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Everything posted by bogozy

  1. Sir! You are right. This is the situation. I am adding, the palestin (arab) terrorists are financed by arab and western countries. The terror leaders became millionaries, the killers, and their families have got monthly allowance, from the terror leaders. Israel did withdrawed from Gaza, let Gaza alone has given them freedom. No any reasons to attack Israel, from Gaza. The mainstream antisemite propaganda machine turn up the victim and perpetrator roles, within some days. A lot of antisemites accept those lies, happily
  2. The area of sugar cane plantations extended só much. This sugar shortage is only a fake speculation, for driver up the prices.
  3. If the population is declining in some countries, why would extinct the mankind? We are overpopulated át this time. The normal population of mankind are about 500 million. For this size, the nature can provide, organise food, and all necessary resources, without overload the nature
  4. I no understand the thai government immigration policies. They want, only accept the wealthiest immigrants. The required income, or bank deposit irreally high. With a month per income of 20.000, or bankdeposit of 200.000 a lot of more people can settle at here, and generating much more income for the thai people, and for the government too.
  5. If somebody divorced, and should like to renew his marriage visa, is risky, because the immigration office ask the fresh confirmation document, issued b Amphur, the marriage are live. I was visited the Amphur, ask the new marriage certification. (K ror. 2.) Just 20 thb .
  6. Thai Visa Centre is a good visa agent.
  7. Turn tó the THAI VISA CENTRE agency. They offer help, tó solve overstay problems
  8. Where are You living?
  9. A possible explanation for his situation. Tó renew the visa, is a hassle. The immigration put pressure, for get tea money. My wife, has given me an advice, no gő immigration tó arrange new visa, you can live my small village, peaceful, until die. This seems stupid. Any changes, or unforeseen matters, ruining the farang's life. Ending ín the detention. :(
  10. You are right. I see everyday, the farangs are adapting very well to they thai driving habit. No helmet, no attention, speeding, no driving licence, and a lot of case no any motorcycle driving skills. Reckless drive is common, also.
  11. One of my friend has got a direct offer, from his local Immigration officer, he does make everything for his retired visa, on a smooth, hassle free way. Only 20.000 THB. He went there, with all necessary documents, and real financial proof, for renewing his retirement visa.
  12. What is the reason of acidic reflux? The intake valve of stomach is not close properly. This valve is closing better, if the acid volume in the stomach is bigger, this is triggering a perfect close. It is my experience. So eat a lot of sour, acidic food. All time, of you feel the reflux, immediately drink a half glass of pure water, to flush back the refluxed food.
  13. You was not informed, about the correct use of bum gun. My first was to apply one bum gun, into my home toilet, in Hungary. This is the most higinic way to clean the bum.
  14. The paramotor give a freedom, to ascend high. Contrary most of paramotor pilots likes to fly very low, just 10-20 meters above ground. Any mistake, or engine fail has serious consequence
  15. Simple, ín the airports, they are using the flight boarding pass, As an entry slip
  16. I did gear, the best, and cheaper solution of an accident, if the victim is dead. The driver can settle the compensation with the family, one time. If the victim survived, and going to be disabled, need to pay compensation at every months, till his/her end of life
  17. I make a visit to the local Immigration Office. The clerk offered meg his service, arranging meg the 90 days reports, at 1000 thb per Year cost. I asked some time, think about it. ????
  18. I am sure this case was not the first for the property owner. I am understanding his immense anger, when he has got caught the culprit. The accumulated feelings erupted. Why go to steal the man? Why no go to doctor? I mean, the true victim is the owner of the plantation. The police no any respond for these "small" cases.
  19. Yes, the same drunk drive "accidents" happened every day, dozens. The driver and victim are thai citizens, no any front line sensation.
  20. I travelled a lot of. All airlines need to see the passangers passports and all necessary documents, what are required by the countries of departure, and destinations. If they get boarding somebody, without proper papers, the destination country has the right, to force the airline, carry back the passanger into the departure country. So the airlines are working as the frontline immigration offices, indeed. They have the responsibilities.
  21. The western activists of PETA go for horse riding, keep pet animals in the small flats, birds in cages, no let them to live their natural lifes. After turning againist the coconut picker monkeys.
  22. I do not know who has the responsibility for this accident. I see, every day, the farangs are adapting very fast to the thai driving style. Motorcycle riders no wear helmet, the farangs no any afraids to drunken driving, and so on. When a farang is the victim, the voices go up loud, and angryness is spread.
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