing with play station these days... don't think so that's a memorable childhood hey? I think kids growing up here will have a wider perpestive about life overall.....

  2. It depends on individual what they want in life, I supposed most of us who chose to settle down in Thailand would want something different than just bigger car and house.

    Some people feel content by being satisfied with big car and house, but some don't.

    As for me personally, I do feel that by staying in Thailand, it makes one more down to earth and you tend to appreciate everything more.  :o

  3. Permission to post? Oh just post it  :o It's always good to get recomendation from people who experienced.  

    Pronounciation is one thing, intonation is another. If I am not mistaken I think there are 5 of it. Sometimes you will be amazed how different tone carries DIFFERENT meaning. Have two thai friends who I live with, their English is not so good, so the only language we all seem to be improving is sign language! hahaha...  :laugh:

    I will check out the pocket dictionary and do what keestha said.

    Thanks a lot ppl!

  4. Hahah thanks a lot for the tips guys! I do agree that it will be easier to befriend with a Thai, but was thinking on learning how to read and write as well since I will be posted here for some time. Dead serious about learning Thai. Just dont want anymore hassles in explaining why I don't speak Thai when I look so Thai :o
  5. Nat is right, I didn't mean it in the bad way.  :D Yeah some of the gay guys who look gay might be fairly open with it, but what I meant are those who look so NOT gay, don't act gay, never want to let people know they are gay, that we should look out and be careful with. Most of the time, they are using a gf/wife as a cover up.  :o
  6. Most of my Thai gfs says that many gay Thai men are  married and have kids cos they can't stand the family pressure. Guess you will just have to be extra careful and go with your girl instinct.

    Also, are we talkign about thai men in general or just those you met in the bar? THink it will make any difference with those more educated and has a profession?

  7. simonpayne17 sure has the point! If these girls have the choice, they wouldn't want to be with those fat and ugly men! Bad girls? Well you get them everywhere, but the worse are to be found in Singapore and Malaysia when it comes to money! At least Thai girls treat you with more respect!
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