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Posts posted by Rogergreybeard

  1. Note that the father and son team were not as innocent as it seems. The son grabbing the head of the tuk-tuk driver, who may not have known what was going to happen seems ridiculous. It would have been one thing for him to attack one of the staff like that, but the tuk-tuk driver? No wonder this whole thing escalated. If the father and son team had simply negotiated their bill, even if they had become a bit angry but as long as they didn't become aggressive, this could have been settled in much more civilized fashion.

    Luckily for this father and son combo, the perpetrators were fined and they were given a slap on the wrist fine of 100 Baht.

    It's always violence that somehow causes these kinds of incidents to escalate. No surprises there I guess.

  2. Note that the father and son team were not as innocent as it seems. The son grabbing the head of the tuk-tuk driver, who may not have known what was going to happen seems ridiculous. It would have been one thing for him to attack one of the staff like that, but the tuk-tuk driver? No wonder this whole thing escalated. If the father and son team had simply negotiated their bill, even if they had become a bit angry but as long as they didn't become aggressive, this could have been settled in much more civilized fashion.

    Luckily for this father and son combo, the perpetrators were fined and they were given a slap on the wrist fine of 100 Baht.

    It's always violence that somehow causes these kinds of incidents to escalate. No surprises there I guess.

  3. Note that the father and son team were not as innocent as it seems. The son grabbing the head of the tuk-tuk driver, who may not have known what was going to happen seems ridiculous. It would have been one thing for him to attack one of the staff like that, but the tuk-tuk driver? No wonder this whole thing escalated. If the father and son team had simply negotiated their bill, even if they had become a bit angry but as long as they didn't become aggressive, this could have been settled in much more civilized fashion.

    Luckily for this father and son combo, the perpetrators were fined and they were given a slap on the wrist fine of 100 Baht.

    It's always violence that somehow causes these kinds of incidents to escalate. No surprises there I guess.

  4. Where does the money go to buy new garbage trucks??? Where does the money go for garbage bins???, Mind you would have to bolt them to the ground,where does the money go for Labor??? Sorry can't find Thais to do that job??? And besides thai people don't give a shit, unwrap throw on ground, throw on beach, go for swim come out with all sorts of skin problems, see it everywhere, the amount of shit in the water,oh,sorry and the oil and other substances from food stalls,just take a drive one big cesspit everywhere teaching starts with the children, oh sorry

  5. The two Chinese Americans accused of this horrific attack were out on bail - with the condition only urgent travel was allowed. Now they've both gone home and one is at Cornell University (wonder if daddy made a donation to some research or endowment?).

    The Kiwi-Jap "witness" seems to have been discredited - no charges for wasting police time, making false charges, trying to pervert the course of justice?

    Welcome to justice Thai style. Doesn't matter who did what, whose guilty or innocent, what the truth is. Who has the most money and can spread some around trumps everything!

    Keywords "millionaire father"".

    Will these boys come back for their trial - like hell. If the trial ever does surface, will Thailand request extradition - like hell. All be swept under the carpet. Usual Thai tactic, fabricate a counter charge, lie and then try to negotiate.

    Feel sorry for Jack - his chance of seeing these thugs actually punished is about zero. Maybe he can bring civil actions for damages?

    And remember. when this happened Jack's mum appealed to the PM. Who said he would personally ensure justice was served and requested regular updates on the case proceedings and progress.

    Another strong message to all - the rich and their offspring are not subject to the law. That's only applicable to police everyone else.

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