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  1. It would probably be cheaper to supply the farmers up north with nitrate fertiliser to be used to Mak compost from their crop waste. They get fertiliser for their next crop and reduce the particulates in the air. A WIN WIN Situation!
  2. The authorities are probably regretting not encouraging the public to switch to electric cars!
  3. Six years ago I gave a five-day training course on LNG to EGAT middle managers. At the end of the course I suggested that they should also be thinking about solar power farms. They would have paid for themselves twice over by now!
  4. The old adage mentioning stones and glass houses comes to mind here!
  5. Noticeable that they don’t appear to be doing the same with the Thai motorcycle drivers who have removed the baffles from the motorbike exhaust. Classic case is several in Khao Talo who drive up and down late at night keeping people awake.
  6. So now we know what all the protagonists stand for. They can ban MFP and its leaders but the people know what MFP stands for and hopefully will vote accordingly in the next election with an even larger majority which cannot be ignored or put down. Wherever you go in the world money talks louder than anything else. As long as the population is living well they will not stand up to the greedy bureaucrats.
  7. I just tried to book flights to Phuket for next week. Tried the Thai Airways site with different browsers. Locked out. Then tried with the App on my phone - same again. So I thought I would try the call centre in Bangkok. Hanging on for 20 mins with no answer. So just how do I book a flight with Thai Airways??!!
  8. They clearly have not flown with many other airlines!
  9. It was bad enough when unsolicited adverts started appearing on your news pages. The saving grace was that we could shut them down. Unfortunately, we now have a pop-up appearing at the bottom of the page which we cannot eliminate. Shameful lack of consideration for your readers.
  10. It has been said many times... 'Nobody is above the law'. However, in Thailand it is a case of whether you can pay so that the wealthy get away with all sorts.
  11. It's a sadly oft-repeated story. UK nationals paid into their social security religiously over many years with the contributions being index-linked. It is unjust that our pensions are not index linked in Thailand. Retired UK expats here are being recommended to register for a postal vote for the upcoming general election so that they can vote for the party which supports index linking of pensions.
  12. This is another major hit on retirees. Medical insurance becomes harder to obtain as we get older. Often, due to existing medical conditions, eg, knee surgery, hip surgery, heart attacks, kidney/gaul stones, etc, the list of exclusions is so long that it is hardly worth bothering with. The premium is excessive and there is usually a very high excess/deductable. I believe it should be sufficient to show that you have sufficient funds to cover medical emergencies. This is another case of the government providing income for the insurance companies. What are they going to do if I fail to prove I have medical insurance? I have already spent a fortune in the hospitals here on such afflictions as those above!
  13. I wish you would stop with this article as it is only causing panic. These laws have been in place for a long time but never enforced as I believe the Government realises that this would 'kill the goose that laid the golden egg'. Even though they do not get any income from taxing us expats they benefit in many other ways.
  14. Some people have no scruples and will do anything for money. Hope the animals can recover and lead a happier life. It is the Chinese desire for tiger parts which fund such activities.
  15. This idiot should be castrated so that he cannot produce offspring!
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